Sarah is getting her Lung transplant!!!! :)

My counter question, what if that little girl were yours, Gracie? Would you not have done the same? Or would you let her die for the sake of "someone who needed it more than her"?

do na da' go hv!

So in other words, you are asking her if she would throw a hissy fit, believing that her life is worth more than someone else's?

Good grief. You are on the damned list, you wait your fucking turn. First on the list, first to get the organ if one is available. That is how it works, and that is how it should stay.

Bullshit....if my child was on the list, no matter the age, and they had months to live....I would understand a child getting them first that could die in a week without it! I think you just hate would just let her die. You're sick!
It is sad because someone else who needed the lung more was pushed down the list to make way for her.

How do you know where she was on the list? Looks like she could've been passed over a few times. I'm not sure of the whole story.

The common misconception as that this list is for lungs only. One person my need a lung, the other a heart, the other a stomach, eye or liver. The person behind Sarah may have gotten what they needed, the person who was pushed back may still have gotten their transplant. That doesn't necessarily mean that someone got a death sentence when they were pushed back to make way for her. I wish people wouldn't make things sound so bleak.

What if someone DID die because they didn't get the lung meant for them?
Templar...NOBODY is saying this child is evil or stole or was malicious to get the lungs. NOBODY. We are mostly all wondering how the other person IN LINE NEXT TO RECEIVE LUNGS may feel about this.

Unfortunately, my opinion is, she had to take her chances just like everyone else who needs organs to live. Age does not matter. The list in place for a reason.

What does it matter? If they are next in line, it's their turn!

I have no doubt how the other people feel. But there is no use complaining about the past. Heck they could be prepping for surgery right now. Problem solved. What gets at me though is: How come we care more about how the person "next in line" feels than how the parents feel about knowing they will get to keep their daughter?

Gracie, I am one to never sway in my beliefs, you will have to forgive me. But I sincerely believe kids deserve a shot at life more than anyone else.

And it WAS their damned turn, but they were denied those lungs! Why can't you see that it is wrong to deny someone life saving surgery because you believe a child's life is more important?
How do you know where she was on the list? Looks like she could've been passed over a few times. I'm not sure of the whole story.

The common misconception as that this list is for lungs only. One person my need a lung, the other a heart, the other a stomach, eye or liver. The person behind Sarah may have gotten what they needed, the person who was pushed back may still have gotten their transplant. That doesn't necessarily mean that someone got a death sentence when they were pushed back to make way for her. I wish people wouldn't make things sound so bleak.

What if someone DID die because they didn't get the lung meant for them?

I get it. You would rather she died, is that it? Noomi?
Templar...NOBODY is saying this child is evil or stole or was malicious to get the lungs. NOBODY. We are mostly all wondering how the other person IN LINE NEXT TO RECEIVE LUNGS may feel about this.

Unfortunately, my opinion is, she had to take her chances just like everyone else who needs organs to live. Age does not matter. The list in place for a reason.

What does it matter? If they are next in line, it's their turn!

I have no doubt how the other people feel. But there is no use complaining about the past. Heck they could be prepping for surgery right now. Problem solved. What gets at me though is: How come we care more about how the person "next in line" feels than how the parents feel about knowing they will get to keep their daughter?

Gracie, I am one to never sway in my beliefs, you will have to forgive me. But I sincerely believe kids deserve a shot at life more than anyone else.

And it WAS their damned turn, but they were denied those lungs! Why can't you see that it is wrong to deny someone life saving surgery because you believe a child's life is more important?

Why can't you see that HER CASE WAS MORE IMPORTANT!? I guess that's a stupid question though. Nobody cares that she lived, but that someone else died. Wonderful.

Geese louise! It was because of her situation that she shot up the list!
What does it matter? If they are next in line, it's their turn!

I have no doubt how the other people feel. But there is no use complaining about the past. Heck they could be prepping for surgery right now. Problem solved. What gets at me though is: How come we care more about how the person "next in line" feels than how the parents feel about knowing they will get to keep their daughter?

Gracie, I am one to never sway in my beliefs, you will have to forgive me. But I sincerely believe kids deserve a shot at life more than anyone else.

