Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Like the coward you are you ignore the post and fixate on the typo I made from my phone.

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String women:


How does it feel knowing you don't have the heart, brains, and strength as Sarah Palin and she had th courage to not kill Trig in the womb like a weak liberal would have ?

tapatalk post

Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:
This is the exact reason why she looked like a total JACKASS on national television when she was asked the simple question...

"Can you tell us what magazines you read?"

Sawah doesn't read.
You have that backwards, Hillary was always the force behind big Bill. He's brilliant just as she is but he's a wild stallion that always had to be reined in. I voted for Hillary in the primaries and will vote for her again if she runs.

Palin is nowhere near the level of Hillary or Bill so let's not go there. Palin is in a whole different class. Ted Cruz and her are on the same level maybe.



Funny how pictures of people who love this country get your scorn. How does it feel to hate your home so much?

tapatalk post

I hate it so much that I served active-duty asswipe. You?
Palin didn't have to read the article. She and her daughter Bristol visited the Robertson's in their hometown of West Monroe, La weekend before last and spent the day with them. Here are pictures from the visit. It was big time news in that community.

Sarah Palin + ‘Duck Dynasty’ = Photos You Know You Want to See
Sarah Palin + ?Duck Dynasty? = Photos You Know You Want to See |




So? did they did they discuss his feelings on the subject then? Did they sit around the table and talk about homosexuals being wrong according to the bible? Or did they discuss Palin getting a big black dick in the past?
Palin just happened to be in Monroe.

Sure, on a moose hunt or some such event.
Are you saying Czechs are smarter than Ukranians? :eek:


Molly O'Ukie...

No I can't tell that from her grammatical formation. I say she is from here.

Place yer bets, place yer bets...

Spin that wheel baby!

Where do you want me to throw my money? Walk the doggy! :lol: That was one of my favorites. Everyone walking the doggy.

BUT on the other hand. Spin that wheel. Or better yet when you heard the call.....get ready to ride the train. :eek:

Where y'at [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] ... we got us a wager goin' here...

snobbish but expected
Funny how pictures of people who love this country get your scorn. How does it feel to hate your home so much?

tapatalk post

I hate it so much that I served active-duty asswipe. You?

If true that doesn't mean much because Kerry served too

tapatalk post

First time we heard that from dots...I don't believe everything on a message board

But that evidently makes them better than any Governor of a State, unless they're Democats
Spin that wheel baby!

Where do you want me to throw my money? Walk the doggy! :lol: That was one of my favorites. Everyone walking the doggy.

BUT on the other hand. Spin that wheel. Or better yet when you heard the call.....get ready to ride the train. :eek:

Where y'at [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] ... we got us a wager goin' here...

snobbish but expected

"Snobbish"? You're Snobbish? TD thought you were Czech and I said 'Merkin.

Guess nobody wins that one. Phooey. Well may I say your English is very good for a Snobbish.
Where y'at [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] ... we got us a wager goin' here...

snobbish but expected

"Snobbish"? You're Snobbish? TD thought you were Czech and I said 'Merkin.

Guess nobody wins that one. Phooey. Well may I say your English is very good for a Snobbish.

You're free to say whatever you want...for those who might care
carry on with your loving self...see ya
Haha...just whisper "PALIN" and zona comes out from under his rock.

Seriously, do you have some sort of program that sets off an alarm when anyone, anywhere, mentions Palin?
Just mention Zona and here you come from under your rock. :eusa_whistle: Do you have a hard on for Palin? Are you black? if so, you have a shot. woohoo

Now back to the best thread I ever started. Palin and fucking a black dick. That thread went on FOREVER. It was fantastic. I should go and bump it again. I should bump it everytime that idiot pokes her fucking head out and says something dumb again.

God bless.
Zona is a guy? Aye carumba!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know I just don't understand these persona games. I'm too old to play freaking sybil.:lol:

I y'am what I y'am on my part of the planet. Why do you guys like to do this?
Where y'at [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] ... we got us a wager goin' here...

snobbish but expected

"Snobbish"? You're Snobbish? TD thought you were Czech and I said 'Merkin.

Guess nobody wins that one. Phooey. Well may I say your English is very good for a Snobbish.


Ok if I switch to Romanian we still got a bet going on?


I'm trying hard here in the slav world.
It's not my fault I was schooled before the wall came down. I knew geography before Reagan passed buddy.

"Snobbish"? You're Snobbish? TD thought you were Czech and I said 'Merkin.

Guess nobody wins that one. Phooey. Well may I say your English is very good for a Snobbish.


Ok if I switch to Romanian we still got a bet going on?


I'm trying hard here in the slav world.

Romanians are not slavs :)

Ha! Vox's right TD, she's gotcha.

Why do you think Stephanie is Slavic anyway? I'm still staying with Merkin. I don't see any evidence otherwise. So yeah we still gots a bet.
I wonder when the duck dynasty guy is going to come out of the closet? typically people that whine the loudest are running from something.
I wonder when the duck dynasty guy is going to come out of the closet? typically people that whine the loudest are running from something.

Okay because we all know your easily gullible the truth is because you dont approve of homosexuality DOES not mean you are secretly a homo. that is just a lie you homosexuals tell each other to make yourselves feel better.

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