Sarah is getting her Lung transplant!!!! :)

I cannot thank the Lord. Nor can I say a prayer for her. This is all very sad with no winners. I could not be happy that Sarah's life was bought with the life of someone else. It makes me glad I'm not a donor.

I feel the opposite. If I were to die in an accident, I would be glad that my lungs enabled someone to breathe, or my heart give someone else a chance at life, or any of my organs or body parts could help someone. I would hope that everyone would be a willing donor. You could be in an accident and your life dependent upon someone else's generosity. Prayers and best wishes for Sarah. I hope she has a long life ahead of her and that she proves to be worthy of this precious gift.
I cannot thank the Lord. Nor can I say a prayer for her. This is all very sad with no winners. I could not be happy that Sarah's life was bought with the life of someone else. It makes me glad I'm not a donor.

I guess we have to trust that the Lord knows best. I understand how this would cause mixed emotions. It's sad someone died. And it's wonderful that a life could be saved. We don't really know God's will.

It is sad because someone else who needed the lung more was pushed down the list to make way for her.

i agree.

she should have been made to wait in line for a lung..... just like every other person who needed the lungs.

i cannot be happy for her or her family. That they stole lungs from someone else who may die becasue of their sympathy play in the media.
I don't remember where I read it and it was even recently....but it said CF is genetic and as soon as those new lungs went in her body and pumped with her blood...they are now infected as well.

Does anyone know if this has truth to it?
I don't think we know enough about how the lists are determined. There was likely a lot of careful and thoughtful consideration in making it.

But I'm glad the girl gets to live. I like to think that if I ever needed an organ and I found out that someone younger with their whole life ahead of them needed it I'd give up my turn. But who knows :confused:

in my opinion, the only carefully thought out consideration was the media attention.
I don't know the procedures of this "list", but I wonder if anyone asked the person next on the list, that was just as sick or maybe not quite as sick, if they minded being bumped back.

That is all. Just wondering.
I don't remember where I read it and it was even recently....but it said CF is genetic and as soon as those new lungs went in her body and pumped with her blood...they are now infected as well.

Does anyone know if this has truth to it?

She will have to go through rigorous therapy after her lungs have adapted to her body. Usually ports and other devices could be implanted, but this was a unique case.
Oh, I know difficulties are ahead but I wonder if the new lungs are now affected with CF? And if long will they last? Are all those on the lung list diagnosed with CF? In short...did her blood damage the new lungs and does blood affect new lungs when one has CF? Is it genetic?
All I see here is a disregard for the child's second chance at life. Fine, she should have died as a lot of you wanted her to; for the sake of someone else. She had hours to live. Her situation was dire. Had they not made the exception, she would be dead tonight.

For pete's sake, some of you act like last minute shoppers during the Christmas holidays, one grabs the doll before the other and "YOU STOLE THAT FROM ME!" How utterly preposterous. This little girl could not help being born with Cystic Fibrosis, how can you accuse her of stealing? What universe are you people living in? I highly doubt it's this one.
Oh, I know difficulties are ahead but I wonder if the new lungs are now affected with CF? And if long will they last? Are all those on the lung list diagnosed with CF? In short...did her blood damage the new lungs and does blood affect new lungs when one has CF? Is it genetic?

Cystic Fibrosis is genetic, but from what I am seeing, correctable. But there's always a risk it will reappear in these new lungs, too. However, at least she would be strong enough in the next few years to withstand the therapy and the affliction itself. The list is most likely a general donors list, it doesn't matter who's on there actually, people needing hearts, livers, eyes, stomachs, lungs... you name it they need it.

Still we need to pray her body doesn't reject the transplants.
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I cannot thank the Lord. Nor can I say a prayer for her. This is all very sad with no winners. I could not be happy that Sarah's life was bought with the life of someone else. It makes me glad I'm not a donor.

I guess we have to trust that the Lord knows best. I understand how this would cause mixed emotions. It's sad someone died. And it's wonderful that a life could be saved. We don't really know God's will.

It is sad because someone else who needed the lung more was pushed down the list to make way for her.

How do you know where she was on the list? Looks like she could've been passed over a few times. I'm not sure of the whole story.
But from what I read, lungs are the most difficult. And I have no clue how they do lists. All I know about this stuff is from watching that movie John Q with Denzel Washington.
From my basic understanding, those who are sickest are at the top of the list...except very young children since adult lungs have to be modified. So...the person who was next in line for those lungs was pushed back. Maybe that person is not 11 years old. Maybe he or she is 25 or 40. He or she is still someone's child. Or the parent of children. And that person needed those lungs just as much as Sarah.....but didn't get the exposure from the media like Sarah did. What about that person? I know you are focused on Sarah because she is a child...but I am focusing on the person who has to continue to wait because the lungs meant for them...were taken away.

