Sarah is getting her Lung transplant!!!! :)

ahh medical science by public opinion...this should go well....fuck using the organs wisely...lets just do this by emotions...the young and cute shall survive....regardless...

how many of you are organ donors?

how many of you know that even if you are an organ donor...the next of kin can stop it...
Needed it more?? Sorry.. this girl was just as much in need as anyone on the top of the adult list

This is about the most ignorant thing I have seen on this board today.. and I have seen a lot of ignorant things

She was first on the pediatric list, NOT on the adult list. There is a whole string of adults who have ALL been knocked back one place on the list because a child was deemed more valuable than they were.

So that means she needed it LESS??

No.. wrong
ahh medical science by public opinion...this should go well....fuck using the organs wisely...lets just do this by emotions...the young and cute shall survive....regardless...

how many of you are organ donors?

how many of you know that even if you are an organ donor...the next of kin can stop it...

I was signed up at the age of 11 - my parents signed me up after I told them I wanted to be a donor. They are both donors, too. Neither of them will go against my wishes, and I won't go against theirs.
Okay, yet if the lung works on a child and the child is on the top of a list, has been there for sometime and more at risk of death...I'd give it to the one more in need, since children lungs are very tough to come by...logic has to dictate over emotion.

But the child does not have a good chance of survival, given how sick she is, and the fact that the lungs are not designed for her body. An adult is more likely to recover - logic tells me that the person with the best prognosis should come first.

Did the adult at the top of the list have a better chance, because of their current health? Maybe between the two, she had the better prognosis.

But nice how noomi alone has this knowledge... :rolleyes:
Needed it more?? Sorry.. this girl was just as much in need as anyone on the top of the adult list

This is about the most ignorant thing I have seen on this board today.. and I have seen a lot of ignorant things

She was first on the pediatric list, NOT on the adult list. There is a whole string of adults who have ALL been knocked back one place on the list because a child was deemed more valuable than they were.

So that means she needed it LESS??

No.. wrong

I never said she needed it less. But the adult needed it just as badly. The judge put her ahead because she was a child, NOT because she needed it more.
She was first on the pediatric list, NOT on the adult list. There is a whole string of adults who have ALL been knocked back one place on the list because a child was deemed more valuable than they were.

So that means she needed it LESS??

No.. wrong

I never said she needed it less. But the adult needed it just as badly. The judge put her ahead because she was a child, NOT because she needed it more.

How do you know the adult needed it just as badly?
She was first on the pediatric list, NOT on the adult list. There is a whole string of adults who have ALL been knocked back one place on the list because a child was deemed more valuable than they were.

So that means she needed it LESS??

No.. wrong

I never said she needed it less. But the adult needed it just as badly. The judge put her ahead because she was a child, NOT because she needed it more.

By definition, you DID, when you said that she replaced SOMEONE THAT NEEDED IT MORE
I cannot thank the Lord. Nor can I say a prayer for her. This is all very sad with no winners. I could not be happy that Sarah's life was bought with the life of someone else. It makes me glad I'm not a donor.

I guess we have to trust that the Lord knows best. I understand how this would cause mixed emotions. It's sad someone died. And it's wonderful that a life could be saved. We don't really know God's will.

It is sad because someone else who needed the lung more was pushed down the list to make way for her.

To refresh your memory
This incident speaks loudly in favor of euthanasia. There are many people who for one reason or other simply don't wish to live anymore. I recently read that suicide prevention is a priority issue in most maximum security prisons, which I believe is a cruel and unjustifiable absurdity.

Someone who just doesn't wish to live anymore should be provided with a peaceful comfortable, narcotic-assisted lapse into permanent unconsciousness. I'm sure so many of these individuals would be organ donors there would never again be a shortage.

Another issue that should be the business of the individual and their doctor ONLY. But, r's want laws to control when adults can die.

Get government out of our private lives.
Of course not. Some laws are just plain stupid, others are wrong.

But the problem with this law is that it means that parents can head off to a judge to get their own kids on the adult donor list, ahead of an adult who is more likely to survive the surgery.

The law should not be saying that children are more important. It is bad enough that someone had to die in order for Sarah to live - but right now, there is an adult, who was #1 on the adult list, who has been pushed down the list because Sarah took their place. An adult who had a better chance of survival because the lungs that Sarah received were designed for an adult body.

Of course Sarah deserves to live - if her doctors were confident she would survive the transplant, fine, if she was too ill, then it is preferable to let nature take its course.

I am considering both sides. One, a little girl who has been ill her entire life and now has a chance at life, and also an adult - ALL the adults on the adult transplant list who now have to wait longer for their transplants because Sarah took the lungs that were meant for them.

They must feel that if this transplant is successful that she has a good chance of surviving for years. If they felt there was no hope, and the new lungs would not work, they wouldn't have done it or let her even get on the list! They're not going to "waste" a set of lungs on someone that has no hope anyway!

She had just hours to live....the "next" person on the list may have 3 months to live. That other person has a very good chance of getting what they need in time, just like Sarah did. But until you actually hear and prove that the next person on the list died because Sarah got the lungs, then come back and argue your point....because like I said before, right now you have no point, just what ifs!

If she did indeed have 'hours' to live, no one would have done the surgery, because her body would have been so weak, she would have died. You don't get to have even minor surgery if you are seriously ill - she had plenty of time left - NOT hours.

That's not true. If the reason she was so sick was because of the lungs, they would do the transplant. If she was sick for other reasons they wouldn't.
She was first on the pediatric list, NOT on the adult list. There is a whole string of adults who have ALL been knocked back one place on the list because a child was deemed more valuable than they were.

The Gift of a Lifetime: The Transplant Waiting List
Patients on the waiting list are in end-stage organ failure and have been evaluated by a transplant physician at hospitals in the U.S. where organ transplants are performed.

OPTN: Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network

Here's how it goes:
Sickest first. (There is no arguing that one)
Adults first, kids LAST!

Isn't that age discrimination?

Last year, there were just 20 lung donors under the age of 12. That's out of more than 1,700 total donors.

Children only need a partial lobe.

I know I've posted all of this before.

Sickest first is what I have heard.

Success of the transplant is the reality. Then you get to sickest. This girl did not get a partial lobe. She got a double lung transplant. They cut the lung down to fit. Transplanting a partial lobe is only done for livers because livers regenerate. Put in a partial lobe of a liver and it will grow into a fully functioning entire liver. Lungs do not regenerate.
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That just shows how ignorant you are about conservatives. It's the liberals that say that crap about us, they like to twist words to suit their own needs.

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