Sarah Palins Policy Record As Governor Is Proof She Would Make A Fine President

Establ Repubs are in bed w/ Big Money so they will prevent Sarah from entering the fray or run MILLION $$$$ ad campaigns against her.
"One thing I will say about Sara Palin.
At least she knows how to hold a gun and can shoot it."

By Golly, if that doesn't qualify her as presidential material, I don't know what does!

I don't think that she is presidential material.
Obama never had a executive record or executive job. He never balanced a budget or made a payroll. How was he presidential material?[/QUOTE]

He wasn't, that is why I did not vote for him.
His record of going out to the people to sell his ideology shows it - a.k.a. dubbed by many as campaigner in chief.
He does not know how to be a leader.
I also think the same thing about Palin, she is not experienced enough to be a leader.
She has a bunch more experience than what Obama ever had though.
The Established Incumbents who run the GOP will not let her win anything. They will make sure along with the media smears and she won't get nominated as front runner.
I don't think that she is presidential material.
Obama never had a executive record or executive job. He never balanced a budget or made a payroll. How was he presidential material?[/QUOTE]

He wasn't, that is why I did not vote for him.
His record of going out to the people to sell his ideology shows it - a.k.a. dubbed by many as campaigner in chief.
He does not know how to be a leader.
I also think the same thing about Palin, she is not experienced enough to be a leader.
She has a bunch more experience than what Obama ever had though.
The Established Incumbents who run the GOP will not let her win anything. They will make sure along with the media smears and she won't get nominated as front runner.

I agree with everything you said but Palin not having what it takes to be a leader..

I think she does, but like you said, the "Corrupted Bastards club" from the Elitist career politicians in both parties with the help from Pravda lamestream media will set out on another smear campaign the same as last time from the Democrat party...
this government and the politicians in it is so out of control and has now become an enemy to us...How so many people don't see it will be our doom
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Seems there arn't enough people with any brains on this site. Only a few that I can see.The ones without any are obama lovers. just look where they got us. All this , she is not qualified to be president crap is just that crap. obama proved he isn]t qualified. I dare say that no one here is qualified to say that she would not make a great president. She has proven that she is way beyond anyone here as far as brains go. Sarah Palin has run a state government. What Government have the lefties here run? What did obama run besides his mouth? Sarah Palin knows right from wrong, do the left ? Sarah Palin is out there defending the constitution, the rights of the people,and our freedom. She supports our troops and defends our way of life. Sarah Palin is an American, The kind of American that I would go back to war for. Her America is worth fighting for. Everyone should step aside from their political correctness and their divided politics and support Sarah Palin. She is the only real hope for America. Now I don't claim to be the smartest one on the block, but if we all don't get behind someone like Sarah Palin and her beliefs and the American Peoples beliefs , then America is doomed. Do all you dems want that? Do the obama lovers want that? Sarah Palin might be the last hope for America. So stop fighting her, stop ridiculing her, stop the name calling and stop being affraid of her. Now I know I am going to take some heat for all this and It will be my pleasure.
Obama never had a executive record or executive job. He never balanced a budget or made a payroll. How was he presidential material?[/QUOTE]

He wasn't, that is why I did not vote for him.
His record of going out to the people to sell his ideology shows it - a.k.a. dubbed by many as campaigner in chief.
He does not know how to be a leader.
I also think the same thing about Palin, she is not experienced enough to be a leader.
She has a bunch more experience than what Obama ever had though.
The Established Incumbents who run the GOP will not let her win anything. They will make sure along with the media smears and she won't get nominated as front runner.

I agree with everything you said but Palin not having what it takes to be a leader..

I think she does, but like you said, the "Corrupted Bastards club" from the Elitist career politicians in both parties with the help from Pravda lamestream media will set out on another smear campaign the same as last time from the Democrat party...
this government and the politicians in it is so out of control and has now become an enemy to us...How so many people don't see it will be our doom

Yep I agree.
I should think that the people who vote for Democrats would see that the rich and powerful rule and control both parties.
This is exactly why it is impossible for any independents to run, even though the largest amount of voters are registered independent.
This is exactly why both parties are against the Tea Party movement (power back in the hands of the people like it should be) The GOP can't control them with threats of with- holding the GOP money for their campaigners.
Too many on the left seem to think it is only Republicans and they can't see, won't see or refuse to see or even realize that.
Heck, people who vote for Democrats think that the tea party movement is about getting the Republicans in power. They don't even get it that they are for getting rid of the "Corrupted Bastards Club" in both parties.
They can't even get it that the tea party movement has people who are republican, independent and democrats.
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I liked her windfall profits tax on Alaska oil, however, I didn't see that in the record you posted.
It's in the OP called ACES.

