Santorum Wants to Enslave People Who Have Unconventional Sex

Awwww...look. You continue to post thinking the last person to post "wins". That's so cute. Meanwhile, the actual discussion has whithered because once several of us presented arguments you couldnt refute, you devolved into this.

Well maybe not devolved. You were already at this level.
Are you ever actually going to accomplish something to merit the level of arrogance you display? Please note that "being a liberal" isn't really an accomplishment.

I always thought it was more or less treatable.
Awwww...look. You continue to post thinking the last person to post "wins". That's so cute. Meanwhile, the actual discussion has whithered because once several of us presented arguments you couldnt refute, you devolved into this.

Well maybe not devolved. You were already at this level.
Are you ever actually going to accomplish something to merit the level of arrogance you display? Please note that "being a liberal" isn't really an accomplishment.

I've accomplished more than you ever will, buddy. The places I've been published, the degrees I've achieved, the court arguments I've won, the ladies I've loved, the athletic achievements,...etc.

The circle jerk going on between you and The Rabbi is epic. Great job at continuing to keep the focus off the main topic...since you've lost.

But handgun carry permit isn't good in CA either. So don't give me full faith and credit.
No one is denying you civil rights. They are denying you extra rights, that the rest of us don't have. Please explain why someone should get extra rights because he likes to screw men.

Extra rights? Where the fuck do you come up with extra? I hear this shit all the time. Gays want special rights. No they don't. If you'd let them do what everybody else gets to do...marry the person of their choice...there wouldnt be a problem.

But, as we see, you want to penalize them for what you perceive to be their evil agenda. Pathetic.

AS mentioned ad nauseam and never refuted, gays have exactly the same rights as straight people. There are no differences, none. So if they want some other right, that is an additional one. Just by definition.

Look. Douchetool. They should have the same right to marry whomever they choose, but they don't. You keep repeating that they do, but obviously they don't otherwise they'd be able to walk into an office of the Justice O' the Peace and get hitched.

All males and All females are being denied the ability to do this. What you're saying is that all males are being equally discriminated against...which may be equality (of sorts) when comparing one group (males to other males), but not when comparing straights to gays.

I've given up on you actually wrapping your pitiful mind around all this. I'm just batting you around at this point.
Awwww...look. You continue to post thinking the last person to post "wins". That's so cute. Meanwhile, the actual discussion has whithered because once several of us presented arguments you couldnt refute, you devolved into this.

Well maybe not devolved. You were already at this level.
Are you ever actually going to accomplish something to merit the level of arrogance you display? Please note that "being a liberal" isn't really an accomplishment.

I always thought it was more or less treatable.
It takes effort on the part of the patient. I grew out of my liberalism. It required waking up and paying attention.

Some people are reluctant to do that.
Awwww...look. You continue to post thinking the last person to post "wins". That's so cute. Meanwhile, the actual discussion has whithered because once several of us presented arguments you couldnt refute, you devolved into this.

Well maybe not devolved. You were already at this level.
Are you ever actually going to accomplish something to merit the level of arrogance you display? Please note that "being a liberal" isn't really an accomplishment.

I've accomplished more than you ever will, buddy. The places I've been published, the degrees I've achieved, the court arguments I've won, the ladies I've loved, the athletic achievements,...etc.
Yeah, yeah. Were you aware that anyone can say anything on the internet? True story!

The circle jerk going on between you and The Rabbi is epic. Great job at continuing to keep the focus off the main topic...since you've lost.

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't been discussing the main topic, genius. I gave my views on it pages ago. I sometimes find it more entertaining to discuss the personalities of the people involved in the discussion. People are fascinating. And few are more fascinating...and entertaining...than those who proclaim victory because they say so.

Poking holes in stuffed shirts is fun. :lol:
June 12, 2011

QUESTION: Do you believe that there should be any legal exceptions for rape or incest when it comes to abortion?

SANTORUM: I believe that life begins at conception, and that that life should be guaranteed under the Constitution. That is a person.

QUESTION: So even in the case of rape or incest, that would be taking a life?

SANTORUM: That would be taking a life, and I believe that any doctor that performs an abortion, I would advocate that any doctor that performs an abortion, should be criminally charged for doing so.


Are you ever actually going to accomplish something to merit the level of arrogance you display? Please note that "being a liberal" isn't really an accomplishment.

I've accomplished more than you ever will, buddy. The places I've been published, the degrees I've achieved, the court arguments I've won, the ladies I've loved, the athletic achievements,...etc.
Yeah, yeah. Were you aware that anyone can say anything on the internet? True story!

