Sarah is getting her Lung transplant!!!! :)

And now you are.

No - Johnson didn't politicize this, he did use it to warn others that once Obamacare is totally in, these problems are going to get worse. He was only telling the truth. We don't listen to Media Matters anyway, they're going to say shit like this even when it's not true just to get someone like you riled up.

Now can we go on without you making this post political?

And now you are.

No - Johnson didn't politicize this, he did use it to warn others that once Obamacare is totally in, these problems are going to get worse. He was only telling the truth. We don't listen to Media Matters anyway, they're going to say shit like this even when it's not true just to get someone like you riled up.

Now can we go on without you making this post political?

If that's true, then they will be addressed and fixed.

And now you are.

No - Johnson didn't politicize this, he did use it to warn others that once Obamacare is totally in, these problems are going to get worse. He was only telling the truth. We don't listen to Media Matters anyway, they're going to say shit like this even when it's not true just to get someone like you riled up.

Now can we go on without you making this post political?

If that's true, then they will be addressed and fixed.

I really hope you're right.....but I don't have too much faith in anyone running our government, either side, to do the right thing.
And now you are.

No - Johnson didn't politicize this, he did use it to warn others that once Obamacare is totally in, these problems are going to get worse. He was only telling the truth. We don't listen to Media Matters anyway, they're going to say shit like this even when it's not true just to get someone like you riled up.

Now can we go on without you making this post political?

If that's true, then they will be addressed and fixed.

I really hope you're right.....but I don't have too much faith in anyone running our government, either side, to do the right thing.
That's because you are a willing dupe for RW media, who constantly drums into your head that government can only be bad.
If that's true, then they will be addressed and fixed.

I really hope you're right.....but I don't have too much faith in anyone running our government, either side, to do the right thing.
That's because you are a willing dupe for RW media, who constantly drums into your head that government can only be bad.


And your a willing dupe for the LW media....who constantly tells you what a great job your president and his administration are doing and you believe it, no matter what proof is given to you otherwise. I have a friend that sounds just like you, and she has told me that yes, she's a lost cause, she will NEVER admit the Democrats are wrong at anything (HER WORDS!).
What if someone else's baby had a 90% chance? Would you think that your 10% chance is worth more?

Do you think I would sacrifice the life of my child, all based on that logic? If my child has any chance to live, that is good enough for me.

Are you saying that your child's 10% chance is worth more than my child's 90% chance? Are you saying that your child deserves to live more than my child?

Wow....then why don't we just let ALL THE CHILDREN DIE? Would that solution make you happier? Why don't you just admit you hate children?

Until we hear that someone else died because this little girl took those lungs, you should just STFU.
I really hope you're right.....but I don't have too much faith in anyone running our government, either side, to do the right thing.
That's because you are a willing dupe for RW media, who constantly drums into your head that government can only be bad.


And your a willing dupe for the LW media....who constantly tells you what a great job your president and his administration are doing and you believe it, no matter what proof is given to you otherwise. I have a friend that sounds just like you, and she has told me that yes, she's a lost cause, she will NEVER admit the Democrats are wrong at anything (HER WORDS!).

I go by facts. You run from facts.
That's because you are a willing dupe for RW media, who constantly drums into your head that government can only be bad.


And your a willing dupe for the LW media....who constantly tells you what a great job your president and his administration are doing and you believe it, no matter what proof is given to you otherwise. I have a friend that sounds just like you, and she has told me that yes, she's a lost cause, she will NEVER admit the Democrats are wrong at anything (HER WORDS!).

I go by facts. You run from facts.

Now THAT'S funny :)
Some hard questions...and no easy answers.

Well, there are easy answers, just not ones people like.

Such as, Doctors have the right to harvest usable organs without checking with family.

We bury or cremate enough usable organs to fill the transplant list every year. It's just most folks don't sign their donor cards, and by the time the doctors get to harvesting, it's usually too late.

If people don't sign their cards, they should be presumed donors.

I don't know about where you live, but here (at least in Michigan) if you sign to be a donor, there's the word "donor" with a heart next to in on the front of your license. If it's not there, then you don't want to donate and the can't decide to do it anyway.
Well, there are easy answers, just not ones people like.

Such as, Doctors have the right to harvest usable organs without checking with family.

We bury or cremate enough usable organs to fill the transplant list every year. It's just most folks don't sign their donor cards, and by the time the doctors get to harvesting, it's usually too late.

If people don't sign their cards, they should be presumed donors.

I don't know about where you live, but here (at least in Michigan) if you sign to be a donor, there's the word "donor" with a heart next to in on the front of your license. If it's not there, then you don't want to donate and the can't decide to do it anyway.

Obama advisor wants presumed organ donation with an opt out provision. You would have a card that said you did not want to be a donor instead of one that said you did. If there was such a card no one would find it unti the body was already looted. Best to have it tattooed on your body.
I cannot thank the Lord. Nor can I say a prayer for her. This is all very sad with no winners. I could not be happy that Sarah's life was bought with the life of someone else. It makes me glad I'm not a donor.

