SAT Turns Racist...Black to Have an “Adversity Score”

That's awesome, dude. Here's the problem with that. Back then, when you had unions inflating wages and automation hadn't replaced a lot of those jobs, you could make an okay living doing that.

Today, everyone has a full time job and drives an Uber.

The problem isn't that we are dumbed down.. the problem is that the rich have been doing backsies on the middle class.

Of course, we're dumbed down. That's not debatable. The SAT test scores had to be "recentered" because the average scores, were so far below what the average scores had been in the past.


In addition to being a Realtor, I also taught pre and post-licensing requirements for the state of Florida.

Students had difficulty in grasping the fundamentals of question 4 in the math section, as for number 6, they were in deep doo doo.

We're in a pathetic mess.
Yep. Predictable when we continually lower standards and expectations to avoid hurting feelings.

Instead of believing in people, holding them accountable, we treat them like helpless children. What an insult.

So, here we are. Enjoy!
Who is most likely to need this type help? And why?
Poor people, living in rough poor neighborhoods whether it's the inner city or poor rural areas....People who's parents are illiterate or almost so. People who have never had a person in their family even think about going to college let alone going.
Who is most likely to get the highest "adversity score", white kids or black kids?
I would guess white kids because there are MORE white kids living in poverty and in very adverse conditions in our country....not per capita, but definitely more white kids simply because there's more white people. I know many white families live in poverty around here...many who are either one pay check away from homelessness or are actually living with their children in hotels or their cars. It's a thing in warm weather areas of the country.
Tell us the criteria that will be used for this program? Nobody knows because the cocksuckers won’t share it with the public. I can assure you if the truth be told it will favor that liberal darling of victim groups...blacks.
SAT will assign a new score that factors in where you live and the crime level in your neighborhood - CNN

The College Board said it would implement what it calls the "Environmental Context Dashboard," which would measure factors like the crime rate and poverty levels of a student's neighborhood, to better capture their "resourcefulness to overcome challenges and achieve more with less."
"There is talent and potential waiting to be discovered in every community -- the children of poor rural families, kids navigating the challenges of life in the inner city, and military dependents who face the daily difficulties of low income and frequent deployments as part of their family's service to our country," David Coleman, chief executive officer of the College Board said in a statement sent to CNN.

Interesting...military I see why CRCs are so against this.
Much more informative link. Thank you.
Yep. Predictable when we continually lower standards and expectations to avoid hurting feelings.

Instead of believing in people, holding them accountable, we treat them like helpless children. What an insult.

So, here we are. Enjoy!

Oh, VichyMac, we aren't trying to hurt anyone's feelings. we are making up for disadvantages that the system has.

Yesterday, I was meeting a client in Starbucks in a relatively affluent Chicago burb... This was filled with private tutors helping kids with their math homework to give them an advantage in taking the SAT and other tests and get better grades. This is something that poor kids on the South Side just aren't going to get.

Now, I've said- I'm not sure this 'adversity scoring' is the way to go, but the fact is, if you are affluent and white, you are going to get a lot of advantages that poor kids of color simply aren't going to get.

How do you level the playing field?
Why because there parents did the right thing? Worked hard?
I used to be a dumb lib lie you until I woke up and treated people EQUAL! I grew up in the hood blacks struggle because people like you don’t treat them equal..

It's easy to do the "right thing" when you get all the privileges of living in a racist society. when the justice system treats your mistakes as youthful indiscretions instead of actual crimes.

Give me a fucking break.

Here's the thing, if you are smart enough to finish high school and get a good score on your SAT, but not quite as good a score as some privileged white punk who had tutors and wasn't sharing three to a textbook... maybe you deserve a little credit for that.
I went to a all black community college every one had access to tutors .. like wtf victimhood mentality are you trying to push on young blacks you racist idiot
It's easy to do the "right thing" when you get all the privileges of living in a racist society. when the justice system treats your mistakes as youthful indiscretions instead of actual crimes.

Give me a fucking break.

Here's the thing, if you are smart enough to finish high school and get a good score on your SAT, but not quite as good a score as some privileged white punk who had tutors and wasn't sharing three to a textbook... maybe you deserve a little credit for that.

Specifically, how is giving someone "a little credit" for living in a poor area, going to help them in their first year of college?

Please show us your reliable source and working link showing that students in low-income areas have three students sharing a book. One of the worst scoring school districts in our country is Washington DC. They also are one of the districts that spend the most per student. How is that possible?
Of course, we're dumbed down. That's not debatable. The SAT test scores had to be "recentered" because the average scores, were so far below what the average scores had been in the past.

I'm not sure why you pull up this old test as proof of anything. The reality is, we've been using "Multiple Guess Tests" since the 1970's.. no one alive really remembers tests like this.

Was it not you who claimed we are dumbing down our schools? I prove you wrong and you make an excuse.

