Sarah Sanders leaving the WH at the end of the month.......

No. Responsible adult's war on incompetence.
LMFAO! If responsibility was ANY concern to the left, socialism wouldn't be so prominent!

The selling point for Bernie Sanders and other socialists is that college kids don't take responsibility for their college loans and the government and other tax payers do it for them... And call it "free."
Sarah needs some time off to get her feet bleached. She’s kicked so much ass they smell like a democrat hippy.
/——/ DemocRATs war on women
No. Responsible adult's war on incompetence.
/—-/ Why do you hate outspoken women?
Outspoken women are fantastic. Liars, no matter their gender, d serve ridicule.
/—-/ Every woman who stands up to the LSM is a liar in your book.
I reject your assertion of a LSM as a product of propaganda intended to gin up cynicism and the disapproval of the press in its capacity in a freedom loving democratic republic.
It does seem that when there were studies done, that there really is a LSM that tilts to the left. I would post sources,
but they would be rejected and me chastised as a lying racist, so you could do your own Googling.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.
She deserves all the things you listed.

Really, she deserves to be assaulted? Typical Leftist cowardly response from a Leftist coward.
When was she assaulted?
/—-/ Now you’re just playing stupid.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.
She deserves all the things you listed.

Really, she deserves to be assaulted? Typical Leftist cowardly response from a Leftist coward.
When was she assaulted?
/—-/ Now you’re just playing stupid.
Can you answer the question or are you lying about her being assaulted? You Trumpers are such liars like Sarah and Trump himself you have lost all credibility. So, who assaulted Sarah?
Sanders was never assaulted. She was asked however to leave a restaurant called the Red Hen.
No. Responsible adult's war on incompetence.
/—-/ Why do you hate outspoken women?
Outspoken women are fantastic. Liars, no matter their gender, d serve ridicule.
/—-/ Every woman who stands up to the LSM is a liar in your book.
Well it is the GOP propaganda machine that lies basically 100% of the time, super duper... No respected media around the entire world agrees with its garbage....
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.
She deserves all the things you listed.

Really, she deserves to be assaulted? Typical Leftist cowardly response from a Leftist coward.
When was she assaulted?

You said she deserves you never said was and I asked she deserves to be assaulted? Do you even speak English well? F@cking Leftists are morons.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.
She deserves all the things you listed.

Really, she deserves to be assaulted? Typical Leftist cowardly response from a Leftist coward.
Define 'assault'.

Since you cannot use a search engine. Here you go.

assault definition law - Google Search
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.
She deserves all the things you listed.

Really, she deserves to be assaulted? Typical Leftist cowardly response from a Leftist coward.
When was she assaulted?
/—-/ Now you’re just playing stupid.

He is not playing.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.
She deserves all the things you listed.

Really, she deserves to be assaulted? Typical Leftist cowardly response from a Leftist coward.
When was she assaulted?

You said she deserves you never said was and I asked she deserves to be assaulted? Do you even speak English well? F@cking Leftists are morons.

First off, let's get the definition of assault down..................

[ uh-sawlt ]
1. a sudden, violent attack; onslaught: an assault on tradition.
2. Law. an unlawful physical attack upon another; an attempt or offer to do violence to another, with or without battery, as by holding a stone or club in a threatening manner.
3. Military. the stage of close combat in an attack.
4. rape1.

So, in the definition of assault, there has to be a physical attack.

Sanders was never assaulted, the worst that happened to her was that she was asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant. She was not physically touched, so there was no assault.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.
She deserves all the things you listed.

Really, she deserves to be assaulted? Typical Leftist cowardly response from a Leftist coward.
When was she assaulted?
/—-/ Now you’re just playing stupid.
Can you answer the question or are you lying about her being assaulted? You Trumpers are such liars like Sarah and Trump himself you have lost all credibility. So, who assaulted Sarah?

Are you kidding me? You said she deserves all the things listed and the things listed were assaults. Being physically removed from a restaurant is assault. Being spit on is assault. Being verbally threatened is assault. Being punched in the face is battery. You probably believe she deserves that as well. Get an education. You’re losing this debate and badly.

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