I guess we have to trust that the Lord knows best. I understand how this would cause mixed emotions. It's sad someone died. And it's wonderful that a life could be saved. We don't really know God's will.

It is sad because someone else who needed the lung more was pushed down the list to make way for her.

Needed it more?? Sorry.. this girl was just as much in need as anyone on the top of the adult list

This is about the most ignorant thing I have seen on this board today.. and I have seen a lot of ignorant things
Well, there are easy answers, just not ones people like.

Such as, Doctors have the right to harvest usable organs without checking with family.

We bury or cremate enough usable organs to fill the transplant list every year. It's just most folks don't sign their donor cards, and by the time the doctors get to harvesting, it's usually too late.

If people don't sign their cards, they should be presumed donors.

I don't know about where you live, but here (at least in Michigan) if you sign to be a donor, there's the word "donor" with a heart next to in on the front of your license. If it's not there, then you don't want to donate and the can't decide to do it anyway.

Because if your wishes are unknown to a drivers license or to a hospital.. it should be assumed that your wishes fall short of the wishes of the state...


That is idiotic statism think, and par for the course for noomi

Unlike you, Noomi, I believe in miracles.

If you believed in Miracles, then you'd be praying to your Sky Pixie for a solution, not waiting for SCIENCE to fix the problem.

According to you? Like we should live under the limits you impose on reason and faith imposed by one with little understanding of one, and none of the other. How about you live within your own limits, and get out of the way of the rest of us. We'll leave the light on for ya. ;)

I have no opinion about how much you clowns mix superstition and science, or even your hypocrisy on the matter.

It's when you all try to impose your superstition on the rest of us I have a problem.
Why can't you see that HER CASE WAS MORE IMPORTANT!? I guess that's a stupid question though. Nobody cares that she lived, but that someone else died. Wonderful.

Geese louise! It was because of her situation that she shot up the list!

Yes, she was important, and needed that surgery, but WHAT IF AN ADULT HAD DIED BECAUSE SHE TOOK THEIR PLACE?

You REFUSE to answer that question, and I can't help but wonder why.

The reason being, is I fail to see how that matters! There, you satisfied? I feel sorry for our young ones, the have not an advocate in the world of USMB

You fail to see how the death of a sick adult on that transplant list might be a sad thing?

Good grief, you are one sick individual.
Needed it more?? Sorry.. this girl was just as much in need as anyone on the top of the adult list

This is about the most ignorant thing I have seen on this board today.. and I have seen a lot of ignorant things

She was first on the pediatric list, NOT on the adult list. There is a whole string of adults who have ALL been knocked back one place on the list because a child was deemed more valuable than they were.
Hey...when you find out than an adult, or other child, died because Sarah got the lungs first, THEN come back and argue your point. Because right now, you have no have only a "what if".

And even if the adult did die, you wouldn't care. Just like TK, none of you care about the adults who may die.

Wow....then why don't we just let ALL THE CHILDREN DIE? Would that solution make you happier? Why don't you just admit you hate children?

Until we hear that someone else died because this little girl took those lungs, you should just STFU.

Again, is YOUR child's 10% chance more important than my child's 90% chance? Obviously you believe that your child is more important than mine.

Funny I asked that question before, got the same "you would rather kill the adult" line.

Would it interest you to know that Sarah had been waiting 18 months for a new pair of lungs? What if I told you that many such children on that list have died because healthier adults were picked ahead of them? What if I further told you that the list does not work via the "who is next in line" basis, but rather which patient is the sickest and in most dire need of care? Sarah happened to be the sickest on the list!

One more tidbit, nobody actually died on that list because she got to the lungs first. If you think I'm full of it, Google is a good place to look to confirm my claims.

You would rather the adult had died, yet you refuse to admit that you don't care a fig about the life of someone else.

But would 5 more years with their daughter mean more to them than having her die like this? I agree with you majorly. And I acknowledge the disease may still kill her. But as a man of faith, I believe God can do anything, and I pray he heals her completely. Hope is a great thing, miracles are awesome too.

LOL. It was YOUR God who allowed her to be born with CF in the first place! YOUR God didn't want her cured, your God gave her a death sentence when she was born! The doctors have simply fixed God's cruelty!

Um....I'm agreeing with you Templar :) ... I was asking Noomi what if Sarah were her child. Because of Sarah's condition, and that she would most likely die soon, she was given the next set of it should be! Dr's are always going to take the sickest first and anyone that is on that donor's list would know that too.

Sarah was the sickest on the pediatric list, NOT on the adult list, and this is an adult lung. Does that fact penetrate your brain at all?
Needed it more?? Sorry.. this girl was just as much in need as anyone on the top of the adult list

This is about the most ignorant thing I have seen on this board today.. and I have seen a lot of ignorant things

She was first on the pediatric list, NOT on the adult list. There is a whole string of adults who have ALL been knocked back one place on the list because a child was deemed more valuable than they were.

And if an adult gets a lung, there is a whole string of children that get knocked back one place, because an adult was deemed more valuable than they were.

It is a tough situation, either way.

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