Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid

Enlighten us Shit Nada, tell us exactly how a journalist degree from 4 different colleges can beat a lawyers degree from 1 Ivy League school?

Like I said, I would LOVE to see the Wasilla Chihuahua have to debate Obama.
Forget about how prestigious a college is or not-so-prestigious a college is.

It's the fact that she went to SO MANY schools is what's the issue.

She could have gone to Pickle University of Clownville for all I care. But if she stayed in that same school until she completed her necessary requirements, that'd be respectable.
Enlighten us Shit Nada, tell us exactly how a journalist degree from 4 different colleges can beat a lawyers degree from 1 Ivy League school?

Like I said, I would LOVE to see the Wasilla Chihuahua have to debate Obama.
Forget about how prestigious a college is or not-so-prestigious a college is.

It's the fact that she went to SO MANY schools is what's the issue.

She could have gone to Pickle University of Clownville for all I care. But if she stayed in that same school until she completed her necessary requirements, that'd be respectable.

Good point. Obama has demonstrated a willingness to stick to the project at hand and complete his diploma at the one he began at.

Palin floated from school to school over 4 years for a degree. put it another way.........

If you're looking at a resume showing different people, one of who has had 4 different jobs over 4 years, or would you rather hire the one that shows stability of having had 1 job over 4 years?
Palin's a quitter. She let down a lot of constituents when she quit.

The fact that she is a quitter is going to provide unlimited ammo for any political opponents.
She'll probably be crushed before she can even start forming an Exploratory Committee, let alone make it to the first round of Primary Debates next spring.
Palin has no chance at all to be the pick. However, she can throw some weight to the eventual pick, and thus will still be important.
Palin scares the Dems no doubt - but far too early to say she is the "defacto" nominee.

Newt has been making inroads within the Republican machine, calling in favors, and reaching out to mend fences.

The party is, despite off the mark media reports otherwise, getting itself together to enjoy great success in November 2010 and then we shall see...

Shakin' in my boots here. No.....wait....that's from the laughter.
Palin scares the Dems no doubt - but far too early to say she is the "defacto" nominee.

Newt has been making inroads within the Republican machine, calling in favors, and reaching out to mend fences.

The party is, despite off the mark media reports otherwise, getting itself together to enjoy great success in November 2010 and then we shall see...

The Dems have probably been contributing to her 'war chest' in hopes that she'll be the candidate. :lol:

Would be money well spent, IMO.
Not sure why it matters who runs for the republican party....or any other party for that matter...we've already been told that BO will win a second term. So, why bother with the speculation?

Entertainment those Superbowl commercials.
Palin stands no chance, she will have lots of support but there is no way she will pull the Indies and a big part of conservatives see her as a neocon. She is also what Obama is to Republicans, she won't draw ANY support from the left and that's bad. I also doubt Obama will be running being he will prolly be around 30% approval ratings by election time.

I do believe, and I mean this in no way as a Fanboy, that IF Ron Paul runs again and early on gives a likable vice president will easily win during the primaries. IF RP was up against Obama he would destroy him being RP has much support from reps/dems and the independents... Most of this is based on the fact that after the 2008 primaries RP has become one of the most popular politicians. His name and many of his ideas are table talk and the “Omg wtf” shock of hearing ideas like getting rid of the FED and DOE is over for many people.

Obama no matter the case has a lot against him these days.

-Obama is big war, bigger than Bush
-Obama is economically challenged
-Obama has come of as racist to many people
-Obama is very pro illegal immigration and by far most the US is not
-Obama has put states and American lives at risk (many have died to illegal’s everyday) for political posturing on the illegal immigration issue
-Obama Has lied, undeniably lied...

Sarah Palin still couldn't beat Obama, I can't see Palin wanting to be president anyways, she quit her job as being a Governor for money (books deal) that alone will destroy her in the primaries and beyond (if she wins). She has a white trash family. She is dumb, and is nothing more than regurgitated Neocon sound bites.
If I were a Democract, I would certainly contribute to Palin.

Do you say that because you only want your party to win, reguardless of who would be president? Seems like you should focus your efforts on someone you agree with. In these hard times I can't see many people giving money away to people they hate (donation even) unless they didn't earn it.
Palin scares the Dems no doubt - but far too early to say she is the "defacto" nominee.

Newt has been making inroads within the Republican machine, calling in favors, and reaching out to mend fences.

The party is, despite off the mark media reports otherwise, getting itself together to enjoy great success in November 2010 and then we shall see...
There's the problem with the GOP....A career double-dealer neocon weasel turd like Gingich actually makes a dingbat like Palin look like a viable option.

Wow. How did he do that?
Avor...look into Gary Johnson. He's younger and doesn't have the crazy uncle at the other side of the dinner table sort of appearance.

He's got REAL executive experience...Johnson started a business that grew and propsered, not to mention his 8 years of governorship in New Mexico.

We could use sanity and rationality for once (Gary) opposed to emotional, irrational, Bible-thumping Campaigning and Neo-Con War Drumming.
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If I were a Democract, I would certainly contribute to Palin.

Do you say that because you only want your party to win, reguardless of who would be president? Seems like you should focus your efforts on someone you agree with. In these hard times I can't see many people giving money away to people they hate (donation even) unless they didn't earn it.

If I were Democrat. I am not. But I believe many Dems will do just that just as Rush was having his fans flood Dem primaries. The fanatics in both parties follow Saul Alinsky rules. Why? They often work.
Palin has no chance at all to be the pick. However, she can throw some weight to the eventual pick, and thus will still be important.

True but don't completely rule her out. We never thought a mental midget like W would win the WH, but he did...of course, using Uncle Fester and Fatboy Rove as his brain. They did such a admirable job, didn't they?
Palin scares the Dems no doubt - but far too early to say she is the "defacto" nominee.

Newt has been making inroads within the Republican machine, calling in favors, and reaching out to mend fences.

The party is, despite off the mark media reports otherwise, getting itself together to enjoy great success in November 2010 and then we shall see...

Well, you did do a good job electing Scott Brown..

If I were a Democract, I would certainly contribute to Palin.

Do you say that because you only want your party to win, reguardless of who would be president? Seems like you should focus your efforts on someone you agree with. In these hard times I can't see many people giving money away to people they hate (donation even) unless they didn't earn it.

If I were Democrat. I am not. But I believe many Dems will do just that just as Rush was having his fans flood Dem primaries. The fanatics in both parties follow Saul Alinsky rules. Why? They often work.

If you are a Democrat why would you give money to get Palin past the primaries so that she can lose? Do you believe that somehow we will be seeing a third party person in the presidential debates?
Avor, I used the conditional "if".

Rush follows Saul Alinksy's rules as vigorously as any far left liberal. That would mean help Kuchinch to the Dem nomination and Palin to the Pub nomination.

Wouldn't that be the choice from hell?

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