Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid

Palin stands no chance, she will have lots of support but there is no way she will pull the Indies and a big part of conservatives see her as a neocon. She is also what Obama is to Republicans, she won't draw ANY support from the left and that's bad. I also doubt Obama will be running being he will prolly be around 30% approval ratings by election time.

I do believe, and I mean this in no way as a Fanboy, that IF Ron Paul runs again and early on gives a likable vice president will easily win during the primaries. IF RP was up against Obama he would destroy him being RP has much support from reps/dems and the independents... Most of this is based on the fact that after the 2008 primaries RP has become one of the most popular politicians. His name and many of his ideas are table talk and the “Omg wtf” shock of hearing ideas like getting rid of the FED and DOE is over for many people.

Obama no matter the case has a lot against him these days.

-Obama is big war, bigger than Bush
-Obama is economically challenged
-Obama has come of as racist to many people
-Obama is very pro illegal immigration and by far most the US is not
-Obama has put states and American lives at risk (many have died to illegal’s everyday) for political posturing on the illegal immigration issue
-Obama Has lied, undeniably lied...

Sarah Palin still couldn't beat Obama, I can't see Palin wanting to be president anyways, she quit her job as being a Governor for money (books deal) that alone will destroy her in the primaries and beyond (if she wins). She has a white trash family. She is dumb, and is nothing more than regurgitated Neocon sound bites.

Ya know, that idea about Ron Paul might be a good one except for 1 thing........

Rand Paul is dragging the family name through the mud. Did you hear about what he said today?

According to a Soviet propaganda film that he saw (wonder where and for what reason), they showed a street in a slum to represent how America treated it's poor. He then said that the propaganda film failed because even though the windows were broken, the Soviet citizens still saw the glow of color televisions.

He then said that America's poor are a lot better off than they realize compared to the poor of the world.

Yeah.........I don't think the Paul name can stand many more of Rand's musings......
Avor, I used the conditional "if".

Rush follows Saul Alinksy's rules as vigorously as any far left liberal. That would mean help Kuchinch to the Dem nomination and Palin to the Pub nomination.

Wouldn't that be the choice from hell?

The worst would Be McCain and Obama again... McCain is a useless human and we know that Obama is about as close to a third Bush term as we could have had... defined by big issues like War/Bailouts/Immigration/Stimulus/Ecconomy and would even say Health care being Bush grew that into government by leaps andbounds, and like on ever issues I just named Obama out did Bush but is important is he it was all in the same direction as Bush.

I would like to see if the fanboy Obama people could even name a handfull of stuff Obama has done different than Bush, not more extreame, different...
Palin stands no chance, she will have lots of support but there is no way she will pull the Indies and a big part of conservatives see her as a neocon. She is also what Obama is to Republicans, she won't draw ANY support from the left and that's bad. I also doubt Obama will be running being he will prolly be around 30% approval ratings by election time.

I do believe, and I mean this in no way as a Fanboy, that IF Ron Paul runs again and early on gives a likable vice president will easily win during the primaries. IF RP was up against Obama he would destroy him being RP has much support from reps/dems and the independents... Most of this is based on the fact that after the 2008 primaries RP has become one of the most popular politicians. His name and many of his ideas are table talk and the “Omg wtf” shock of hearing ideas like getting rid of the FED and DOE is over for many people.

Obama no matter the case has a lot against him these days.

-Obama is big war, bigger than Bush
-Obama is economically challenged
-Obama has come of as racist to many people
-Obama is very pro illegal immigration and by far most the US is not
-Obama has put states and American lives at risk (many have died to illegal’s everyday) for political posturing on the illegal immigration issue
-Obama Has lied, undeniably lied...

Sarah Palin still couldn't beat Obama, I can't see Palin wanting to be president anyways, she quit her job as being a Governor for money (books deal) that alone will destroy her in the primaries and beyond (if she wins). She has a white trash family. She is dumb, and is nothing more than regurgitated Neocon sound bites.

Ya know, that idea about Ron Paul might be a good one except for 1 thing........

Rand Paul is dragging the family name through the mud. Did you hear about what he said today?

According to a Soviet propaganda film that he saw (wonder where and for what reason), they showed a street in a slum to represent how America treated it's poor. He then said that the propaganda film failed because even though the windows were broken, the Soviet citizens still saw the glow of color televisions.

He then said that America's poor are a lot better off than they realize compared to the poor of the world.

Yeah.........I don't think the Paul name can stand many more of Rand's musings......

