Sarah Palins Policy Record As Governor Is Proof She Would Make A Fine President

I have to disagree. I think that Duck Dynasty should replace the Supreme Court....Of course, they would only be is session when ducks are out of season.
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What is the average IQ of people who think that Sarah Palin is smart?

Let's conduct a survey.
I would like to respond to your posts but I will not as long as you have that avatar. (other then this once) I am as conservative and right wing as anyone but I don't believe such disrespect advances anyone's position. Just my opinion.

I have to agree with you there...Avatars don't usually bother me but that one is horrible
I'd like to ask he change it...we'll see

No let him keep it. It's good to see the true face of conservatism, as well as exactly the kind of person who supports someone like Sarah Palin.

The vast majority of Conservatives are not like that.
That avatar offends the majority of us weather we are right or left.
I am sick and tired of the left lumping all conservatives as the same.
Conservatives are just as much diversified as the left are.

One thing I will say about Sarah Palin.
At least she knows how to hold a gun and can shoot it.
Unlike Wendy Davis who does not even know how to hold one, much less shoot one.
The liberals that were around her during that photo shoot were so afraid of that gun that they had her poising with it cocked open.
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"One thing I will say about Sara Palin.
At least she knows how to hold a gun and can shoot it."

By Golly, if that doesn't qualify her as presidential material, I don't know what does!
"One thing I will say about Sara Palin.
At least she knows how to hold a gun and can shoot it."

By Golly, if that doesn't qualify her as presidential material, I don't know what does!

I don't think that she is presidential material.
bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!

The guy posts data, facts....and you post this.

Government school grad, huh?
tell me this is a parody ... please God, I'm begging here.

Her executive record posted is factual. Now tell me the things you like or dislike about it.

I dislike the fact she quit to go on a book tour. Love them or hate them, at least Scott Walker and Christie fought or are fighting for their governships. I might not agree with their policies but at least I respect them for fighting back.
"One thing I will say about Sara Palin.
At least she knows how to hold a gun and can shoot it."

By Golly, if that doesn't qualify her as presidential material, I don't know what does!

I don't think that she is presidential material.
Obama never had a executive record or executive job. He never balanced a budget or made a payroll. How was he presidential material?
I have to agree that Palin's policy did make sense for Alaska. She quit before she could do much harm, like VP Agnew did, and that is worth something!

Interesting that you bring up Agnew.

Did you know why Agnew was selected by Nixon?

Because the Republicans were opposed to segregation, and that was the platform of the Democrats.

Nixon chose Spiro Agnew as VP, was that he had passed some of the nation’s first bans on racial discrimination in public housing- before federal laws. He had beaten Democrat segregationist George Mahoney for governor of Maryland in 1966.

Republican Spiro Agnew ran against Democrat segregationists George Mahoney for governor of Maryland. Agnew enacted some of the first laws in the nation against race discrimination in public housing. “Agnew signed the state's first open-housing laws and succeeded in getting the repeal of an anti-miscegenation law.” Spiro Agnew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But, I'll bet it is Democrats you vote for, huh?
tell me this is a parody ... please God, I'm begging here.

Her executive record posted is factual. Now tell me the things you like or dislike about it.

I liked her windfall profits tax on Alaska oil, however, I didn't see that in the record you posted.
It's in the OP called ACES.

"*A Constitutionalist, Governor Palin signed Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) bill into law. The Alaska constitution states that the Alaskan people own the oil and other resources. This law ensures that the “owners”, the people of Alaska, receive a clear and equitable share of oil profits."
George W. Bush was a spoiled, coked-out, semi-retarded frat boy with possible Fetal Alcohol Syndrome who failed at everything that he ever did, and who lied our country into an endless illegal torture war that We the People are going to be paying off for at least 50 years.

How was he presidential material?
Her executive record posted is factual. Now tell me the things you like or dislike about it.

I liked her windfall profits tax on Alaska oil, however, I didn't see that in the record you posted.
It's in the OP called ACES.

"*A Constitutionalist, Governor Palin signed Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) bill into law. The Alaska constitution states that the Alaskan people own the oil and other resources. This law ensures that the “owners”, the people of Alaska, receive a clear and equitable share of oil profits."

And she had to ally herself with Alaska Democrats in order to overcome conservative opposition to it.

If she'd be that kind of President, she wouldn't be all bad.
Yeah, Palin for president!

I'm also in favor of the OP keeping his stupid avatar. It matches what I see as his IQ level.
She raised taxes on oil companies and redistributed wealth to the people.

True story.
If enough people want her to run she might...who knows

I don't think she'd be any worse than Hillary...We know what we'll get with Hillary, more Obama just in a pantsuit

I'd like to see Palin and some others start a new party...Tired of the one party rule (Democrat/Republican) we seem to be headed
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I think that she has too much baggage now iurregardless of whether she is qualified

HEY!!! As long as we're on the topic, Anyone have that "Crusader Frank Palin zombie thread" pic?

The problem that conservatives4palin has is that there are not enough conservatives for Palin. The pro-Palin camp in the GOP has to convince their own party first, before they worry about the rest of the country. The odds are very against them.

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