The circle jerk going on between you and The Rabbi is epic. Great job at continuing to keep the focus off the main topic...since you've lost.

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't been discussing the main topic, genius. I gave my views on it pages ago. I sometimes find it more entertaining to discuss the personalities of the people involved in the discussion. People are fascinating. And few are more fascinating...and entertaining...than those who proclaim victory because they say so.

Poking holes in stuffed shirts is fun. :lol:

So you challenge me on what I've accomplished, then you turn around and talk about how everything I'm saying is unprovable? Of course it is, dipshit. Nor do I care wtf you think about me. You're the fat bastard with a bad haircut that got what you asked for.

Btw, I've already noted that you havent been discussing the main topic. You're not alerting me to anything new.

The thread's been over. I'm just pissing on your grave now.
Awwww...look. You continue to post thinking the last person to post "wins". That's so cute. Meanwhile, the actual discussion has whithered because once several of us presented arguments you couldnt refute, you devolved into this.

Well maybe not devolved. You were already at this level.
Are you ever actually going to accomplish something to merit the level of arrogance you display? Please note that "being a liberal" isn't really an accomplishment.

I've accomplished more than you ever will, buddy. The places I've been published, the degrees I've achieved, the court arguments I've won, the ladies I've loved, the athletic achievements,...etc.

The circle jerk going on between you and The Rabbi is epic. Great job at continuing to keep the focus off the main topic...since you've lost.

Extra rights? Where the fuck do you come up with extra? I hear this shit all the time. Gays want special rights. No they don't. If you'd let them do what everybody else gets to do...marry the person of their choice...there wouldnt be a problem.

But, as we see, you want to penalize them for what you perceive to be their evil agenda. Pathetic.

AS mentioned ad nauseam and never refuted, gays have exactly the same rights as straight people. There are no differences, none. So if they want some other right, that is an additional one. Just by definition.

Look. Douchetool. They should have the same right to marry whomever they choose, but they don't. You keep repeating that they do, but obviously they don't otherwise they'd be able to walk into an office of the Justice O' the Peace and get hitched.

All males and All females are being denied the ability to do this. What you're saying is that all males are being equally discriminated against...which may be equality (of sorts) when comparing one group (males to other males), but not when comparing straights to gays.

I've given up on you actually wrapping your pitiful mind around all this. I'm just batting you around at this point.

You and I dont have the right to marry anyone we want, "counselor". Why should fudgepackers? That would be giving them extra rights, something pointed out and never refuted.
Are you really supposed to be a lawyer? That's a laugh and a half.
"Your honor, my client is right because I say so and I've had articles published and you're just an ignorant douchebag."
Yeah. That's the ticket.
What a maroon.
Are you ever actually going to accomplish something to merit the level of arrogance you display? Please note that "being a liberal" isn't really an accomplishment.

I've accomplished more than you ever will, buddy. The places I've been published, the degrees I've achieved, the court arguments I've won, the ladies I've loved, the athletic achievements,...etc.

The circle jerk going on between you and The Rabbi is epic. Great job at continuing to keep the focus off the main topic...since you've lost.

AS mentioned ad nauseam and never refuted, gays have exactly the same rights as straight people. There are no differences, none. So if they want some other right, that is an additional one. Just by definition.

Look. Douchetool. They should have the same right to marry whomever they choose, but they don't. You keep repeating that they do, but obviously they don't otherwise they'd be able to walk into an office of the Justice O' the Peace and get hitched.

All males and All females are being denied the ability to do this. What you're saying is that all males are being equally discriminated against...which may be equality (of sorts) when comparing one group (males to other males), but not when comparing straights to gays.

I've given up on you actually wrapping your pitiful mind around all this. I'm just batting you around at this point.

You and I dont have the right to marry anyone we want, "counselor". Why should fudgepackers? That would be giving them extra rights, something pointed out and never refuted.
You just forgot to post those extra rights, this time....right?

Are you ever actually going to accomplish something to merit the level of arrogance you display? Please note that "being a liberal" isn't really an accomplishment.

I've accomplished more than you ever will, buddy. The places I've been published, the degrees I've achieved, the court arguments I've won, the ladies I've loved, the athletic achievements,...etc.

The circle jerk going on between you and The Rabbi is epic. Great job at continuing to keep the focus off the main topic...since you've lost.

AS mentioned ad nauseam and never refuted, gays have exactly the same rights as straight people. There are no differences, none. So if they want some other right, that is an additional one. Just by definition.

