Sarah Palin has a problem in Alaska - Alaskans

The lies come pouring out since she was at the time harassed by bogus lawsuits that kept being dumped by the judge only to see another one crop up that was draining her wealth and distracting her from the office which is why she resigned.
The endless lawsuits were draining the state and taking up time from state employees. She quit for the good of the state. She still lives in Alaska.

No one likes a Quitter, so says the pollsters in Alaska. That does not bode well for the former VP candidate.
Just so you know. . . this source, the rigorousness of their fact checking? They actually thought this was a real story. . .

It was a hulu hoax, but they published an article thinking it was real. . . . so, you know, take that for what it is worth. Yeah. . . they actually thought this was real. . .

"Newser was hoaxed by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog during the 2016 presidential election. Newser was featured as a site that published a story about fake "Trump TV" auditions.[11][12]"

Triumph Stages Trump TV Casting Call for Conservative Commentators • Triumph on Hulu​


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