Santorum Wants to Enslave People Who Have Unconventional Sex


Rabbi has proven that even when given a direct answer, he will respond by repeating his non-answers and self-congratulatory schtick.

So you have no arguments left (like you had any to begin with). All you are left with is a bitter feeling of defeat. Don't dwell on it. Life goes on. There are plenty of other threads for you to display your mastery of all things on.

Thanks for the neg rep. From you, it's like a badge of honor. :clap2::clap2:

I've always got arguments that will defeat you. Just like the sun always comes up every morning. You're the one who can't even be the slightest bit objective or non-partisan.

You got nothing.
So you have no arguments left (like you had any to begin with). All you are left with is a bitter feeling of defeat. Don't dwell on it. Life goes on. There are plenty of other threads for you to display your mastery of all things on.

Thanks for the neg rep. From you, it's like a badge of honor. :clap2::clap2:

I've always got arguments that will defeat you. Just like the sun always comes up every morning. You're the one who can't even be the slightest bit objective or non-partisan.

You got nothing.

Actually, it is the anti-gay bigots that "got nothing" which is why marriage equality keeps winning in court. See, the anti-gay bigots have been unable to come up with a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality.

Anti-gay bigots are on the wrong side of history. Our children will look back on them the same way we look back on the racists of yesterday.
All this doom and gloom about drug issues.

Last night, a Republican told some New Yorkers the real problem comes from two words, "You're fired." He says his panacea are the two words, "You're hired." *sigh*

"you're hired" are two words that dwarf the drug issue into its proper perspective, nes pas?
The left is finding it more and more difficult to defend their media creation in the White house. What they are left to is tearing down anyone who might run against the guy.

Santorum wants to take away Gays rights.

Cain is supposedly an Isamaphobe.

West is mean to terrorists and mistreats the flag, supposedly.

Sarah Palin is evil and stupid.

Mitt is Mormon (shame on him) and believes in government health insurance. (Double shame on him)

Pawlenty isn't mean enough.

Ron Paul is just plain nuts.

Newt doesn't buy the party line.

I mean all of these folks have flaws.

Then again when you look closely at Obama you see a guy that doesn't believe in hard work, is a former and present member of a black church that preaches racism and segregation, gives trillions of dollars to every country he want to while we suffer for it, admires Totalitarian regimes, is on record to be against same-sex marriage and never talks about it ether way.

He has more baggage then Samsonite.
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The left is finding it more and more difficult to defend their media creation in the White house, what they are left to is tearing down anyone who might run against the guy.

Santorum wants to take away Gays rights.

Cain is supposedly an Isamaphobe.

West is mean to terrorists and mistreats the flag, supposedly.

Sarah Palin is evil and stupid.

Mitt is Mormon (shame on him) and believes in government health insurance. (Double shame on him)

Pawlenty isn't mean enough.

Ron Paul is just plain nuts.

Newt doesn't buy the party line.

I mean all of these folks have flaws.

Then again when you look closely at Obama you see a guy that doesn't believe in hard work, iss a former and present member of a black church that preaches racism and segregation, gives trillions of dollars to every country he want to while we suffer for it, admires Totalitarian regimes, etc.

He has more baggage then Samsonite.

Yebbut, Rick Perry sends 'em all to the basement with two words: "You're hired!"


Thanks for the neg rep. From you, it's like a badge of honor. :clap2::clap2:

I've always got arguments that will defeat you. Just like the sun always comes up every morning. You're the one who can't even be the slightest bit objective or non-partisan.

You got nothing.

Actually, it is the anti-gay bigots that "got nothing" which is why marriage equality keeps winning in court. See, the anti-gay bigots have been unable to come up with a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality.

Anti-gay bigots are on the wrong side of history. Our children will look back on them the same way we look back on the racists of yesterday.

It wins in court only because activist homosexual judges promote it.
At the ballot box it is a proven loser. Some day the people will rein in out of control judges and put an end to it. They seem to have started in Iowa.
Dude. You're on the losing side of history. Just like people became enlightened about racial issues, so too will they, over time, as young people replace old people become enlightend about gay rights issues.

You see the numbers in the equation. I know you do. You just dont like what they add up to.
Dude. You're on the losing side of history. Just like people became enlightened about racial issues, so too will they, over time, as young people replace old people become enlightend about gay rights issues.

You see the numbers in the equation. I know you do. You just dont like what they add up to.

Yeah it's old people who are anti-gay, not middle aged or young and it's not like once people become older/more educated that they learn to be bigots. It's the kind of hate that has to smushed into your brain when you're young and it's still forming.

When the oldest generation is gone, the social acceptablity of homophobia will be gone as well.
Dude. You're on the losing side of history. Just like people became enlightened about racial issues, so too will they, over time, as young people replace old people become enlightend about gay rights issues.

You see the numbers in the equation. I know you do. You just dont like what they add up to.

Kind of like "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers".
The left is finding it more and more difficult to defend their media creation in the White house, what they are left to is tearing down anyone who might run against the guy.

Santorum wants to take away Gays rights.

Cain is supposedly an Isamaphobe.

West is mean to terrorists and mistreats the flag, supposedly.

