Sarah Palin...Elk Hunter...for Sec. Of Interior...YES!

But if that happened, liberals all across this country would have a colossal simultaneous head explosion.
But if that happened, liberals all across this country would have a colossal simultaneous head explosion.
I'm rolling on the floor!!! All the tree huggers can't smoke enought pot to make the reality go away!
But if that happened, liberals all across this country would have a colossal simultaneous head explosion.

Please...stop pointing out the good points of this pick....I am happy enough with his win on Tuesday, I don't know how much more good news I can take....
So mayor, governor, and now cabinet secretary….
Doesn’t that make her a career politician? What happened to the loathing of career politicians?
While she would be a great pick, this is fake.
Ohhhh she has to be in the running. Remember Sarah's words: "Drill baby drill!!"

Why would anyone wish to destroy our national treasures? Do you like being able to go to a national park and witness gods greatest creations without seeing a oil rig?
She will not destroy anything. We can extract natural resources and provide jobs without harming the environment. Holding up a pipeline and good paying jobs over a toad is just fucking stupid.
Izembek. A word you'll come to understand.

Y'see, to Palin it's not just black lives that matter.

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