Sarah Palin Is Such a Creep

You know.....all this negativity toward Palin can mean only one thing. Libs are scared of her. Libs are scared shitless that Trump will win the nomination BECAUSE of her and then appoint her as his VP choice. Libs are clearly quaking in their booty pajamas over the thought of it.
You know.....all this negativity toward Palin can mean only one thing. Libs are scared of her. Libs are scared shitless that Trump will win the nomination BECAUSE of her and then appoint her as his VP choice. Libs are clearly quaking in their booty pajamas over the thought of it.

dump trump and flush the toilet
You know.....all this negativity toward Palin can mean only one thing. Libs are scared of her. Libs are scared shitless that Trump will win the nomination BECAUSE of her and then appoint her as his VP choice. Libs are clearly quaking in their booty pajamas over the thought of it.

You have some shit on the tip of your nose.

Official DNC Sarah Palin panty sniffer, first class, is a dangerous job. What if she doesn't wipe enough?

Poor panty sniffing pervert...
While speaking at a Donald Trump campaign stop Wednesday (the politician announced her backing of the equally ridiculous campaigner Tuesday), Palin suggested–no–Palin BLAMED President Obama for her son’s dysfunctional behavior.


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You people blame Trump or whatever Republican-of-the-Day that you hate for just about any asinine thing you can think of.

Hillary protected her scumbag husband by discrediting any and all women that BJ assaulted and raped.
Hillary broke the law by putting classified information on her private servers.
Hillary did nothing while Americans were being attacked at Benghazi, then lied to world about a you tube video.

Hillary actively seeks out to destroy people's lives, all to save her political career, even at the cost of national security.
But none of that matters, you've been programmed to ignore all that and have to focus on things like Sarah Palin's family as if it has any bearing on people's lives.
what do you expect from a whore?

if you decide to use your son's problems as a political cudgel, you can hardly expect to others to hold back forever. Palin should be ashamed of herself

[FONT=Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Bitstream Vera Sans, sans-serif]Sarah Palin is such a creep[/FONT]

Joe Biden did it. Is he a creep, too? A whore? Is Jill a whore?

joe biden didn't parade his kids before the camera to validate himself. he didn't need to.

palin's done it for years.

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LOL, Chelsea Clinton. If ever there was a poster child for White Privilege, it's her. But you don't hear liberals complaining about her.
Typical Liberal mindset if you don't think in a Democratic Parties proscribed manner you don't deserve respect.

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