Sarah Palin will not run for president in 2012

I am sick and tired of her trying to keep her name in the news. The last thing was her saying she "had a fire in her belly". OH wow, will she run?

Hell no she wont run. There is no way she will give up her job at Fox just like ol Huck. She is about making money and she has a sweet deal with fox.

So, I say it here. There is no way she will run, just like The Donald didn't and just like ol Huck didn't. You see, those two gentlemen found a higher reason for not running for the highest position in America, their shows. :evil:

Righty's, oh yeah.....we fear her. :lol:


When Sarah wins in 2012 we're going to have PDS treated under the ADA and get you people the treatment you need, lobotomies, etc.

Of course this old stand by would come out. Its all you have when asked about Palin. Its a common deflection..

Here is what you get when asked about her:

Your obsessed
You fear her
or this dumb thing you just posted.

Every single time. I love it.
OH and you actually said, when she wins....WOW. You actually said this. Wow. Talk about PDS. :)
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You're pretty obsessed with Palin.

Well, I knew someone like you would either say we are afraid of her or the good ol "obsessed" with her.

Both ar bullshit of course and you cant back it up in any way but way to delfect from my orinial question..will she run?


Oh really?

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US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Search Results for "Palin" by user Zona

Not to mention this very thread....that you started....about Palin.'re not obsessed at all :rolleyes:

STat man..when was the last time I posted anything about her..

oh and do me a your stats on Palin and your name.

Do it...I dare you.. :lol:
Well, I knew someone like you would either say we are afraid of her or the good ol "obsessed" with her.

Both ar bullshit of course and you cant back it up in any way but way to delfect from my orinial question..will she run?


Oh really?

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US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Search Results for "Palin" by user Zona

Not to mention this very thread....that you started....about Palin.'re not obsessed at all :rolleyes:

STat man..when was the last time I posted anything about her..

oh and do me a your stats on Palin and your name.

Do it...I dare you.. :lol:

Answer to the first question: Today. And continuing.

Answer to second:

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Search Results for "Palin" by user RadiomanATL

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Yeah....way less than half of yours. I'd say the jury rests. You're obsessed.
I am sick and tired of her trying to keep her name in the news.


I know.

I think he doth protest too much.

Jesus Christ, the libs are still obsessing about Palin.

Cain will never win any national election

Come on.. he's black! That's what got us Obama! God knows it wasn't his record of zero accomplishments.

and Jesus Christ, cant you all respond to her saying she "had a fire in her belly" about running?

SHE SAID IT....SHE IS ON YOUR SIDE POLITICALLY...she wont run and you know it.

Here is the thing..when she says something dumb like this, we respond..and somehow we are the wrong ones..
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I know.

I think he doth protest too much.

Cain will never win any national election

Come on.. he's black! That's what got us Obama! God knows it wasn't his record of zero accomplishments.

and Jesus Chris, cant you all respond to her saying she "had a fire in her belly" about running?

SHE SAID IT....SHE IS ON YOUR SIDE POLITICALLY...she wont run and you know it.

Here is the thing..when she says something dumb like this, we respond..and somehow we are the wrong ones..

I didn't say that you were wrong.

I said you were obsessed. And I am correct.
I am sick and tired of her trying to keep her name in the news. The last thing was her saying she "had a fire in her belly". OH wow, will she run?

Hell no she wont run. There is no way she will give up her job at Fox just like ol Huck. She is about making money and she has a sweet deal with fox.

So, I say it here. There is no way she will run, just like The Donald didn't and just like ol Huck didn't. You see, those two gentlemen found a higher reason for not running for the highest position in America, their shows. :evil:

Righty's, oh yeah.....we fear her. :lol:

I don't think she will run either. Not because of money, Because she can't win. Same reason Huck got out. Been there done that. The way to beat Obama is with new Blood. The least baggage attached as possible. Let the Election be a referendum on Obama, and give the electorate a reasonable, Likable Republican Candidate with not a lot of baggage and you will defeat Obama.

What I wish is that Bobby Jindal would run. He has said he wont, and he thinks he needs more time, and experience. Which I think is very Responsible and Big of him to admit. However I think he has far More Experience than Obama did when he ran. He is young, and Fresh and could I think easily defeat Obama(baring a dramatic change in how the people feel about Obama's Polices and performance so far). He is my choice. There are others of course but he is my number 1# to win.
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It really doesn't matter who the republicans run, they are going to lose the presidential election to President Obama anyway.
I am sick and tired of her trying to keep her name in the news. The last thing was her saying she "had a fire in her belly". OH wow, will she run?