Look. Douchetool. They should have the same right to marry whomever they choose, but they don't. You keep repeating that they do, but obviously they don't otherwise they'd be able to walk into an office of the Justice O' the Peace and get hitched.

All males and All females are being denied the ability to do this. What you're saying is that all males are being equally discriminated against...which may be equality (of sorts) when comparing one group (males to other males), but not when comparing straights to gays.

I've given up on you actually wrapping your pitiful mind around all this. I'm just batting you around at this point.

You and I dont have the right to marry anyone we want, "counselor". Why should fudgepackers? That would be giving them extra rights, something pointed out and never refuted.
Are you really supposed to be a lawyer? That's a laugh and a half.
"Your honor, my client is right because I say so and I've had articles published and you're just an ignorant douchebag."
Yeah. That's the ticket.
What a maroon.

You keep sidestepping and willfully ignoring my responses. I'm not surprised, as you'd never admit to being wrong.

The comparison you continue to use is male to male. That's not the issue. The comparison you SHOULD BE MAKING...but are too much of an intellectual coward to between straight people and gay people.

That makes the 9000th time I've pointed that out. Maybe 9001 will penetrate. I think you like your ass penetrated actually. Your circle jerk buddy Daveman said so.
I've accomplished more than you ever will, buddy. The places I've been published, the degrees I've achieved, the court arguments I've won, the ladies I've loved, the athletic achievements,...etc.

The circle jerk going on between you and The Rabbi is epic. Great job at continuing to keep the focus off the main topic...since you've lost.

Look. Douchetool. They should have the same right to marry whomever they choose, but they don't. You keep repeating that they do, but obviously they don't otherwise they'd be able to walk into an office of the Justice O' the Peace and get hitched.

All males and All females are being denied the ability to do this. What you're saying is that all males are being equally discriminated against...which may be equality (of sorts) when comparing one group (males to other males), but not when comparing straights to gays.

I've given up on you actually wrapping your pitiful mind around all this. I'm just batting you around at this point.

You and I dont have the right to marry anyone we want, "counselor". Why should fudgepackers? That would be giving them extra rights, something pointed out and never refuted.
Are you really supposed to be a lawyer? That's a laugh and a half.
"Your honor, my client is right because I say so and I've had articles published and you're just an ignorant douchebag."
Yeah. That's the ticket.
What a maroon.

You keep sidestepping and willfully ignoring my responses. I'm not surprised, as you'd never admit to being wrong.

The comparison you continue to use is male to male. That's not the issue. The comparison you SHOULD BE MAKING...but are too much of an intellectual coward to between straight people and gay people.

That makes the 9000th time I've pointed that out. Maybe 9001 will penetrate. I think you like your ass penetrated actually. Your circle jerk buddy Daveman said so.

Your responses are absurd, incomplete and logically incoherent. And that's when you aren't insulting other people or crowing about your (non-existent) intellectual achievements.
Men (and women) have rights in this country. Gays do not have rights. Straights do not have rights. Only men and women.
Makes you wonder how he'd want this enforced. Perhaps create a Department of Peeping Toms to watch people get it on (gay men especially) and find out where their johnson ends up.

Sounds like if Santorum wants this sort of thing monitored he's the perfect case of closeted politician trying to go overboard on his policies to make sure people don't find out what he's hiding.
Makes you wonder how he'd want this enforced. Perhaps create a Department of Peeping Toms to watch people get it on (gay men especially) and find out where their johnson ends up.

Sounds like if Santorum wants this sort of thing monitored he's the perfect case of closeted politician trying to go overboard on his policies to make sure people don't find out what he's hiding.

Want what enforced? The ability fo the states to decide what laws they want? I guess it would be widely known.
Makes you wonder how he'd want this enforced. Perhaps create a Department of Peeping Toms to watch people get it on (gay men especially) and find out where their johnson ends up.

Sounds like if Santorum wants this sort of thing monitored he's the perfect case of closeted politician trying to go overboard on his policies to make sure people don't find out what he's hiding.

Want what enforced? The ability fo the states to decide what laws they want? I guess it would be widely known.

The ability for states to input anti-sodomy laws, as we both know is what Santorum is advocating.
Makes you wonder how he'd want this enforced. Perhaps create a Department of Peeping Toms to watch people get it on (gay men especially) and find out where their johnson ends up.

Sounds like if Santorum wants this sort of thing monitored he's the perfect case of closeted politician trying to go overboard on his policies to make sure people don't find out what he's hiding.

Want what enforced? The ability fo the states to decide what laws they want? I guess it would be widely known.

