Sarah Palin Didn’t Do Very Well Stumping For Donald Trump In Wisconsin

Why is it that when Hillary loses a primary the liberals turn to talk of Palin?

Does it ease the pain?
Hillary opened her campaign on a freaking island in the East River in NYC so she could keep unfriendly press people out. She only takes softball questions at well regulated rallies and lashes out at the slightest perceived affront. Meanwhile the radical left worries about the former governor of Alaska. No surprises hers.
I remember when she was ' a breathe of fresh air' for the GOP!

What changed? Nothing except she joined the insurgency!

That's what 'mavericks' do! LOL
Voters can stand only so much hot air After a while, "Rah Rah Zip Boom Bah, Go Trump" get's a little old.
Hillary opened her campaign on a freaking island in the East River in NYC so she could keep unfriendly press people out. She only takes softball questions at well regulated rallies and lashes out at the slightest perceived affront. Meanwhile the radical left worries about the former governor of Alaska. No surprises hers.
Roosevelt Island is not just a freaking island in the East River and there were no restrictions on media attending. That is just a misrepresentation. Actually, kind of a ridiculous claim. The island that is the home of FDR's Four Freedoms Park and Memorial and was chosen because of the great symbolic meaning of the Four Freedoms declared to fight for in World War II a month after Pearl Harbor in the State of the Union Address. Freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear.

Palin gets media attention whenever she makes forays into the public arena to promote her political positions in a speech. She invites the media to attend these events and attempts to show she is somehow relevant in American politics. The fact that her endorsement of Trump was a failure because of the lost interest with what she had to say in her incoherent and rambling speech shows how her position in the political world has dropped to the level it has dropped to. She is still a hateful person who knows nothing about anything and not many people take her serious or are interested in hearing her blabberings.

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