And it WAS their damned turn, but they were denied those lungs! Why can't you see that it is wrong to deny someone life saving surgery because you believe a child's life is more important?

Why can't you see that HER CASE WAS MORE IMPORTANT!? I guess that's a stupid question though. Nobody cares that she lived, but that someone else died. Wonderful.

Geese louise! It was because of her situation that she shot up the list!

Yes, she was important, and needed that surgery, but WHAT IF AN ADULT HAD DIED BECAUSE SHE TOOK THEIR PLACE?

You REFUSE to answer that question, and I can't help but wonder why.
The common misconception as that this list is for lungs only. One person my need a lung, the other a heart, the other a stomach, eye or liver. The person behind Sarah may have gotten what they needed, the person who was pushed back may still have gotten their transplant. That doesn't necessarily mean that someone got a death sentence when they were pushed back to make way for her. I wish people wouldn't make things sound so bleak.

What if someone DID die because they didn't get the lung meant for them?

I get it. You would rather she died, is that it? Noomi?

Evading the question. Would you rather the adult on the list had died in order for her to live?

Yes or no?

It's a hard question, to be sure. But you have to apply reason and statistics instead of emotion. Otherwise you get two dead people instead of one.

Reason is not possible in desperation, I would take 10% over zero. You've never been a parent I gather. Elsewise you'd show a little more heart.

Here's some movie trivia, Joe, from the movie "I Robot"


You thought that was a good movie? Asimov was probably turning in his grave over that shit.

That aside apart, you didn't answer my question. Parents might be desperate. Doctors can't be. They have to apply medicine and science and make the reasoned decision based on teh best result. Or that the way it should be, if we had a sane medical system.

Reality- Steve Jobs jumps ahead of better candidates because he's rich enough to register for a transplant liver in 50 states. And dies anyway. But I digress.

The rules were put in place for a reason. Emotions were played upon and you got an exception to the rule, but pretty soon, it will be like we won't have a rule at all, and you are going to have a lot of surgeons putting organs in kids who can't accommedate them.
Fact is, Gracie, no reasoning should be required. If my baby had a 10% chance, I'd take it. I think from a personal point of view, not from a speculative one.

What if someone else's baby had a 90% chance? Would you think that your 10% chance is worth more?

Do you think I would sacrifice the life of my child, all based on that logic? If my child has any chance to live, that is good enough for me.

The Republican Mantra- "I've got mine- Fuck you!"
And it WAS their damned turn, but they were denied those lungs! Why can't you see that it is wrong to deny someone life saving surgery because you believe a child's life is more important?

Why can't you see that HER CASE WAS MORE IMPORTANT!? I guess that's a stupid question though. Nobody cares that she lived, but that someone else died. Wonderful.

Geese louise! It was because of her situation that she shot up the list!

Yes, she was important, and needed that surgery, but WHAT IF AN ADULT HAD DIED BECAUSE SHE TOOK THEIR PLACE?

You REFUSE to answer that question, and I can't help but wonder why.

The reason being, is I fail to see how that matters! There, you satisfied? I feel sorry for our young ones, the have not an advocate in the world of USMB
What if someone else's baby had a 90% chance? Would you think that your 10% chance is worth more?

Do you think I would sacrifice the life of my child, all based on that logic? If my child has any chance to live, that is good enough for me.

The Republican Mantra- "I've got mine- Fuck you!"

So, I gather you've never been a parent? Would you be saying otherwise had Sarah Murnaghan been your child?

"Oh my child has 12 hours to live, I'll wait for the the guy in front of me to finish"

Are you out of your fucking mind, Joe? Wait, don't answer that.
I guess we have to trust that the Lord knows best. I understand how this would cause mixed emotions. It's sad someone died. And it's wonderful that a life could be saved. We don't really know God's will.

It is sad because someone else who needed the lung more was pushed down the list to make way for her.

ANd someone who probably had a better chance at a successful outcome.

While it is to be hoped this works well, there's a reason why the SCIENTISTS and DOCTORS set this policy to start with. MOstly that adult organs are too big to fit in a child and still do their job properly.

