Sassy Sue Lyon, who was cast in Krazy Stanley Kubrick's "Lolita" at the age of 14, has died at 73

She was a cutie

Kuberick's Lolita is one of my very favorite movies and Sue Lyons was great. For whatever reason her career never really took off. Rest in eternal peace, Sue Lyons.
She was gorgeous! ....and to be acting under the direction of Stanley Kubrick alongside James Mason, Peter Sellers and Shelley Winters in the 1962 movie "Lolita"!!! just wow!

Her next movie "The night of the Iguana" (1964) with Richard Burton and Ava Gardner, wasn't bad either.

Sadly she didn't have a very happy life....(((God Bless you Sue Lyon and Rest in Peace)))

in the movie "The Night of the Iguana"

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