Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

John Shaw's position on this is indefensible.

- Get thrown out of a restaurant simply due to your political beliefs and then keep your mouth shut about it.

That's what the professional or mature person would do. Go ahead and vent to your friends and acquaintances. It probably would've seen some play in conservative media anyway. But she made sure that it did, and made sure it would stick around for a while.

Anyway, starting to feel like a broken record here. Not sure what you guys find difficult to understand about my position. It's pretty simple and even-handed. I don't condemn the restaurant owner or the press secretary. I'm just repeatedly stating that Sarah knowingly did something she understood could be very damaging to these people, whereas they lack the power to do any lasting harm to her.
KNOWINGLY. Gotcha. Damaging to people who told her and her family to LEAVE.
And I know you are in a basement. With a pointy head.

It's called nuance. Obviously you have a very 2-dimensional, black and white manner of thinking. Not my fault you're disabled, but I really must encourage you to stop advertising your disability with the silly name-calling. It does you no favors.

You're getting your ass kicked all over this thread. We're just laughing at you now.
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

John Shaw's position on this is indefensible.

- Get thrown out of a restaurant simply due to your political beliefs and then keep your mouth shut about it.

That's what the professional or mature person would do. Go ahead and vent to your friends and acquaintances. It probably would've seen some play in conservative media anyway. But she made sure that it did, and made sure it would stick around for a while.

Anyway, starting to feel like a broken record here. Not sure what you guys find difficult to understand about my position. It's pretty simple and even-handed. I don't condemn the restaurant owner or the press secretary. I'm just repeatedly stating that Sarah knowingly did something she understood could be very damaging to these people, whereas they lack the power to do any lasting harm to her.
KNOWINGLY. Gotcha. Damaging to people who told her and her family to LEAVE.
And I know you are in a basement. With a pointy head.

It's called nuance. Obviously you have a very 2-dimensional, black and white manner of thinking. Not my fault you're disabled, but I really must encourage you to stop advertising your disability with the silly name-calling. It does you no favors.

You're getting your ass kicked all over this thread. We're just laughing at you now.

You're all right-wingers. Easily impressed by childish insults. But it's all good fun to me.
I think it's past your bedtime, kid. Run along now.

Gracie has been making you look stupid through the entire thread, and this is your final response?

OMG, how do conservatives not win everything till the end of time?

If that's the impression you've come away with, then there's your answer.

Most adults do not see childish, nonsensical attacks as "winning".

It was beneath me to even respond to it, tbh, but I'm feeling charitable at the moment. said you KNOW what Sarah was thinking..what her INTENT was. And I said I knew what your intent and thinking is. See how that goes, bub?

You guys lack the foresight of high school students. Please stop talking to me. You can't read, can't think, and don't know what you're talking about. I'm surprised you've managed to learn your way around a keyboard.

Attack!! An attack!!
John Shaw's position on this is indefensible.

- Get thrown out of a restaurant simply due to your political beliefs and then keep your mouth shut about it.

That's what the professional or mature person would do. Go ahead and vent to your friends and acquaintances. It probably would've seen some play in conservative media anyway. But she made sure that it did, and made sure it would stick around for a while.

Anyway, starting to feel like a broken record here. Not sure what you guys find difficult to understand about my position. It's pretty simple and even-handed. I don't condemn the restaurant owner or the press secretary. I'm just repeatedly stating that Sarah knowingly did something she understood could be very damaging to these people, whereas they lack the power to do any lasting harm to her.
KNOWINGLY. Gotcha. Damaging to people who told her and her family to LEAVE.
And I know you are in a basement. With a pointy head.

It's called nuance. Obviously you have a very 2-dimensional, black and white manner of thinking. Not my fault you're disabled, but I really must encourage you to stop advertising your disability with the silly name-calling. It does you no favors.

You're getting your ass kicked all over this thread. We're just laughing at you now.

