Can Kamala Handle Putin?

That reminds me

Trump said he ‘went down’ in helicopter ‘emergency landing’ with former San Francisco mayor, who says it never happened​

Trump apparently confused Willie Brown with former California Gov. Jerry Brown, with whom he toured wildfire damage by helicopter in November 2018.

A spokesperson for Jerry Brown told the Times that “there was no emergency landing and no discussion of Kamala Harris.”
Kamala went down on former San Francisco mayor, and didn't need a helicopter.
Trump doesn’t stop. You still think Trump won the election, covid will be gone in spring the first year and the revolution was won by capturing the airports.
The election was obviously and openly stolen. Covid was a hoax, you should have figured that one out by now. The rest is just democrat garbage.
The election was obviously and openly stolen. Covid was a hoax, you should have figured that one out by now. The rest is just democrat garbage.
Geesus, by that logic, Biden stole the election when he wasn’t in office and Trump had TOTAL control with his DOJ. You don’t even stand a chance now. Biden is in charge and Kamala will never certify the election like sissy Pence did.
That reminds me

Trump said he ‘went down’ in helicopter ‘emergency landing’ with former San Francisco mayor, who says it never happened​

Trump apparently confused Willie Brown with former California Gov. Jerry Brown, with whom he toured wildfire damage by helicopter in November 2018.

A spokesperson for Jerry Brown told the Times that “there was no emergency landing and no discussion of Kamala Harris.”
town clerk got my absentee ballot today, so it's too late to change my vote...

which didn't go for Trump

Didn't go for kammie either

(I wonder if she got a laugh when she saw the upside-down flag stamp I used to mail it?)
Trump wants to surrender Ukraine to Putin. He's a treasonous gutless fool.
Did Putin invade Ukraine under Trump's watch?
The answer to that is a resounding NO!
Did Putin invade Ukraine under Barack Obama?
The answer to that is YES!
Did Putin invade Ukraine under Joe Biden?
The answer to that is YES!

But you think that Trump is the problem? You folks on the left have totally lost the ability to think!
She will easily..

Unlike TGrump she knows why US is strong and how to play into US hands... Trump went into a room with Putin and his interpeter and came out and said he believed Putin over his own intelligence...
Every US ally had one look and went America is run by an incompetent fool..

Putin will do what's good for Putin. We can either accept that or not. I don't think he really gives a shit.

Sooooo you cand send Trump, Harris, Bozo the clown or Curious George over there and you're pretty much gonna get a pre-designated response.

Unlike American Politics Russian policy is pretty much consistent. China as well.
And you’d better be afraid. Oh, you already are.
Afraid! How about disgusted. Then democrats double down on their affection for depravity by importing thousands if not millions of Haitian followers of their leader going by the name of Barbecue.

These acts don't cause fear. They cause rage.

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