Hell no she wont run. There is no way she will give up her job at Fox just like ol Huck. She is about making money and she has a sweet deal with fox.

So, I say it here. There is no way she will run, just like The Donald didn't and just like ol Huck didn't. You see, those two gentlemen found a higher reason for not running for the highest position in America, their shows. :evil:

Righty's, oh yeah.....we fear her. :lol:

I don't think she will run either. Not because of money, Because she can't win. Same reason Huck got out. Been there done that. The way to beat Obama is with new Blood. The least baggage attached as possible. Let the Election be a referendum on Obama, and give the electorate a reasonable, Likable Republican Candidate with not a lot of baggage and you will defeat Obama.

What I wish is that Bobby Jindal would run. He has said he wont, and he thinks he needs more time, and experience. Which I think is very Responsible and Big of him to admit. However I think he has far More Experience than Obama did when he ran. He is young, and Fresh and could I think easily defeat Obama(baring a dramatic change in how the people feel about Obama's Polices and performance so far). He is my choice. There are others of course but he is my number 1# to win.

Jindal won't run because he knows he would lose.
Oh really?

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Search Results for "Palin" by user Zona

Not to mention this very thread....that you started....about Palin.'re not obsessed at all :rolleyes:

STat man..when was the last time I posted anything about her..

oh and do me a your stats on Palin and your name.

Do it...I dare you.. :lol:

Answer to the first question: Today. And continuing.

Answer to second:

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Search Results for "Palin" by user RadiomanATL

Showing results 1 to 25 of 221
Search took 0.50 seconds

Yeah....way less than half of yours. I'd say the jury rests. You're obsessed.

skippy...before today...stop being so disingenious.

Oh and your numbers make you "obsessed" as

The real obsessed ones are the idiots who say she will run....:cool:
STat man..when was the last time I posted anything about her..

oh and do me a your stats on Palin and your name.

Do it...I dare you.. :lol:

Answer to the first question: Today. And continuing.

Answer to second:

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Search Results for "Palin" by user RadiomanATL

Showing results 1 to 25 of 221
Search took 0.50 seconds

Yeah....way less than half of yours. I'd say the jury rests. You're obsessed.

skippy...before today...stop being so disingenious.

Oh and your numbers make you "obsessed" as

The real obsessed ones are the idiots who say she will run....:cool:

You have approximately 226% more posts about her than me. You have her in your avatar. Yet I'm the one that is obsessed?

You need to attend a Palin support group or a 12 step program or something. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
Answer to the first question: Today. And continuing.

Answer to second:

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Search Results for "Palin" by user RadiomanATL

Yeah....way less than half of yours. I'd say the jury rests. You're obsessed.

skippy...before today...stop being so disingenious.

Oh and your numbers make you "obsessed" as

The real obsessed ones are the idiots who say she will run....:cool:

You have approximately 226% more posts about her than me. You have her in your avatar. Yet I'm the one that is obsessed?

You need to attend a Palin support group or a 12 step program or something. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

I need you to look up how many times I mentioned..

Tea baggers
Allen West

You see, I talk about these things in a bulletin board. I know this is a strange concept to you but ITS A BULLETIN BOARD.

Still not getting it...Here is how it works...when faced with something dumb your side says, you deflect. (I know this stings but deal with :eusa_whistle:
skippy...before today...stop being so disingenious.

Oh and your numbers make you "obsessed" as

The real obsessed ones are the idiots who say she will run....:cool:

You have approximately 226% more posts about her than me. You have her in your avatar. Yet I'm the one that is obsessed?

You need to attend a Palin support group or a 12 step program or something. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

I need you to look up how many times I mentioned..

Tea baggers
Allen West

You see, I talk about these things in a bulletin board. I know this is a strange concept to you but ITS A BULLETIN BOARD.

Still not getting it...Here is how it works...when faced with something dumb your side says, you deflect. (I know this stings but deal with :eusa_whistle:

So, pointing out the obvious is now considered deflection?

You have an obsession dude. From your avatar to your posts about are obsessed with Palin.
Sarah will never have a better chance to be President than now. Republicans are tripping over themselves to get out if the race, the front runner passed his own Obamacare the base hates, and the economy will be as bad as any for a sitting President since the Depression.