You're all right-wingers. Easily impressed by childish insults. But it's all good fun to me.

I wasn't impressed with your incest insult. Not surprising coming from someone who thinks we shouldn't speak out against bigots.
Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.
She exacerbated it HOW? By telling the truth and what really happened since some schmuck decided to tweet about it? She stayed classy about the whole thing. So if someone tweeted something about you, you cannot respond to the TRUTH of what was tweeted about because it would be exacerbation? Really????

If I have the power to ruin their life? I imagine I'd keep my mouth shut, yeah. Though who knows? If I decided to let my morals and common sense take a walk, maybe I'd do the same thing she did.

Anyway, are we doing the name-calling thing or are you trying to be serious now? Make up your mind already.
The owner of the Red Hen explains why she asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave

“I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so,” the press secretary wrote. “Her actions say far more about her than about me.”


And yet, she makes her living lying to the American people.
That's what the professional or mature person would do. Go ahead and vent to your friends and acquaintances. It probably would've seen some play in conservative media anyway. But she made sure that it did, and made sure it would stick around for a while.

Anyway, starting to feel like a broken record here. Not sure what you guys find difficult to understand about my position. It's pretty simple and even-handed. I don't condemn the restaurant owner or the press secretary. I'm just repeatedly stating that Sarah knowingly did something she understood could be very damaging to these people, whereas they lack the power to do any lasting harm to her.
KNOWINGLY. Gotcha. Damaging to people who told her and her family to LEAVE.
And I know you are in a basement. With a pointy head.

It's called nuance. Obviously you have a very 2-dimensional, black and white manner of thinking. Not my fault you're disabled, but I really must encourage you to stop advertising your disability with the silly name-calling. It does you no favors.

You're getting your ass kicked all over this thread. We're just laughing at you now.

You're all right-wingers. Easily impressed by childish insults. But it's all good fun to me.

I wasn't impressed with your incest insult. Not surprising coming from someone who thinks we shouldn't speak out against bigots.

They started calling me names. Of course it's going to devolve into silly insults if that's all one side brings to the table. I'm fine with either a serious conversation or a mudslinging shitfest, but y'all need to make up your minds. The two don't go together.
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.
She exacerbated it HOW? By telling the truth and what really happened since some schmuck decided to tweet about it? She stayed classy about the whole thing. So if someone tweeted something about you, you cannot respond to the TRUTH of what was tweeted about because it would be exacerbation? Really????

If I have the power to ruin their life? I imagine I'd keep my mouth shut, yeah. Though who knows? If I decided to let my morals and common sense take a walk, maybe I'd do the same thing she did.

Anyway, are we doing the name-calling thing or are you trying to be serious now? Make up your mind already.
I was just trying to see if you had any common sense buried in there. Guess not. So..back to you having a pointy head and everyone is laughing at you. That works. :D
Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.
She exacerbated it HOW? By telling the truth and what really happened since some schmuck decided to tweet about it? She stayed classy about the whole thing. So if someone tweeted something about you, you cannot respond to the TRUTH of what was tweeted about because it would be exacerbation? Really????

If I have the power to ruin their life? I imagine I'd keep my mouth shut, yeah. Though who knows? If I decided to let my morals and common sense take a walk, maybe I'd do the same thing she did.

Anyway, are we doing the name-calling thing or are you trying to be serious now? Make up your mind already.
I was just trying to see if you had any common sense buried in there. Guess not. So..back to you having a pointy head and everyone is laughing at you. That works. :D

So, name calling it is then, huh? Awfully hypocritical of you guys to talk shit, then cry foul when I stoop to your level.

And unlike the press secretary, I don't have a huge microphone. We're all just anonymous guys on the internet. Now do you see the difference?
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out

Just another case of LWNJs having hairy conniptions when somebody reports the actual truth.
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.
She exacerbated it HOW? By telling the truth and what really happened since some schmuck decided to tweet about it? She stayed classy about the whole thing. So if someone tweeted something about you, you cannot respond to the TRUTH of what was tweeted about because it would be exacerbation? Really????

