Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife

Lol, all the '
brown people' I know, neighbors, co-workers and folks I meet, have their greatest disdain for virtue signaling white liberals - .baizuo!

The curious rise of the ‘white left’ as a Chinese internet insult

If you look at any thread about Trump, Islam or immigration on a Chinese social media platform these days, it’s impossible to avoid encountering the term baizuo (白左), or literally, the ‘white left’. It first emerged about two years ago, and yet has quickly become one of the most popular derogatory descriptions for Chinese netizens to discredit their opponents in online debates.

So what does ‘white left’ mean in the Chinese context, and what’s behind the rise of its (negative) popularity? It might not be an easy task to define the term, for as a social media buzzword and very often an instrument for ad hominem attack, it could mean different things for different people. A thread on “why well-educated elites in the west are seen as naïve “white left” in China” on Zhihu, a question-and-answer website said to have a high percentage of active users who are professionals and intellectuals, might serve as a starting point.

The question has received more than 400 answers from Zhihu users, which include some of the most representative perceptions of the 'white left'. Although the emphasis varies, baizuo is used generally to describe those who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment” and “have no sense of real problems in the real world”; they are hypocritical humanitarians who advocate for peace and equality only to “satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority”; they are “obsessed with political correctness” to the extent that they “tolerate backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism”; they believe in the welfare state that “benefits only the idle and the free riders”; they are the “ignorant and arrogant westerners” who “pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours”.

Apart from some anti-hegemonic sentiments, the connotations of ‘white left’ in the Chinese context clearly resemble terms such as ‘regressive liberals’ or ‘libtards’ in the United States. In a way the demonization of the ‘white left’ in Chinese social media may also reflect the resurgence of right-wing populism globally.​

I didn't realize we were talking about the Chinese. Are you a fan of China, hillbilly?

Also, what is the point of this post? Is there one, or are you just grasping for anything at this point?
You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.

Oh that's right. The 1st Amendment doesn't apply to Republicans. Thanks for reminding me.
Government officials can’t abuse their office for personal vengeance. She should have used her private twitter account.
Smack her pee pee and give her a stern warning.

I believe the correct terminology is "front butt" now. Not "pee pee" , you frigging barbarian.
Compliments won't get you anywhere with me.

Unless you have these...:boobies:
The restaurant owner shouldn't have asked her to leave, really, but Sanders also shouldn't have tweeted about it.

She knew what she was unleashing on that place. I honestly wish Twitter and social media in general never came into existence. It does more harm than good.

"It" was already unleashed by the guy that posted about it w/ pictures on FB.


To some extent, but Sarah made it worse. It's not like this is a fight between equals. It's like a Shih Tzu nipping at a rottweiler's heels, and then the rottweiler turning around and ripping out the little dog's throat in retaliation. Totally unnecessary and kind of mean.

But then again, the owner kinda brought themselves into the fray with what they did.

She didn't make it worse. Cut the shit.

You think her tweeting about it wasn't an attempt to bring it more attention, and to give Trump supporters something to be outraged (and potentially violent) about?

Maybe you just don't understand people all that well. I'm assuming Sarah does. She knows what mob mentality does to people, particularly in a hyper partisan and hostile climate as this. She only tweeted to try and damage these people and get a little revenge, while stoking the angry passions of Trump's base. No other reason to do so. And while it's unlikely anyone will attack the owner, her employees, or the store ... one never really knows. People are capable of some crazy shit.
They'll be safe.

If they a really concerned then they should relocate the restaurant to a safe environment.

Like UC Berkeley.

I'm going to send them a big ole box of comfort pigeons.
Actually, the part that sucks about being white trash is the part about being trash. You know what "trash" is, right? I realize that five letters and one syllable is probably a long word in your backwater, but you've somehow figured out how to get online, so I imagine that you can find your way to Google and an online dictionary as well. Best of luck to you, hillbilly.

Lol, I am white trash with a bachelor of science degree from a top college and I have a nice house, great family and lots of friends.

The 'trash' part of being called 'white trash' is from elitists who are being arrogant and foolish, doofus, lol.

Everyone's rich and successful online. Nice try though.

I really dont give a flying fart what you try to think, ass wipe.

Welcome to my ignore list, cocksucker.

Jim Bowie's tail, meet the inside of Jim Bowie's thighs.
"It" was already unleashed by the guy that posted about it w/ pictures on FB.


To some extent, but Sarah made it worse. It's not like this is a fight between equals. It's like a Shih Tzu nipping at a rottweiler's heels, and then the rottweiler turning around and ripping out the little dog's throat in retaliation. Totally unnecessary and kind of mean.

But then again, the owner kinda brought themselves into the fray with what they did.

She didn't make it worse. Cut the shit.

You think her tweeting about it wasn't an attempt to bring it more attention, and to give Trump supporters something to be outraged (and potentially violent) about?