I don't follow rand to close. Ron Paul stays away from the he said she said bull shit. Many people that interview him try and get him to talk smack and he always backs out and goes after the issue. Rand plays more into the shit talk.
Name recognition and association dude.........if Rand Paul keeps making bullshit statements like this, pretty soon, if your name is Paul, it's gonna be associated with nutbaggery.
Newly published election spending figures show Sarah Palin ended the last quarter with a war chest of more than $1m, suggesting gathering momentum for a run at the White House in 2012.

Her political action committee, a body for raising and distributing election cash, raised $866,000 in the three months from April 1, the most since it was formed in January 2009. She spent about $742,000 over the quarter, most of it on building up her political profile and base support.

Palin, who enjoys the support of the Tea Party and other grassroots activists but is distrusted by the Republican party establishment, has not yet said whether she will stand as a candidate. She and other potential rivals for the Republican nomination would normally begin to make their intentions clear early next year, in the wake of November's Congressional mid-term elections.

But a breakdown of money raised and spent by Palin suggests she is putting in place the political framework for a bid. She spent almost twice as much as in any previous quarter, much of it on speechwriters, private jets for public appearances, and hiring consultants to advise her on domestic and foreign policy, which were embarrassing weaknesses during her vice-presidential run in 2008.

She is also taking on more staff, including for the first time someone to keep control of her schedule. Until now, her organisation has tended to be chaotic.

John Ellis, a conservative political analyst, predicted she would be the de facto Republican frontrunner by December and that, by then, it may be too late for the party to do anything about it. Ellis wrote on his blogsite: "'She's too stupid' is what the Establishment GOP really thinks about Sarah Palin. 'Good-looking,' but a 'ditz'. This is unfertile ground, since Palin can turn the argument on a dime and say: 'They drive the country into bankruptcy, they underwrite Fannie and Freddie, they bail out Goldman Sachs, they fight wars they don't want to win, they say enforcing the immigration laws is silly and they call me stupid! I'll give you a choice: you can have their smarts or my stupidity, which one do you want?' A large number of GOP presidential primary voters will take Palin's "stupidity" in a heartbeat."

Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid | World news | The Guardian

If there is a god in heaven, Palin will run as well as Newt and David duke. They represent everything far right.
She went to about a dozen colleges before she found one easy enough to graduate her. The republicans will kill her way before we get to laugh at her vs Obama.

It would be so fun watching them destroy her. I mean, they would absolutely destroy her. She wouldnt be able to run from them, have their questions filtered and would have to actually talk about policy.

The republicans would destroy her. I am no fan of ol Newt, but she would never make it past a debate with him.
I think the plain comedy would be unmatched. But I don't expect a ditz who got socially promoted out of college to be able to run the gauntlet.
Newly published election spending figures show Sarah Palin ended the last quarter with a war chest of more than $1m, suggesting gathering momentum for a run at the White House in 2012.

Her political action committee, a body for raising and distributing election cash, raised $866,000 in the three months from April 1, the most since it was formed in January 2009. She spent about $742,000 over the quarter, most of it on building up her political profile and base support.

Palin, who enjoys the support of the Tea Party and other grassroots activists but is distrusted by the Republican party establishment, has not yet said whether she will stand as a candidate. She and other potential rivals for the Republican nomination would normally begin to make their intentions clear early next year, in the wake of November's Congressional mid-term elections.

But a breakdown of money raised and spent by Palin suggests she is putting in place the political framework for a bid. She spent almost twice as much as in any previous quarter, much of it on speechwriters, private jets for public appearances, and hiring consultants to advise her on domestic and foreign policy, which were embarrassing weaknesses during her vice-presidential run in 2008.

She is also taking on more staff, including for the first time someone to keep control of her schedule. Until now, her organisation has tended to be chaotic.

John Ellis, a conservative political analyst, predicted she would be the de facto Republican frontrunner by December and that, by then, it may be too late for the party to do anything about it. Ellis wrote on his blogsite: "'She's too stupid' is what the Establishment GOP really thinks about Sarah Palin. 'Good-looking,' but a 'ditz'. This is unfertile ground, since Palin can turn the argument on a dime and say: 'They drive the country into bankruptcy, they underwrite Fannie and Freddie, they bail out Goldman Sachs, they fight wars they don't want to win, they say enforcing the immigration laws is silly and they call me stupid! I'll give you a choice: you can have their smarts or my stupidity, which one do you want?' A large number of GOP presidential primary voters will take Palin's "stupidity" in a heartbeat."

Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid | World news | The Guardian

If there is a god in heaven, Palin will run as well as Newt and David duke. They represent everything far right.

Because that's what it would take for Obama to win, the worst of the worst running against the worst.
I think the plain comedy would be unmatched. But I don't expect a ditz who got socially promoted out of college to be able to run the gauntlet.