If I have the power to ruin their life? I imagine I'd keep my mouth shut, yeah. Though who knows? If I decided to let my morals and common sense take a walk, maybe I'd do the same thing she did.

Anyway, are we doing the name-calling thing or are you trying to be serious now? Make up your mind already.
I'll give it one more shot, pointyhead.
Imagine just for a moment how sarah felt...WITH HER FAMILY...being told to leave. I wonder how THE FAMILY felt, seeing this blatant nastiness coming from the owner of the restaurant. Embarrassment. Very uncomfortable I am sure for her. All because she works for Trump, who was not there. He is her employer. BUT..according to you, she did it ON PURPOSE, this embarrassing situation. A waiter runs to twitter IMMEDIATELY and spills what happened. Sarah sees it or someone tells her they saw it. She sets the record straight, being classy in a classless embarrassing situation. Yet, she is RUINING THE OWNERS LIFE???? If you agree with your statement after reading what I just said..and refuse to acknowledge you are dead wrong in your assessment that you KNOW what Sarah planned ahead of time WITH HER FAMILY...then yep. You have a pointy head and I will join Jim in putting your sorry ass on iggie.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.
She exacerbated it HOW? By telling the truth and what really happened since some schmuck decided to tweet about it? She stayed classy about the whole thing. So if someone tweeted something about you, you cannot respond to the TRUTH of what was tweeted about because it would be exacerbation? Really????

If I have the power to ruin their life? I imagine I'd keep my mouth shut, yeah. Though who knows? If I decided to let my morals and common sense take a walk, maybe I'd do the same thing she did.

Anyway, are we doing the name-calling thing or are you trying to be serious now? Make up your mind already.
I was just trying to see if you had any common sense buried in there. Guess not. So..back to you having a pointy head and everyone is laughing at you. That works. :D

So, name calling it is then, huh? Awfully hypocritical of you guys to talk shit, then cry foul when I stoop to your level.

And unlike the press secretary, I don't have a huge microphone. We're all just anonymous guys on the internet. Now do you see the difference?

Here's us...
At least you've managed to make one fan in Jim Bowie. When's the trailer park wedding, boys?

Hey, I am white trash and I admit it. Nothing to be ashamed of, but I suspect that Gracie could probably buy you and sell you for bait, numbnuts.

Actually, the part that sucks about being white trash is the part about being trash. You know what "trash" is, right? I realize that five letters and one syllable is probably a long word in your backwater, but you've somehow figured out how to get online, so I imagine that you can find your way to Google and an online dictionary as well. Best of luck to you, hillbilly.

Dear Mr. Shaw sir,

This is an off topic attack on a board member, and not particularly useful in efforting a coherent thread.

Please refrain from being such a bag of fuckery in the future.
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out
Yes she should be prosecuted. Inwould advise the restaurant to sue. They’ve received death threats.

Prosecuted for what ?
She has more restraint than myself. I know for a fact I would have been in Jail. said you KNOW what Sarah was thinking..what her INTENT was. And I said I knew what your intent and thinking is. See how that goes, bub?

You guys lack the foresight of high school students. Please stop talking to me. You can't read, can't think, and don't know what you're talking about. I'm surprised you've managed to learn your way around a keyboard.
Um...Mr Shaw? There is an IGNORE button. Use it.

At least you've managed to make one fan in Jim Bowie. When's the trailer park wedding, boys?
I would ask if you were getting married, but I've had my hand slapped 3 times this week.

I'm just a fat loser who lives in his mom's basement (so original, by the way). Haven't you heard? Lol.

Sadly, that's actually the best they've come up with so far.

Yeah but I'm here now. :)
So restaurants must serve Blacks and gays but not White Women?
What exactly is she supposed to have done? Sounds like a free speech issue also.

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