Maybe you just don't understand people all that well. I'm assuming Sarah does. She knows what mob mentality does to people, particularly in a hyper partisan and hostile climate as this. She only tweeted to try and damage these people and get a little revenge, while stoking the angry passions of Trump's base. No other reason to do so. And while it's unlikely anyone will attack the owner, her employees, or the store ... one never really knows. People are capable of some crazy shit.
They'll be safe.

If they a really concerned then they should relocate the restaurant to a safe environment.

Like UC Berkeley.

I'm going to send them a big ole box of comfort pigeons.
Are they edible.
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

John Shaw's position on this is indefensible.

- Get thrown out of a restaurant simply due to your political beliefs and then keep your mouth shut about it.
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.
She exacerbated it HOW? By telling the truth and what really happened since some schmuck decided to tweet about it? She stayed classy about the whole thing. So if someone tweeted something about you, you cannot respond to the TRUTH of what was tweeted about because it would be exacerbation? Really????
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.
And insults you with claims of incest when the argument is lost.
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.

The Jews should have kept their mouths shut in 1940. Look at all the Germans that got killed by 1945.
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

John Shaw's position on this is indefensible.

- Get thrown out of a restaurant simply due to your political beliefs and then keep your mouth shut about it.

That's what the professional or mature person would do. Go ahead and vent to your friends and acquaintances. It probably would've seen some play in conservative media anyway. But she made sure that it did, and made sure it would stick around for a while.

Anyway, starting to feel like a broken record here. Not sure what you guys find difficult to understand about my position. It's pretty simple and even-handed. I don't condemn the restaurant owner or the press secretary. I'm just repeatedly stating that Sarah knowingly did something she understood could be very damaging to these people, whereas they lack the power to do any lasting harm to her.

It's not a matter of what's fair. It's an issue of disproportionate retribution.
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out

Stop the whining pussy.

Is that what you said about the bakers who are forced to serve gay people "Stop whining pussy"?
Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.

The Jews should have kept their mouths shut in 1940. Look at all the Germans that got killed by 1945.
I think that will fly over his little pointy head.
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

John Shaw's position on this is indefensible.

- Get thrown out of a restaurant simply due to your political beliefs and then keep your mouth shut about it.

That's what the professional or mature person would do. Go ahead and vent to your friends and acquaintances. It probably would've seen some play in conservative media anyway. But she made sure that it did, and made sure it would stick around for a while.

Anyway, starting to feel like a broken record here. Not sure what you guys find difficult to understand about my position. It's pretty simple and even-handed. I don't condemn the restaurant owner or the press secretary. I'm just repeatedly stating that Sarah knowingly did something she understood could be very damaging to these people, whereas they lack the power to do any lasting harm to her.
KNOWINGLY. Gotcha. Damaging to people who told her and her family to LEAVE. That SHE didn't report to social media but is getting the blame for what the WAITER did.
And I know you are in a basement. With a pointy head.
I've never claimed to be "nice".
Clearly you never claimed to be bright, informed, or educated either! :lmao:
Jesus you people are stupid. Do you think your dumbass comments make a damn bit of difference? Only a juvenile idiot would be affected by insults from anonymous strangers on the internet.

I've told you over and over again that all those insults are is proof you can't logically respond to what I've said. You morons are apparently too stupid to learn even that simple concept.

No wonder you idiots support a moron like tRump. Your are just to ignorant to know any better.

You are belittling folks and proclaiming their insults prove they are ignorant. While you insult them.
Also, I don't think you have much credibility when you bring in the word "juvenile" anything in the same post you type trump.

If what they post doesn't affect you, why do you respond over and over again?

Lastly, it's "too" not "to".

Sarah has every right to her opinion. I thought she handled it well.

Sander's is welcome to her opinion. However, as I already noted, she has to be careful what and how she says things. There are laws she can run afoul of.

Btw, spelling Nazis are generally folks who just want to fight, not discuss, and if you don't like the way I type tRump maybe you should him about his behavior. If he wasn't acting like the north end of a south bound mule I wouldn't type it that way.

Only in the deranged minds of a few hard lefties is she running afoul of any laws.
Blaming Trump for the immature way you type his name is ridiculous.
American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

John Shaw's position on this is indefensible.

- Get thrown out of a restaurant simply due to your political beliefs and then keep your mouth shut about it.

That's what the professional or mature person would do. Go ahead and vent to your friends and acquaintances. It probably would've seen some play in conservative media anyway. But she made sure that it did, and made sure it would stick around for a while.

Anyway, starting to feel like a broken record here. Not sure what you guys find difficult to understand about my position. It's pretty simple and even-handed. I don't condemn the restaurant owner or the press secretary. I'm just repeatedly stating that Sarah knowingly did something she understood could be very damaging to these people, whereas they lack the power to do any lasting harm to her.
KNOWINGLY. Gotcha. Damaging to people who told her and her family to LEAVE.
And I know you are in a basement. With a pointy head.

It's called nuance. Obviously you have a very 2-dimensional, black and white manner of thinking. Not my fault you're disabled, but I really must encourage you to stop advertising your disability with the silly name-calling. It does you no favors.

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