Sarah Palin is evil and stupid.

Mitt is Mormon (shame on him) and believes in government health insurance. (Double shame on him)

Pawlenty isn't mean enough.

Ron Paul is just plain nuts.

Newt doesn't buy the party line.

I mean all of these folks have flaws.

Then again when you look closely at Obama you see a guy that doesn't believe in hard work, iss a former and present member of a black church that preaches racism and segregation, gives trillions of dollars to every country he want to while we suffer for it, admires Totalitarian regimes, etc.

He has more baggage then Samsonite.

Yebbut, Rick Perry sends 'em all to the basement with two words: "You're hired!"



All that with no comb-over even.
Thanks for the neg rep. From you, it's like a badge of honor. :clap2::clap2:

I've always got arguments that will defeat you. Just like the sun always comes up every morning. You're the one who can't even be the slightest bit objective or non-partisan.

You got nothing.

Actually, it is the anti-gay bigots that "got nothing" which is why marriage equality keeps winning in court. See, the anti-gay bigots have been unable to come up with a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality.

Anti-gay bigots are on the wrong side of history. Our children will look back on them the same way we look back on the racists of yesterday.

You mean the Southern-Democrats.
You got nothing.

Actually, it is the anti-gay bigots that "got nothing" which is why marriage equality keeps winning in court. See, the anti-gay bigots have been unable to come up with a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality.

Anti-gay bigots are on the wrong side of history. Our children will look back on them the same way we look back on the racists of yesterday.

You mean the Southern-Democrats.

It's not a partisan issue, there's ignorant gay haters on both sides of the aisle.
Actually, it is the anti-gay bigots that "got nothing" which is why marriage equality keeps winning in court. See, the anti-gay bigots have been unable to come up with a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality.

Anti-gay bigots are on the wrong side of history. Our children will look back on them the same way we look back on the racists of yesterday.

You mean the Southern-Democrats.

It's not a partisan issue, there's ignorant gay haters on both sides of the aisle.


Personally I think this issue should be delt with and removed from the public discourse, but the Dems like not solving it due to the fact it buys them votes.
Actually, it is the anti-gay bigots that "got nothing" which is why marriage equality keeps winning in court. See, the anti-gay bigots have been unable to come up with a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality.

Anti-gay bigots are on the wrong side of history. Our children will look back on them the same way we look back on the racists of yesterday.

You mean the Southern-Democrats.

It's not a partisan issue, there's ignorant gay haters on both sides of the aisle.

It of course has nothing to do with hating gays. That is another canard by the gay lobby.
They have nothing but lies.
Gays are denied civil rights
Gays are the new blacks
Opposition to gay marriage can come only from homophobia.

It is all untrue.
You mean the Southern-Democrats.

It's not a partisan issue, there's ignorant gay haters on both sides of the aisle.

It of course has nothing to do with hating gays. That is another canard by the gay lobby.
They have nothing but lies.
Gays are denied civil rights
Gays are the new blacks
Opposition to gay marriage can come only from homophobia.

It is all untrue.

I see, so you being a gay hater who's against gay marriage makes you the exception to the rule, correct?
It's not a partisan issue, there's ignorant gay haters on both sides of the aisle.

It of course has nothing to do with hating gays. That is another canard by the gay lobby.
They have nothing but lies.
Gays are denied civil rights
Gays are the new blacks
Opposition to gay marriage can come only from homophobia.

It is all untrue.

I see, so you being a gay hater who's against gay marriage makes you the exception to the rule, correct?

When did you start taking it in the ass?

Oh, stop asking for verification. Would the left lie? They never lie. Their politicians don't lie.

Just accept what is told to you by the left and stop thinking for yourself. Accept the spin and hysterical bullshit without question.

I'm not a Liberal. I'm a Libertarian, this should be obvious by now. Btw, the Left didn't say this, Rick Santorum said it himself and you can check the quotation straight out of his own mouth that I posted on the first page.


When CG doesn't want to believe something, all the factual data in the world means nothing.
Oh, stop asking for verification. Would the left lie? They never lie. Their politicians don't lie.

Just accept what is told to you by the left and stop thinking for yourself. Accept the spin and hysterical bullshit without question.

I'm not a Liberal. I'm a Libertarian, this should be obvious by now. Btw, the Left didn't say this, Rick Santorum said it himself and you can check the quotation straight out of his own mouth that I posted on the first page.


When CG doesn't want to believe something, all the factual data in the world means nothing.

Here's the facts.

This could have been law by now. The Dems had enough votes to pass it.

But like immigration they chose to not deal with it when they had a perfect opportunity to do so.

There's a fact for you.
I'm not a Liberal. I'm a Libertarian, this should be obvious by now. Btw, the Left didn't say this, Rick Santorum said it himself and you can check the quotation straight out of his own mouth that I posted on the first page.


When CG doesn't want to believe something, all the factual data in the world means nothing.

Here's the facts.

This could have been law by now. The Dems had enough votes to pass it.

But like immigration they chose to not deal with it when they had a perfect opportunity to do so.

There's a fact for you.

So this is all the Dem's fault? You folks never cease to make me chuckle.

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