On the other hand, if she were to lose to Obama, it would be the ultimate humiliation on the Right and her gravy train will be over. Fox News and the rest of the right wing media echo chamber are making prospective candidates rich, so the most likely candidates are those who either already are rich and don't need the media to pay their bills (Romney) or who have nothing to lose as nobody knows who they are (everybody else).
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You have approximately 226% more posts about her than me. You have her in your avatar. Yet I'm the one that is obsessed?

You need to attend a Palin support group or a 12 step program or something. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

I need you to look up how many times I mentioned..

Tea baggers
Allen West

You see, I talk about these things in a bulletin board. I know this is a strange concept to you but ITS A BULLETIN BOARD.

Still not getting it...Here is how it works...when faced with something dumb your side says, you deflect. (I know this stings but deal with :eusa_whistle:

So, pointing out the obvious is now considered deflection?

You have an obsession dude. From your avatar to your posts about are obsessed with Palin.

Ok...I know I know..I am back to my point..she said she 'has a fire in her belly".

Now help me out here...just this once, stay on point...will she run? Just this once please please try to stay on point and not deflect...WILL SHE RUN?

Come on, you can do it....(watch what happens here...he will come back with..your obsessed or the famous..who gives a fuck)...lolololololol Typical.
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"fire in the belly" is a euphemism for 'running for Pres'. She's prolly just trying to get better candidates in the race by threatening to get into it herself. If she did, it would upend the whole board on the Repub side.
I need you to look up how many times I mentioned..

Tea baggers
Allen West

You see, I talk about these things in a bulletin board. I know this is a strange concept to you but ITS A BULLETIN BOARD.

Still not getting it...Here is how it works...when faced with something dumb your side says, you deflect. (I know this stings but deal with :eusa_whistle:

So, pointing out the obvious is now considered deflection?

You have an obsession dude. From your avatar to your posts about are obsessed with Palin.

Ok...I know I know..I am back to my point..she said she 'has a fire in her belly".

Now help me out here...just this once, stay on point...will she run? Just this once please please try to stay on point and not deflect...WILL SHE RUN?

Come on, you can do it....

I already answered this. You are not wrong. I've said for the past 2 years she is an idiot who would lose if she did decide to run, and I have said numerous times that she knows that she would she won't run. Way to pay attention :thup:

Now, none of this negates your obsession with her.
I am sick and tired of her trying to keep her name in the news. The last thing was her saying she "had a fire in her belly". OH wow, will she run?

Hell no she wont run. There is no way she will give up her job at Fox just like ol Huck. She is about making money and she has a sweet deal with fox.

So, I say it here. There is no way she will run, just like The Donald didn't and just like ol Huck didn't. You see, those two gentlemen found a higher reason for not running for the highest position in America, their shows. :evil:

Righty's, oh yeah.....we fear her. :lol:


When Sarah wins in 2012 we're going to have PDS treated under the ADA and get you people the treatment you need, lobotomies, etc.

Of course this old stand by would come out. Its all you have when asked about Palin. Its a common deflection..

Here is what you get when asked about her:

Your obsessed
You fear her
or this dumb thing you just posted.

Every single time. I love it.
OH and you actually said, when she wins....WOW. You actually said this. Wow. Talk about PDS. :)

The NeoMarxists shot their load on her, you have nothing left but your hatred.

You can't go any more negative on her.

Or her husband. Or her kids.

And she's still laughing in your faces.

She's a Conservative. She was a successful governor. She's not a birther. She's fun, funny, smart and effective.

If she runs for the nomination, she'll win; she'll demolish Obama in the debates. She will win at least 54 of the 57 states Obama claims he visited in 08.
So, pointing out the obvious is now considered deflection?

You have an obsession dude. From your avatar to your posts about are obsessed with Palin.

Ok...I know I know..I am back to my point..she said she 'has a fire in her belly".

Now help me out here...just this once, stay on point...will she run? Just this once please please try to stay on point and not deflect...WILL SHE RUN?

Come on, you can do it....

I already answered this. You are not wrong. I've said for the past 2 years she is an idiot who would lose if she did decide to run, and I have said numerous times that she knows that she would she won't run. Way to pay attention :thup:

Now, none of this negates your obsession with her.

You have said this for two years and I am the obsessed one? :clap2:

(see what I did

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