The ability for states to input anti-sodomy laws, as we both know is what Santorum is advocating.

Actually he isn't. But you knew that.

States had anti sodomy laws for years before Loving. No one seemed to have an issue with it.
Want what enforced? The ability fo the states to decide what laws they want? I guess it would be widely known.

The ability for states to input anti-sodomy laws, as we both know is what Santorum is advocating.

Actually he isn't. But you knew that.

States had anti sodomy laws for years before Loving. No one seemed to have an issue with it.

States had anti-sodomy laws before Loving?!? WTF are you talking about? What does the SCOTUS ruling striking down anti-miscegenation laws have to do with the sodomy laws?

To say "no one had a problem" with the anti-sodomy laws is ludicrous. Of course they did or they wouldn't have been challenged and overturned by the SCOTUS.
The ability for states to input anti-sodomy laws, as we both know is what Santorum is advocating.

Actually he isn't. But you knew that.

States had anti sodomy laws for years before Loving. No one seemed to have an issue with it.

States had anti-sodomy laws before Loving?!? WTF are you talking about? What does the SCOTUS ruling striking down anti-miscegenation laws have to do with the sodomy laws?

To say "no one had a problem" with the anti-sodomy laws is ludicrous. Of course they did or they wouldn't have been challenged and overturned by the SCOTUS.
Not Loving, Lawrence. My bad.
Prior to 2003 states had such laws for probably 150 years. No, no one had a problem with them. They were challenged probably by "gay" activists. If anyone had had a problem, the legislatures would have repealed them.
You and I dont have the right to marry anyone we want, "counselor". Why should fudgepackers? That would be giving them extra rights, something pointed out and never refuted.
Are you really supposed to be a lawyer? That's a laugh and a half.
"Your honor, my client is right because I say so and I've had articles published and you're just an ignorant douchebag."
Yeah. That's the ticket.
What a maroon.

You keep sidestepping and willfully ignoring my responses. I'm not surprised, as you'd never admit to being wrong.

The comparison you continue to use is male to male. That's not the issue. The comparison you SHOULD BE MAKING...but are too much of an intellectual coward to between straight people and gay people.

That makes the 9000th time I've pointed that out. Maybe 9001 will penetrate. I think you like your ass penetrated actually. Your circle jerk buddy Daveman said so.

Your responses are absurd, incomplete and logically incoherent. And that's when you aren't insulting other people or crowing about your (non-existent) intellectual achievements.
Men (and women) have rights in this country. Gays do not have rights. Straights do not have rights. Only men and women.

While men and women do exercise and have rights...groups of people can be denied rights.

You saying that gays and straights don't have's like saying blacks and the elderly dont have rights. That would be imbecilic. But that's your position, stupid as it is.
Actually he isn't. But you knew that.

States had anti sodomy laws for years before Loving. No one seemed to have an issue with it.

States had anti-sodomy laws before Loving?!? WTF are you talking about? What does the SCOTUS ruling striking down anti-miscegenation laws have to do with the sodomy laws?

To say "no one had a problem" with the anti-sodomy laws is ludicrous. Of course they did or they wouldn't have been challenged and overturned by the SCOTUS.
Not Loving, Lawrence. My bad.
Prior to 2003 states had such laws for probably 150 years. No, no one had a problem with them. They were challenged probably by "gay" activists. If anyone had had a problem, the legislatures would have repealed them.

Gosh...and nobody had a problem with slavery for thousands of years. I guess the term "progress" means nothing to you.
You keep sidestepping and willfully ignoring my responses. I'm not surprised, as you'd never admit to being wrong.

The comparison you continue to use is male to male. That's not the issue. The comparison you SHOULD BE MAKING...but are too much of an intellectual coward to between straight people and gay people.

That makes the 9000th time I've pointed that out. Maybe 9001 will penetrate. I think you like your ass penetrated actually. Your circle jerk buddy Daveman said so.

Your responses are absurd, incomplete and logically incoherent. And that's when you aren't insulting other people or crowing about your (non-existent) intellectual achievements.
Men (and women) have rights in this country. Gays do not have rights. Straights do not have rights. Only men and women.

While men and women do exercise and have rights...groups of people can be denied rights.

You saying that gays and straights don't have's like saying blacks and the elderly dont have rights. That would be imbecilic. But that's your position, stupid as it is.

The only thing imbecilic here is you, "counselor."
Blacks and elderly do not have rights per se. They have rights as men and women. That's kinda what "equal rights' means. Of course you were probably away that day in "law school", right <wink wink>.

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