"*A Constitutionalist, Governor Palin signed Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) bill into law. The Alaska constitution states that the Alaskan people own the oil and other resources. This law ensures that the “owners”, the people of Alaska, receive a clear and equitable share of oil profits."

And she had to ally herself with Alaska Democrats in order to overcome conservative opposition to it.

If she'd be that kind of President, she wouldn't be all bad.

you mean she wasn't all about ideology and party lines?

You mean she got things done despite resistance from her OWN party?


She worked for the people. Not for the party.

Refreshing change if you ask me.
Step one in proving that you could be a good president is demonstrating the ability to get elected.

Palin is thus DOA.

This is the problem with America. Shouldn't step one be proving that you can govern?

yep. It used to be that way.

Now it is all about who has the best speech writer and who has some sort of "legacy" before he or she is elected...

You "first Black President" or "first woman president"
Her executive record posted is factual. Now tell me the things you like or dislike about it.

I liked her windfall profits tax on Alaska oil, however, I didn't see that in the record you posted.
It's in the OP called ACES.

"*A Constitutionalist, Governor Palin signed Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) bill into law. The Alaska constitution states that the Alaskan people own the oil and other resources. This law ensures that the “owners”, the people of Alaska, receive a clear and equitable share of oil profits."

i.e., socialism
I liked her windfall profits tax on Alaska oil, however, I didn't see that in the record you posted.
It's in the OP called ACES.

"*A Constitutionalist, Governor Palin signed Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) bill into law. The Alaska constitution states that the Alaskan people own the oil and other resources. This law ensures that the “owners”, the people of Alaska, receive a clear and equitable share of oil profits."

i.e., socialism

hardly but you already knew that
It's in the OP called ACES.

"*A Constitutionalist, Governor Palin signed Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) bill into law. The Alaska constitution states that the Alaskan people own the oil and other resources. This law ensures that the “owners”, the people of Alaska, receive a clear and equitable share of oil profits."

i.e., socialism

hardly but you already knew that

I grew up in a place that had real socialism, not this tame stuff American conservatives are always whining about.

And that statement in the Alaska constitution is EXACTLY the rhetoric the socialist parties use. It is the premise the socialists use for raising taxes on corporations and redistributing wealth to "the people."

Which is EXACTLY what Sarah Palin did.

But, because she's a conservative darling, conservatives will deny this until the day they die.
i.e., socialism

hardly but you already knew that

I grew up in a place that had real socialism, not this tame stuff American conservatives are always whining about.

And that statement in the Alaska constitution is EXACTLY the rhetoric the socialist parties use. It is the premise the socialists use for raising taxes on corporations and redistributing wealth to "the people."

Which is EXACTLY what Sarah Palin did.

But, because she's a conservative darling, conservatives will deny this until the day they die.

so you think corporations should use a states Natural resources without any concession ?
Not many states can claim they have these like Alaska does
another question for you dear, have you ever been to Alaska?
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Palin by the numbers:

$100,000.00 – fee charged by Palin for giving a speech after resigning as Governor.

$150,000.00 – amount RNC paid for clothes for the Palins.

$250,000.00 – amount Discovery Channel paid Sarah Palin for each of 8 episodes of Sarah Palin’s Alaska.

$888,000.00 – amount of a tax credit paid by Alaska tax payers to TLC as a result of wages paid to Sarah Palin for starring in Sarah Palin’s Alaska.

$5,500,000.00 – amount of federally funded earmarks Wasilla received while Palin was Mayor.

$35,000.00 - amount Palin paid per year for the lobbyist hired by Palin while mayor of Wasilla to obtain earmarks.

$26,000,000.000 – amount of federal tax dollars spent by Palin on the “Road to Nowhere”, a road leading to the edge of a cliff where the bridge was originally intended to be built, but was canceled before construction of the road was started. According to the Alaska Transportation Priorities Project, a group promoting “sensible transportation systems in the state,” the “Road to Nowhere” was an “irresponsible waste.”

$27,000,000.00 – amount of federal earmarks Palin secured with the help of her hired lobbyist for Wasilla’a town of 6,700 residents.

$197,800,000.00 – amount requested in earmarks for Alaska while Palin was Governor; a total of 31 earmarks representing more per person than any other state in the United States.

$233,000,000.00 – amount requested by Palin for the “Bridge to Nowhere”.

3,000.00 – amount of debt incurred by each resident of Wasilla during the time Palin was mayor.

$50,000.00 – amount of city funds Palin used without authorization to redecorate Mayor’s office in Wasilla, including red wallpaper that made it look “like a bordello” according to Wasilla City Council member.

$1,200,000.00 – amount of debt of Wasilla had when Palin began as mayor.

$24, 800,000.00 – amount of debt of Wasilla had when Palin left as mayor.

