Sarah Palin Says White House Located At 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue

Tempest, meet teapot.

My god, how petty. She got the address wrong, big fucking deal. I've looked around the internet, and the left is going crazy with this story.
A Muslim has beheaded a woman in America's heartland and this is what the fruitcakes want to talk about.
Fucking unbelievable.

Leftist hate = money in the bank.
I think it is easy to confuse numbers. She just said 1400 instead of 1600, no big deal really. Someone was really bored in the media to make this news. After all didn't the current President forget the number of states the US has? Selective reporting and bias in that piece it seems.
And obsession with Sarah Palin by radicalized left wingers continues.

Figures after 6 years they would finally get over her......I figured wrong.
Tempest, meet teapot.

My god, how petty. She got the address wrong, big fucking deal. I've looked around the internet, and the left is going crazy with this story.
A Muslim has beheaded a woman in America's heartland and this is what the fruitcakes want to talk about.
Fucking unbelievable.
OMG what hypocrites.
I'm pretty sure that Sarah is mistaken. I think that the French and the Indians encircled the White House in 1829, and were ringin' those bell and firin' their guns, which woke up the patriots, who turned on their radios, and learned the truth of what was happinin' from Rush...

Leftist hate = money in the bank.
I think it is easy to confuse numbers. She just said 1400 instead of 1600, no big deal really. Someone was really bored in the media to make this news. After all didn't the current President forget the number of states the US has? Selective reporting and bias in that piece it seems.

Obama said the 57 states referring to the USA because he was thinking about the 57 Islamic states who were supporting him for office of president of usa. As for a boring day, a woman was beheaded by a Muslim who was posting beheaded person photo - violent messages on his facebook page with not a single HLS profile on the guy mentioned - which tells us that HLS is profiling the wrong people and had better reconsider that relationship with Israel as they've been fighting our fight alone long enough. Time we get involved and stop worrying about Sarah Palin's poor memory.
Let's remember that Palin represents a rightist political constituency – the TPM for the most part – that prides itself on its ignorance, that perceives ignorance as a virtue, where one need only know his job and the bible – not facts concerning governance, public policy, or Supreme Court decisions.

Indeed, we see examples of this ignorance on this very forum, with ridiculous references to 'judicial activism' and 'liberal judges,' exhibiting a willful ignorance and disdain for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

Leftist hate = money in the bank.

Leftists don't hate money.........They just see the life beyond superficiality...


SP has made millions of leftist hate, that's what I mean.

If they had left her be, she would still be up in Alaska, unheard from again
So your problem is with John McCain, not leftists (whatever the hell that`s supposed to be). We`ll always be grateful to Mr. McCain for not leaving her alone in some hick state.
Here's the thing, dummies.

She said it while making a snarky remark about someone else. And why was she making said snarky remark? Because she was being paid to make snarky remarks by a group of snarky losers. The snarky remark was prepared. She rehearsed it.

Note: the biggest applause lines at the "Values Voter Summit" were for ending universal health care and denying frightened children safe haven.

Good shit.

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