But that isn't important to the RW whacks.

Right. Someone else who had a better chance to adapt to the lung on a long term basis will not get it. Sarah may live for a while, but chances are her body will reject this lung and she will need another transplant or die; whereas, had an adult been given the lung, that person would have had a good chance of surviving for a long life. So, actually, 2 people had to die to give Sarah a lung, a lung her body may very well reject.

So, I gather you've never been a parent? Would you be saying otherwise had Sarah Murnaghan been your child?

"Oh my child has 12 hours to live, I'll wait for the the guy in front of me to finish"

Are you out of your fucking mind, Joe? Wait, don't answer that.

So by your logic, would it be acceptable for Sarah's Parents to slaughter an adult who was an ideal tissue match, drag his corpse to the organ harvesting center, and say, "chop him up!"

I'm sure a lot of parents would do exactly that, if we didn't have laws against that sort of thing.

Unlike you, Noomi, I believe in miracles.

If you believed in Miracles, then you'd be praying to your Sky Pixie for a solution, not waiting for SCIENCE to fix the problem.

Give it a rest, you're on ignore for the day. Talk to you later. Bigot.

Thank you came just in time! I haven't heard if she's out of surgery yet.....
I pray that it all works out for her.....

It's sad too, that someone had to lose their life so this could happen. Pray for that family!

(If this was already posted I didn't see it.....please merge!!)

Sarah Murnaghan, the 10-year-old girl suffering from end-stage cystic fibrosis whose bid to get a transplant from adult lungs drew national attention, was getting a lung transplant Wednesday.
10-year-old girl undergoing surgery for lung transplant

Two people lost their life because of this, not just one.

Who's the 2nd one??
Templar...NOBODY is saying this child is evil or stole or was malicious to get the lungs. NOBODY. We are mostly all wondering how the other person IN LINE NEXT TO RECEIVE LUNGS may feel about this.

Unfortunately, my opinion is, she had to take her chances just like everyone else who needs organs to live. Age does not matter. The list in place for a reason.

What does it matter? If they are next in line, it's their turn!

I have no doubt how the other people feel. But there is no use complaining about the past. Heck they could be prepping for surgery right now. Problem solved. What gets at me though is: How come we care more about how the person "next in line" feels than how the parents feel about knowing they will get to keep their daughter?

Gracie, I am one to never sway in my beliefs, you will have to forgive me. But I sincerely believe kids deserve a shot at life more than anyone else.

And it WAS their damned turn, but they were denied those lungs! Why can't you see that it is wrong to deny someone life saving surgery because you believe a child's life is more important?

Do know KNOW that the next person in line was as sick as Sarah? Was that person also going to die in hours if they didn't get those lungs? The sickest is going to get the help FIRST, no matter how long they were on the list. That's the way it should be. So you would say that next person, who may have still had months to live, should get them before a little girl that has hours to live?
There is no reasoning with you, Templar. None. You refuse to acknowledge truth because it is so horrifying. Can't say I blame you, but instead of taking it out on everyone, you should take a deep breath.

Fact is, Gracie, no reasoning should be required. If my baby had a 10% chance, I'd take it. I think from a personal point of view, not from a speculative one.

What if someone else's baby had a 90% chance? Would you think that your 10% chance is worth more?

What if Sarah were your child?
Fact is, Gracie, no reasoning should be required. If my baby had a 10% chance, I'd take it. I think from a personal point of view, not from a speculative one.

What if someone else's baby had a 90% chance? Would you think that your 10% chance is worth more?

What if Sarah were your child?

This is kind of like "What if Kitty were raped and murdered" as an answer to whether the death penalty is a good idea.

You don't make policy based on emotion.

An equally emotional argument would be, "What if the man who was bumped off the list was your father."

What if he had a 95% chance of recover had he gotten that lung, but now he's going to die because they are going to let Sarah live another couple of weeks but still die anyway?

It's why you don't make these policies based on emotion.

Ideal world. Yup, be nice if there were enough lungs for everyone to get one.

Reality- it's a limit resource that has to be deployed effectively. And that's when you apply scientific standards.

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