Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid

can u imagine a debate between Obama and Palin....? :cool:

I'd love it. Palin would destroy Obama.
Yeah, she'd destroy him on bumper sticker cliche's...I'll give her that. Obama's not too good with stuff that can fit on a bumper sticker.

Really? Obama was the single most bumper sticker candidate Evah!!!!

Yes we can


Hope n Change

We are the ones we have been waiting for...

Good lord it's all the guy had - and by God, it worked.

The awakening backlash has been significant though...
When you are an alleged potential candidate for high office, and you do stuff like put notes on your hand, that's not supposed to be a positive thing. It shows that you have the speaking skills of a 6th grade speech class student, even if your speaking is awesome.

Appearances are everything.
When you are an alleged potential candidate for high office, and you do stuff like put notes on your hand, that's not supposed to be a positive thing. It shows that you have the speaking skills of a 6th grade speech class student, even if your speaking is awesome.

Appearances are everything.

Which explains in part Obama's falling approval #s.

The flies are circling already...

[ame=]YouTube - Raw Video: Obama to W.H. Fly: "Get Out of Here!"[/ame]
When you are an alleged potential candidate for high office, and you do stuff like put notes on your hand, that's not supposed to be a positive thing. It shows that you have the speaking skills of a 6th grade speech class student, even if your speaking is awesome.

Appearances are everything.
A couple of bullet points written on your hand are a far cry from being a stammering fool when the teleprompter goes down.

For all the valid criticisms of Palin, that one is scraping through the bottom of the barrel.
When you are an alleged potential candidate for high office, and you do stuff like put notes on your hand, that's not supposed to be a positive thing. It shows that you have the speaking skills of a 6th grade speech class student, even if your speaking is awesome.

Appearances are everything.
A couple of bullet points written on your hand are a far cry from being a stammering fool when the teleprompter goes down.

For all the valid criticisms of Palin, that one is scraping through the bottom of the barrel.
I agree; there are better points of criticism against her.

However, as we are a society of appearance (the "look at someone for 5 seconds" rule), the hand notes thing is a minus one for half-governor Palin, I'm sure.
Palin scares the Dems no doubt - but far too early to say she is the "defacto" nominee.

Newt has been making inroads within the Republican machine, calling in favors, and reaching out to mend fences.

The party is, despite off the mark media reports otherwise, getting itself together to enjoy great success in November 2010 and then we shall see...

The Dems have probably been contributing to her 'war chest' in hopes that she'll be the candidate. :lol:

I know I am ready to donate as soon as she announces her bid!
Yes, me too. I think she will get quite a bit of help from the Democrats. I can think of no one that the Democrats would rather face than Palin.
Palin has a better resume than obama. Lofl that's hilarious even coming from a dumb ass rightwing tool
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Well, she DOES have executive experience...

even if she quit halfway into those executive positions.
She went to about a dozen colleges before she found one easy enough to graduate her. The republicans will kill her way before we get to laugh at her vs Obama.
Palin power is legit.

She's making millions and influencing elections.

Damn girl got talent...
She went to about a dozen colleges before she found one easy enough to graduate her. The republicans will kill her way before we get to laugh at her vs Obama.
She did like a lot of average college students across the USA. What is wrong with that? She worked jobs between semesters and paid for her own tuition's. That is a quality that instills confidence and discipline in a individual and she has it. By the way how did Obama pay for his college?
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The only reason I would like to see Palin win the nomination is because then she would HAVE to debate Obama.

I like watching political bloodbaths on television.
The only reason I would like to see Palin win the nomination is because then she would HAVE to debate Obama.

I like watching political bloodbaths on television.

[ame=]YouTube - In the Navy[/ame]
Hey.......Shit Nada..........since you can't say that Palin would beat Obama, you decide to play a Village People video?

Nice deflection......not..
Hey.......Shit Nada..........since you can't say that Palin would beat Obama, you decide to play a Village People video?

Nice deflection......not..


[ame=]YouTube - He-Man: Opening Theme[/ame]
Enlighten us Shit Nada, tell us exactly how a journalist degree from 4 different colleges can beat a lawyers degree from 1 Ivy League school?

Like I said, I would LOVE to see the Wasilla Chihuahua have to debate Obama.
Palin's a quitter. She let down a lot of constituents when she quit.

The fact that she is a quitter is going to provide unlimited ammo for any political opponents.

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