See the dilemma?
I guess we have to trust that the Lord knows best. I understand how this would cause mixed emotions. It's sad someone died. And it's wonderful that a life could be saved. We don't really know God's will.

It is sad because someone else who needed the lung more was pushed down the list to make way for her.

How do you know where she was on the list? Looks like she could've been passed over a few times. I'm not sure of the whole story.

The common misconception as that this list is for lungs only. One person my need a lung, the other a heart, the other a stomach, eye or liver. The person behind Sarah may have gotten what they needed, the person who was pushed back may still have gotten their transplant. That doesn't necessarily mean that someone got a death sentence when they were pushed back to make way for her. I wish people wouldn't make things sound so bleak.
But from what I read, lungs are the most difficult. And I have no clue how they do lists. All I know about this stuff is from watching that movie John Q with Denzel Washington.
From my basic understanding, those who are sickest are at the top of the list...except very young children since adult lungs have to be modified. So...the person who was next in line for those lungs was pushed back. Maybe that person is not 11 years old. Maybe he or she is 25 or 40. He or she is still someone's child. Or the parent of children. And that person needed those lungs just as much as Sarah.....but didn't get the exposure from the media like Sarah did. What about that person? I know you are focused on Sarah because she is a child...but I am focusing on the person who has to continue to wait because the lungs meant for them...were taken away.

See the dilemma?

I personally do not, because the person was old enough to be on the list in the first place. If you want to get down to the nitty gritty, she had at most 8-12 hours of life left had she not been treated. I can't help the fact that not all of those people got the same exposure that Sarah did. So, should all of them sue so they can get help for their loved ones? That would make a mockery of not only our justice system, but our medical system. "Free organs to those who need them!" That's repulsive if you ask me.

As a student of many studies as a result of many years of internet research, the other common misconception is that somehow you can reserve organs for certain people. They are given to whomever needs them, not to the ones who demand them. Nobody gets a choice as to where the organs go. There is no use complaining now, and ironically nobody is arbitrarily pushed back anywhere. Sarah's parents simply sued to have their daughter put on the list, with no expectation that they would find a donor. She didn't steal anything, and nobody got "pushed back." They assess by an aggregate score (for which I have no idea how it is determined) the bigger the score the higher the need, and apparently, Sarah's need was greater than everyone else's. The idea that somehow this young one is evil or malicious for getting a second chance at life is beyond my comprehension.

For more information, consult this synopsis of how the score works:

Lung allocation score - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Templar...NOBODY is saying this child is evil or stole or was malicious to get the lungs. NOBODY. We are mostly all wondering how the other person IN LINE NEXT TO RECEIVE LUNGS may feel about this.

Unfortunately, my opinion is, she had to take her chances just like everyone else who needs organs to live. Age does not matter. The list in place for a reason.
I think I am going to go play pogo for awhile. None of us are getting anywhere with this.
Templar...NOBODY is saying this child is evil or stole or was malicious to get the lungs. NOBODY. We are mostly all wondering how the other person IN LINE NEXT TO RECEIVE LUNGS may feel about this.

Unfortunately, my opinion is, she had to take her chances just like everyone else who needs organs to live. Age does not matter. The list in place for a reason.

What does it matter? If they are next in line, it's their turn!

I have no doubt how the other people feel. But there is no use complaining about the past. Heck they could be prepping for surgery right now. Problem solved. What gets at me though is: How come we care more about how the person "next in line" feels than how the parents feel about knowing they will get to keep their daughter?

Gracie, I am one to never sway in my beliefs, you will have to forgive me. But I sincerely believe kids deserve a shot at life more than anyone else.
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Better get it done before the IRS takes over the health care.

Good luck, Sarah...And so much respect for her mother who pleaded to save her childs greater love.

You've hit the nail on the head. Many on the lists simply accept their fate. Sarah had a mother who wouldn't lay down, she continued to work to save her daughter's life.

Good on her.
Better get it done before the IRS takes over the health care.

Good luck, Sarah...And so much respect for her mother who pleaded to save her childs greater love.

You've hit the nail on the head. Many on the lists simply accept their fate. Sarah had a mother who wouldn't lay down, she continued to work to save her daughter's life.

Good on her.

Is that not what I tried to tell Gracie and Noomi?

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