I guess I'm the only one alive then that remembers tests like this. Yes, I'm older than dirt, I graduated high school in 1963, I vividly remember taking trig in high school and we had to show all the work for our answers. In biology, we went from a microscope station to microscope station. On some, we were asked what was the layer of cells the pointer was on. Other stations, we were asked what was the function of the adjoining layer of cells.
Now, I've said- I'm not sure this 'adversity scoring' is the way to go, but the fact is, if you are affluent and white, you are going to get a lot of advantages that poor kids of color simply aren't going to get.

How do you level the playing field?

The playing field is perfectly level. Your question should be, how do we bring "poor kids of color" up to standards?

One of the first things to do is to get all your race baiting leaders to stop teaching all those you describe that they are not responsible for their failure, that they are victims and that they are OWED something. This is who you have to convince: Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama, Eric Holder, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Al Sharpton, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Father Pflager, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr., King Samir Shabazz, Van Jones, Charlie Rangel, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Andre Carson, Shirley Sherrod….Keith Ellison,

Think you can do that? How are they NOT an obstacle to success?

Asians are people of color. Why do they score so much higher than any other races? Were the Japanese not put into basically concentration camps on our West coast? Did they wine and cry or did they move forward and succeed?

Why because there parents did the right thing? Worked hard?
I used to be a dumb lib lie you until I woke up and treated people EQUAL! I grew up in the hood blacks struggle because people like you don’t treat them equal..

It's easy to do the "right thing" when you get all the privileges of living in a racist society. when the justice system treats your mistakes as youthful indiscretions instead of actual crimes.

Give me a fucking break.

Here's the thing, if you are smart enough to finish high school and get a good score on your SAT, but not quite as good a score as some privileged white punk who had tutors and wasn't sharing three to a textbook... maybe you deserve a little credit for that.
I have worked hard for everything I have and served my country in combat. We are not a racist nation, we just have fucking crybabies and people that get off their ass and work.
Yep. Predictable when we continually lower standards and expectations to avoid hurting feelings.

Instead of believing in people, holding them accountable, we treat them like helpless children. What an insult.

So, here we are. Enjoy!

Oh, VichyMac, we aren't trying to hurt anyone's feelings. we are making up for disadvantages that the system has.

Yesterday, I was meeting a client in Starbucks in a relatively affluent Chicago burb... This was filled with private tutors helping kids with their math homework to give them an advantage in taking the SAT and other tests and get better grades. This is something that poor kids on the South Side just aren't going to get.

Now, I've said- I'm not sure this 'adversity scoring' is the way to go, but the fact is, if you are affluent and white, you are going to get a lot of advantages that poor kids of color simply aren't going to get.

How do you level the playing field?
You live in the United States of America. Nobody has disadvantages. Get off your lame and lazy ass and WORK for what you have so it is EARNED. Lazy backdoor sliding motherfuckers.
Why because there parents did the right thing? Worked hard?
I used to be a dumb lib lie you until I woke up and treated people EQUAL! I grew up in the hood blacks struggle because people like you don’t treat them equal..

It's easy to do the "right thing" when you get all the privileges of living in a racist society. when the justice system treats your mistakes as youthful indiscretions instead of actual crimes.

Give me a fucking break.

Here's the thing, if you are smart enough to finish high school and get a good score on your SAT, but not quite as good a score as some privileged white punk who had tutors and wasn't sharing three to a textbook... maybe you deserve a little credit for that.
“White punk” with tutors? My fucking ass. Why don’t you try being a conservative. You have the rest of your life to be a lazy, crybaby, queer. Take a day off.
I went to a all black community college every one had access to tutors .. like wtf victimhood mentality are you trying to push on young blacks you racist idiot

Uh, guy, we aren't talking about what happens AFTER you get into college. We are talking about getting into college..

White kids get tutors, decent textbooks, schools that are climate controlled, teachers who actually give a fuck because they are being paid decently. They have a whole lot of advantages.

Black kids don't have tutors in HS, they are often sharing outdated textbooks, they have the teachers who couldn't get jobs anywhere else, their schools are often in disrepair because of inadequate funding.

I don't have to tell these kids they are the victims of a racist society. They probably figure this out at a fairly young age.
“White punk” with tutors? My fucking ass. Why don’t you try being a conservative. You have the rest of your life to be a lazy, crybaby, queer. Take a day off.

Actually, I was a conservative... For years. And after enough recessions and wars, I realized that was a terrible idea. They just fuck things up for working folks to benefit the rich.

Haven't you figured that out yet?
You live in the United States of America. Nobody has disadvantages. Get off your lame and lazy ass and WORK for what you have so it is EARNED. Lazy backdoor sliding motherfuckers.

Yeah, the voice of White Privilege... never gets old.

You see, funny thing. Being white male and straight, I actually deluded myself into thinking that white privilege was earned. one of the many factors that turned me on conservatism and the Goons of Plutocracy is when I first encountered actual discrimination in the form of age discrimination, when a boss told me I was too old when the company was being reorganized and he was so glad he didn't have to deal with a union. (It didn't help that I had serious medical issues that year.)

Then I realized, discrimination kind of sucks. Probably sucks more when you are dealing with it from childhood.
The playing field is perfectly level. Your question should be, how do we bring "poor kids of color" up to standards?

