Sarah Palin to get 11 million for book?

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I just wish I could make love to her. She's hot, in a gross Alaskan red neck fargo kind of way. Why do I get the feeling her and Todd are swingers?

Why don't you just stick to sucking Obama's dick...that's more your speed.

You just went 8 years defending GW while he teabagged your life savings and you gonna say that to me?

GWB gave my savings account $6000.00 a year in tax cuts to support my family during his administration. The Dems In congress trashed my 401K to the tune of $5000.00 this past year alone.

Now pucker up those lips have work to do.
Why don't you just stick to sucking Obama's dick...that's more your speed.

You just went 8 years defending GW while he teabagged your life savings and you gonna say that to me?

GWB gave my savings account $6000.00 a year in tax cuts to support my family during his administration. The Dems In congress trashed my 401K to the tune of $5000.00 this past year alone.

Now pucker up those lips have work to do.

give obamalama and pelosi time, they will trash what's left too.

That is one big doggie,, is that your dog? What kind of dog is it? But, cats rule! Don't forget.
Near two hundred pound of big fuzzy love. He is an extra large Great Pyrenees. My grandson at Thanksgiving feeding him turkey bits.

Funny, he used to be afraid of cats. We had a Siamese that was not allowed in the house after he pissed in the plant pots. LIl'kitty, he was so jealous of Hos he'd swat at his nose as Hos came through the door.

Hos did not learn until he was 6 all he had to do was "WOOF" at the cats and watch them run.
Wow the reason we lost money is a combination of government, business and personal issues. If your savings was really in a savings you would have lost nothing. But if you was trying to make money with your savings you lost money. Its the market most companies tell you before you invest be sure you understand you could lose it. To blame anyone is counterproductive. Do what is necessary learn from the mistakes and go on.
I love that Dems just spent 8 pages of posts fretting over Sarah Palin. They are SCURRRED!

It's just fun to sit back and watch them all try to ridicule predictable. Meanwhile she pulls Obama sized crowds at rallies. Why? Because she has nothing to say? If you really thought that, you wouldn't be talking about the Governor of Alaska 3 months after she was relevant. So, you lefties have to ask yourself, why is she eating at you so?

Scared of what? The only thing that scares me about her is that so many of you like such a moron:


I'd love for Palin to run in 2012, not only would Obama spank that ass, but she would give us plenty of "Palinisms" to laugh at
I love that Dems just spent 8 pages of posts fretting over Sarah Palin. They are SCURRRED!

It's just fun to sit back and watch them all try to ridicule predictable. Meanwhile she pulls Obama sized crowds at rallies. Why? Because she has nothing to say? If you really thought that, you wouldn't be talking about the Governor of Alaska 3 months after she was relevant. So, you lefties have to ask yourself, why is she eating at you so?

Scared of what? The only thing that scares me about her is that so many of you like such a moron:


I'd love for Palin to run in 2012, not only would Obama spank that ass, but she would give us plenty of "Palinisms" to laugh at

Thanks for being just the predictable dolt I was talking about. Way to walk into it dumbass :tongue:
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Thanks for proving my point

Sure, we have have already read all of your idiot comments degrading women in this thread. Trust me no one takes you seriously in this matter. You have no credibility....poof gone.. now stfu. :lol:

Sexism? Please, you're so full of shit


1. attitudes or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of sexual roles.
2. discrimination or devaluation based on a person's sex.

Yep that's you...
Why don't you just stick to sucking Obama's dick...that's more your speed.

You just went 8 years defending GW while he teabagged your life savings and you gonna say that to me?

GWB gave my savings account $6000.00 a year in tax cuts to support my family during his administration. The Dems In congress trashed my 401K to the tune of $5000.00 this past year alone.

Now pucker up those lips have work to do.

6 grand in tax cuts? I didn't get that kind of money back. Talk about spreading the wealth, or wealth redistribution. Time to spread some of that around Joe the Plumber.

Great. Also now you must realize tax breaks aren't the solution. Because you got all those tax breaks along with corporate America and where did all that money go? Its gone.

It is laughable to blame the Dems for the past 2 years. GW was in charge. That was on him. AND, not one Dem encumbent lost their seat in 2006 or 2008. What does that tell you? You guys tried to make Pelosi & Reeds government a do nothing government and we were on to your games. Everyone knew who to blame. And you lost seats. Want to lose more in 2010? Keep being intellectually dishonest with us. Keep it up and we will get that 60 seat majority. You guys can't play nice so we have to sit you at the kids table. You, Boehner, Palin & McCain. Your bright and shining future. :lol:

At least you aren't distancing yourself from GW like everyone else. Here's one everyone!! A GW supporter who claims the last 8 years were good to them! :cuckoo::eusa_liar::lol:
I find all of this funny people read what they want and even get different ideas from the reading wow.

Hey, we're all here to say what we want to say.

By the way, I just had a thought. GW and the GOP spent, spent, spent the last 8 years. They spent so much that the Federal Reserve printed more money for them when they came back to the well once too often. It was "supplimental" money not to be added to GW's budget numbers. BULLSHIT!

Anyways, my thought was this. They printed and spent so much money that they deluted the money supply. So how could they somehow find a way to reduce the amount of $ that is out there?

How about crash the economy and go into another Recession/Depression? If everyone in America's fortune cuts in half, then there goes the problem of there being too much money in circulation.

It's all on faith anyways, right? The dollar is only worth what people think it is worth. Its only good because you believe it is good. Or we believe it is good.
You just went 8 years defending GW while he teabagged your life savings and you gonna say that to me?

GWB gave my savings account $6000.00 a year in tax cuts to support my family during his administration. The Dems In congress trashed my 401K to the tune of $5000.00 this past year alone.

Now pucker up those lips have work to do.

give obamalama and pelosi time, they will trash what's left too.

Just curious. Were you optimistic when Bush stole the election in 2000?

I mean, did you think he was going to do great things?

Take me back. Tell me what it is like when your Messiah lets you down and stabs you in the back.

Maybe that is why you guys are so sure Obama is going to let us down. Because Bush let you down. :lol:
You just went 8 years defending GW while he teabagged your life savings and you gonna say that to me?

GWB gave my savings account $6000.00 a year in tax cuts to support my family during his administration. The Dems In congress trashed my 401K to the tune of $5000.00 this past year alone.

Now pucker up those lips have work to do.

not one Dem encumbent lost their seat in 2006 or 2008. What does that tell you? :

That Democrats are dumb.
GWB gave my savings account $6000.00 a year in tax cuts to support my family during his administration. The Dems In congress trashed my 401K to the tune of $5000.00 this past year alone.

Now pucker up those lips have work to do.

not one Dem encumbent lost their seat in 2006 or 2008. What does that tell you? :

That Democrats are dumb.

To be honest that reponse makes no sense at all they are dumb thats why they didnt lose a seat.
That Democrats are dumb.

To be honest that reponse makes no sense at all they are dumb thats why they didnt lose a seat.

They are dumb because they re elected all of the corrupt politicians that caused the Economic crisis.

Thank you for some MORE proof that you are, as they say, completely full of shit. Everyone knows that this economic crisis goes on all sides of the board

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