Me either..........she'd have to start writing stuff on both her palms AND her tits!
Avor, I used the conditional "if".

Rush follows Saul Alinksy's rules as vigorously as any far left liberal. That would mean help Kuchinch to the Dem nomination and Palin to the Pub nomination.

Wouldn't that be the choice from hell?

The worst would Be McCain and Obama again... McCain is a useless human and we know that Obama is about as close to a third Bush term as we could have had... defined by big issues like War/Bailouts/Immigration/Stimulus/Ecconomy and would even say Health care being Bush grew that into government by leaps andbounds, and like on ever issues I just named Obama out did Bush but is important is he it was all in the same direction as Bush.

I would like to see if the fanboy Obama people could even name a handfull of stuff Obama has done different than Bush, not more extreame, different...

Obama is having to play the cards Bush dealt him: recession, two wars, and a far right wacked GOP leadership who are going to get shellacked this fall.

Beginning in January, the Dems will play reconciliation in the Senate and majority kick ass in the House, and the Pubs are going to really find out what it is like to lose an election.
Avor, I used the conditional "if".

Rush follows Saul Alinksy's rules as vigorously as any far left liberal. That would mean help Kuchinch to the Dem nomination and Palin to the Pub nomination.

Wouldn't that be the choice from hell?

The worst would Be McCain and Obama again... McCain is a useless human and we know that Obama is about as close to a third Bush term as we could have had... defined by big issues like War/Bailouts/Immigration/Stimulus/Ecconomy and would even say Health care being Bush grew that into government by leaps andbounds, and like on ever issues I just named Obama out did Bush but is important is he it was all in the same direction as Bush.

I would like to see if the fanboy Obama people could even name a handfull of stuff Obama has done different than Bush, not more extreame, different...

Obama is having to play the cards Bush dealt him: recession, two wars, and a far right wacked GOP leadership who are going to get shellacked this fall.

Beginning in January, the Dems will play reconciliation in the Senate and majority kick ass in the House, and the Pubs are going to really find out what it is like to lose an election.

Sorry to tell you this but Obama is running the country near the same as Bush, maybe you can point out where it is different and then you would have a chance at selling this whole mess as being Republicans. Also the fact is it has been almost 4 years of a Democrat congress, 2 years under Bush so they handed Obama the mess as well.

I see your bias and doubt you will see any of what I am talking about. So again, show where Obama is doing thing in a different manner than Bush and I might take you seriously, till then you are seeming like nothing but an Democrat enraged fanboy that calls himself a independent.

I’m not trying to pick a fight, but you do keep arguing purly in favor of Dems despite the fact that Bush was anything but a conservative. He was a neocon and that means big government, big wars and lots of lies to build a base out of republicans… Obama would be like a neoliberal, big government, big wars and big lies to build up their base… In both cases the lies are destroying them.
I personally think if JakeS isn't a PSA or announcer, he's just posting that stuff just to fun with us.

The opposition party will make's called what's always happened in the past.
Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid

I'm sure that Palins chest is quite large now....whether it is large enough to carry her through the 2012 election is yet to be determined
I personally think if JakeS isn't a PSA or announcer, he's just posting that stuff just to fun with us.

The opposition party will make's called what's always happened in the past.

Sorry PAS?

I don't know what he is and I don't really care but he is not anywhere in the middle.

Blue are the eyes of an otherwise blindingly perfect Democrat. Red is the evil disfigured color of the distorted mean Republicans... That's about all I get from Jake so far.
Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid

I'm sure that Palins chest is quite large now....whether it is large enough to carry her through the 2012 election is yet to be determined

Just wondering, would you be willing to make a bet that she does not run for president? If you win and she runs for president I'll never post on a political board again... If I win and she does not run for president you never post on a political board again.
Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid

I'm sure that Palins chest is quite large now....whether it is large enough to carry her through the 2012 election is yet to be determined
It isn't large enough for her to be carried through Exploratory Committee mode, let alone the General Election.
Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid

I'm sure that Palins chest is quite large now....whether it is large enough to carry her through the 2012 election is yet to be determined

Just wondering, would you be willing to make a bet that she does not run for president? If you win and she runs for president I'll never post on a political board again... If I win and she does not run for president you never post on a political board again.

Why would I want to bet against the lovely Miss Sarah?

She represents the best the Republicans have to offer
Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid

I'm sure that Palins chest is quite large now....whether it is large enough to carry her through the 2012 election is yet to be determined
It isn't large enough for her to be carried through Exploratory Committee mode, let alone the General Election.

Maybe not. But her chest is definitely large enough to be a Fox news commentator

It will probably have to be larger for her to win the GOP nomination

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