Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

............. I also am offended by the way she talks, she has very irritating speech patterns.

I dunno.....pretty pleasant to listen to after five + years of Obama's inappropriate pauses and emphasis on words one might expect from someone learning English as a second language. Pauses that are common in Swahili, an official language of several countries - notably Kenya.

I think I said earlier that she would be 1000% better than the kenyan messiah. But I can't help it, the way she talks irritates me.
............. I also am offended by the way she talks, she has very irritating speech patterns.

I dunno.....pretty pleasant to listen to after five + years of Obama's inappropriate pauses and emphasis on words one might expect from someone learning English as a second language. Pauses that are common in Swahili, an official language of several countries - notably Kenya.


Hmmm, is corpseman a swahilli word?
............. I also am offended by the way she talks, she has very irritating speech patterns.

I dunno.....pretty pleasant to listen to after five + years of Obama's inappropriate pauses and emphasis on words one might expect from someone learning English as a second language. Pauses that are common in Swahili, an official language of several countries - notably Kenya.


Yes, I would imagine a native speaker of Swahili wouldn't notice anything unusual about them. Rather than search out a spoken link, why not just cup a hand to an ear and recite The Declaration of Independence to hear it clearly. That is if you're allowed to have a copy........
I dunno.....pretty pleasant to listen to after five + years of Obama's inappropriate pauses and emphasis on words one might expect from someone learning English as a second language. Pauses that are common in Swahili, an official language of several countries - notably Kenya.


Hmmm, is corpseman a swahilli word?

Still butthurt over one mispronounced word, what?

Ahh, keepin it classy, I see...
I dunno.....pretty pleasant to listen to after five + years of Obama's inappropriate pauses and emphasis on words one might expect from someone learning English as a second language. Pauses that are common in Swahili, an official language of several countries - notably Kenya.


Yes, I would imagine a native speaker of Swahili wouldn't notice anything unusual about them. Rather than search out a spoken link, why not just cup a hand to an ear and recite The Declaration of Independence to hear it clearly. That is if you're allowed to have a copy........

So........ you have no link then. Just say it.

You know where that leaves you...
:salute: :bsflag:

Yes, I would imagine a native speaker of Swahili wouldn't notice anything unusual about them. Rather than search out a spoken link, why not just cup a hand to an ear and recite The Declaration of Independence to hear it clearly. That is if you're allowed to have a copy........

So........ you have no link then. Just say it.

You know where that leaves you...
:salute: :bsflag:

You have to forgive him, Pogo. The patients at his Sanitarium only get 30 minutes of fresh air per day. It shows.
So........ you have no link then. Just say it.

You know where that leaves you...

:salute: :bsflag:


In full possession of your (albeit limited) attention.

... as a caller-out of bullshit yeah. But don't flatter yourself, it didn't exactly require a brain sweat.

An ease with which you're obviously familiar.

Incidentally if "attention" is what you're here for this is the wrong forum. Try the Flame Zone.
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Now that Sarah as calling Rand's budget, "insanity", we can look forward to the next circular Republican firing squad!

I honestly believe that if there were bucks to be made out of it, she would destroy the party that nominated her.
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Alas, that which goes around comes around.

Perhaps Governor Palin would be more warmly received by the Marxists if she adopted Kenyan pauses in her speech. Or even more so were she to try her hand at ebonics!
Alas, that which goes around comes around.

Perhaps Governor Palin would be more warmly received by the Marxists if she adopted Kenyan pauses in her speech. Or even more so were she to try her hand at ebonics!



"Insanity is pulling the same bullshit over and over and expecting different results"
Alas, that which goes around comes around.

Perhaps Governor Palin would be more warmly received by the Marxists if she adopted Kenyan pauses in her speech. Or even more so were she to try her hand at ebonics!



For the impaired:

Governor Palin has not adopted either Kenyan pauses nor ebonics. Therefore no link. In any case, you liberals need to learn to do your own research rather than demanding others do it for you. Maybe you could get a government grant?
Alas, that which goes around comes around.

Perhaps Governor Palin would be more warmly received by the Marxists if she adopted Kenyan pauses in her speech. Or even more so were she to try her hand at ebonics!



For the impaired:

Governor Palin has not adopted either Kenyan pauses nor ebonics. Therefore no link. In any case, you liberals need to learn to do your own research rather than demanding others do it for you. Maybe you could get a government grant?

Posits "Swahili pauses" -- which somehow morphs into "Kenyan pauses" in spite of all the laws of linguistics.. can't link it, negs those who ask, does it again, still can't link it, and that means the other guy has to "research".

"I regret that I have but one neg to give for my Henry"

For now...

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Uh... yeah OK.

And I believe the starter on a 1960s era MoPar slant six comes off with two bolts.

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