0 – number of Palin children who are college age and enrolled in college

1 – number of New York Muslim cab drivers stabbed after Palin posted her Facebook post relating to the New York Mosque saying “doesn’t it stab you in the heart?”

1 - Arizona Congresswoman targeted by Palin and a mentally ill young man.

1 – number of children of Meghan Stapelton, Palin’s spokesperson, and one of her most trusted aides. Stapleton quit to “spend more time with her husband and one child.”

2 – number of Palin children who are college age

2 – number of bendable straws required for any speaking appearance by Sarah Palin.

3 – number of days Palin stayed home after giving birth to Trig.

4 – age of Diana Palin’s daughter, Sarah Palin’s neice, who accompanied Diana during the heist.

5 – number of colleges and number of years Palin attended college while attempting to earn a four-year degree.

8 – number of months between Palin’s marriage to Todd and the delivery of a full term infant.

8 – number of months Palin was pregnant with her fifth child whom she knew would be born with Down’s syndrome, when she opted to travel to Texas.

10 – number of hours Palin flew on airplanes from Texas to Alaska, while in labor and leaking amniotic fluid.

15 - number of minutes for the meeting between McCain and Palin in their first meeting and the only one before the meeting in which McCain offered Palin the position as his running mate.

17 – number of months Palin failed to serve as Governor of Alaska after she resigned.

18 – number of months left in Palin’s term as Governor when she quit.

21 – number of months Palin had served as Governor of Alaska before McCain tapped her as his Vice Presidential running mate.

25 – number of adjectives in Game Change that described Sarah Palin, and were indicative of some type of mental illness, or imbalance.

166 – number of times Palin used something written by someone else in America by Heart.

2007 – the year in which Sarah Palin first obtained a passport

2008 – Palin failed to secure a hunting license

2009 – Palin failed to secure a hunting license

2010 – the year Palin gave the keynote speech for the convention of the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America convention in Las Vegas, the keynote speech for the International Bowling Expo in Las Vegas, and the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans.
I think that she has too much baggage now iurregardless of whether she is qualified

HEY!!! As long as we're on the topic, Anyone have that "Crusader Frank Palin zombie thread" pic?


so you think corporations should use a states Natural resources without any concession ?
Not many states can claim they have these like Alaska does
another question for you dear, have you ever been to Alaska?

What I think is irrelevant.

What I know is that if Obama raised taxes on corporations and used the money to give to "the people," conservatives would go batshit crazy. But when Palin does it, conservatives give her a pass. It's notable that for all the things they bash her on, liberals do not criticize her one iota for raising taxes on oil companies and spreading the wealth.

BTW, the Laffer Curve is mostly bullshit, particularly when it is applied to income taxes unless it is at a really high rate. However, there is empirical evidence that cutting royalty taxes on natural resources really does increase government revenues even at low rates because it encourages investment in natural resources, which has a high multiplier. By raising tax rates on energy companies, as Palin did, she violated a fundamental tenet of American conservatism in an area where Republican supply side economics really works.
Could it be someone is positioning for a place in a Hillary administration?
so you think corporations should use a states Natural resources without any concession ?
Not many states can claim they have these like Alaska does
another question for you dear, have you ever been to Alaska?

What I think is irrelevant.

What I know is that if Obama raised taxes on corporations and used the money to give to "the people," conservatives would go batshit crazy. But when Palin does it, conservatives give her a pass. It's notable that for all the things they bash her on, liberals do not criticize her one iota for raising taxes on oil companies and spreading the wealth.

BTW, the Laffer Curve is mostly bullshit, particularly when it is applied to income taxes unless it is at a really high rate. However, there is empirical evidence that cutting royalty taxes on natural resources really does increase government revenues even at low rates because it encourages investment in natural resources, which has a high multiplier. By raising tax rates on energy companies, as Palin did, she violated a fundamental tenet of American conservatism in an area where Republican supply side economics really works.

Disagree with you what is the fundamental "tenet" of the American conservative.
but we can agree to disagree
Sarah Palin - When the going got tough, she got going! Right into reality TV land. Good presidential material? Only if you're like Grover Norquist and actively seek a president so ineffective as to be irrelevant.
Sarah Palin - When the going got tough, she got going! Right into reality TV land. Good presidential material? Only if you're like Grover Norquist and actively seek a president so ineffective as to be irrelevant.

huh? she ran a state government...what did Obama run before he was crowned king? beside his mouth?
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Sarah Palin is a quitter.
I would never support a quitter. We need a winner and Palin quit to take the mega millions from media work.
More power to her but once a quitter always a quitter.
And the bogus "she had to quit to avoid legal fees" is for dumb masses only to believe.
She quit because she is a quitter.
If we can do no better than Sarah Palin we deserve 20 more years of Obama bots.

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