One of the first things to do is to get all your race baiting leaders to stop teaching all those you describe that they are not responsible for their failure, that they are victims and that they are OWED something.

Yes, we need more Uncle Toms like Ben Carson...


Asians are people of color. Why do they score so much higher than any other races? Were the Japanese not put into basically concentration camps on our West coast? Did they wine and cry or did they move forward and succeed?

Okay, let's look at that. We discriminated against Japanese Americans for a couple of years during a war. (In fact, most of them were released before the war ended.) Not quite the same thing as 300 years of slavery followed by 100 years of Jim Crow followed by maybe 40 years of whatever we are doing now.

Now, if Japanese Americans had been treated like this... you'd have an argument.
Was it not you who claimed we are dumbing down our schools? I prove you wrong and you make an excuse.

I guess I'm the only one alive then that remembers tests like this. Yes, I'm older than dirt, I graduated high school in 1963, I vividly remember taking trig in high school and we had to show all the work for our answers. In biology, we went from a microscope station to microscope station. On some, we were asked what was the layer of cells the pointer was on. Other stations, we were asked what was the function of the adjoining layer of cells.

So what?

What does this have to do with black kids going to school with indifferent teachers, outdated textbooks, inadequate facilities, etc.

Since you graduated in 1963, let's look at some charts.


Wow. In 1963, less than 50% of kids under age of 25 completed high School and less than 10% completed college. That was fine, because back then, you could still join a union, get a good paying job, and be just fine. True, you were more likely to get drafted and sent to Vietnam if you didn't go to college, so that kind of sucked...

Today, 90% of kids complete High School and nearly 30% complete college. So are you really arguing the "Good old days" were better?
I went to a all black community college every one had access to tutors .. like wtf victimhood mentality are you trying to push on young blacks you racist idiot

Uh, guy, we aren't talking about what happens AFTER you get into college. We are talking about getting into college..

White kids get tutors, decent textbooks, schools that are climate controlled, teachers who actually give a fuck because they are being paid decently. They have a whole lot of advantages.

Black kids don't have tutors in HS, they are often sharing outdated textbooks, they have the teachers who couldn't get jobs anywhere else, their schools are often in disrepair because of inadequate funding.

I don't have to tell these kids they are the victims of a racist society. They probably figure this out at a fairly young age.
And I went to the worst public high school in Boston that was a almost all black school .. I have no idea what your talking about! lol my nephew goes to a black high school now, he’s a good student and has not tutor lol he has a father hahah
Okay, let's look at that. We discriminated against Japanese Americans for a couple of years during a war. (In fact, most of them were released before the war ended.) Not quite the same thing as 300 years of slavery followed by 100 years of Jim Crow followed by maybe 40 years of whatever we are doing now.

Now, if Japanese Americans had been treated like this... you'd have an argument.

How many generations has there been
Uh, guy, we aren't talking about what happens AFTER you get into college. We are talking about getting into college..

White kids get tutors, decent textbooks, schools that are climate controlled, teachers who actually give a fuck because they are being paid decently. They have a whole lot of advantages.

Black kids don't have tutors in HS, they are often sharing outdated textbooks, they have the teachers who couldn't get jobs anywhere else, their schools are often in disrepair because of inadequate funding.

I don't have to tell these kids they are the victims of a racist society. They probably figure this out at a fairly young age.

All that was true when I went to high school (1960-1963). Before I could legally drive, I was bussed passed a run-down black high school to a spanking brand new high school, Palmetto High in South Miami. It did not have airconditioning. When our textbooks were worn, we got brand new ones and ours when to the black school. Today that is far from the case and has been for many decades.
Today, 90% of kids complete High School and nearly 30% complete college. So are you really arguing the "Good old days" were better?

Not saying anything about the "good ol' days".

Please show us the unbiased source and link proving your allegation that 90% of students graduate from high school. My proven point is that our schools are so dumbed down today that a high school diploma doesn't even mean the recipient can read at a respectable level, write a coherent paragraph or do simple arithmetic.
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I went to a all black community college every one had access to tutors .. like wtf victimhood mentality are you trying to push on young blacks you racist idiot

Uh, guy, we aren't talking about what happens AFTER you get into college. We are talking about getting into college..

White kids get tutors, decent textbooks, schools that are climate controlled, teachers who actually give a fuck because they are being paid decently. They have a whole lot of advantages.

Black kids don't have tutors in HS, they are often sharing outdated textbooks, they have the teachers who couldn't get jobs anywhere else, their schools are often in disrepair because of inadequate funding.

I don't have to tell these kids they are the victims of a racist society. They probably figure this out at a fairly young age.
The public school system as it is today is designed by the Progs and reinforced by African Americans in neighborhoods. So blame them.
Today, 90% of kids complete High School and nearly 30% complete college. So are you really arguing the "Good old days" were better?

Not saying anything about the "good ol' days".

Please show us the unbiased source and link proving your allegation that 90% of students graduate from high school. My proven point is that our schools are so dumbed down today that a high school diploma doesn't even mean the recipient can read at a respectable level, write a coherent paragraph or do simple arithmetic.
You seem to be proof of your post.

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