Sarah Palin Says White House Located At 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue


NOW this is hilarious. have a chuckle without having to call them stupid, dumb, arrogant etc, though I am thinking it silently...LOL

Obama’s Creepy 3-Way Date Night

Susan L.M. Goldberg
September 26, 2014 - 8:44 am

You’ve heard of “attachment parenting” from moms like Mayim Bialik who breastfeed until the kid is out of high school. Now, thanks to Valerie Jarrett, we know what “attachment advising” truly means, via the headline:
Obama takes Michelle, Valerie Jarrett for downtown Manhattan date night
You can’t make this stuff up.
President Obama ditched his uptown digs at the Waldorf Astoria to sample the offerings of downtown Manhattan.
With the First Lady and his trusty senior adviser Valerie Jarrett in tow, the presidential motorcade took over the Nolita neighborhood on Wednesday night for the first couple’s date night at Estela on E. Houston St.
They dined on burrata with salsa verde and bread, two endive salads, tomatoes and croquettes before they returned to their hotel shortly before 10:30pm, sources told Eater New York.
The restaurant said it was “humbled” by the presidential visit, posting an Instagram shot of the Obama’s order.

ALL of it here:
Obama’s Creepy 3-Way Date Night


Leftist hate = money in the bank.

Leftists don't hate money.........They just see the life beyond superficiality...


SP has made millions of leftist hate, that's what I mean.

If they had left her be, she would still be up in Alaska, unheard from again
So your problem is with John McCain, not leftists (whatever the hell that`s supposed to be). We`ll always be grateful to Mr. McCain for not leaving her alone in some hick state.
mmm, biigootrryyyyy

Always love to see it from these leftist hypocrites.
ABC analyzes the criticism of obama's coffee salute but report on Palin's gaffe. Good thing those entities who are essentially subsidized by tax payers via FCC licensing (ABC, NBC, CBS) are objective. NOT.
Easy mistake to make. Sees Obama sneaking back in through the servant's entrance (at 1400) after late-night shopping trips and mistakenly assumes that's where He lives.
I've been to All 57 states!

Stand up joe! Take a bow! Oh sorry joe, you're in a wheelchair.

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Do the Corpsemen speak Austrian?

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