SAT Turns Racist...Black to Have an “Adversity Score”

That would be far left Progressives bribing people to get their kids into elite schools.

Um, no, not really. i mean I know that's your go-to, that two of the dozens of people caught doing this are ACTORS, therefore they must all be liberals.

Works on the assumption that all actors are liberals, and that all the people who did this were as well.

Here's a list of all the people caught in Varsity Blues.. a lot of them are business people.

Every charge and accusation facing the 33 parents in the college admissions scandal

But we caught two actresses and that's who they are paying attention to because we get retarded about celebrities.
Well the racist anti-white PC March continues at the collegiate level. SAT to give an “adversity score” based on how much crime and poverty is in your zip code. This is the outgrowth of the absolute unadulterated bullshit known as “white privilege.” Democrats will embrace it because they don’t think people should overcome adversity and instead everyone should get a participation trophy.
SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Based on Social and Economic Background
The College Board plans to assign an adversity score to every student who takes the SAT to try to capture their social and economic background, jumping into the debate raging over race and class in college admissions.
Degrees for sale.
Bring cash.
OH. No problem. Sam said he'd finance !

"And he gonna fix the ecomony….and he'll do it all in one week!..."

classic line
The new criteria is not helping. Those accepted on the strength of adversity are first sent to remedial classes. After that they are still not qualified for most college courses but they think they are. They struggle with the course work, drop the major and switch to ethnic or humanities studies courses. It's easy. It is mostly lectures with no tests. The student graduates as unprepared as they were the first day. They can't find work. They may as well not have gone at all.
The new criteria is not helping. Those accepted on the strength of adversity are first sent to remedial classes. After that they are still not qualified for most college courses but they think they are. They struggle with the course work, drop the major and switch to ethnic or humanities studies courses. It's easy. It is mostly lectures with no tests. The student graduates as unprepared as they were the first day. They can't find work. They may as well not have gone at all.

You know it isn't about either education or strengthening's about votes and power.

You should be fine, then.. until a professor reads your Number-pointed crazy essays and sends you to psych services, anyway.

The new criteria is not helping. Those accepted on the strength of adversity are first sent to remedial classes. After that they are still not qualified for most college courses but they think they are. They struggle with the course work, drop the major and switch to ethnic or humanities studies courses. It's easy. It is mostly lectures with no tests. The student graduates as unprepared as they were the first day. They can't find work. They may as well not have gone at all.

One more time... I've written thousands of resumes for clients, including hundreds for new college graduates.

I haven't seen ONE... not ONE who majored in "ethnic" studies. The closest is one fellow who minored in Black Studies, and majored in business, and we both agreed we should leave his minor off his resume.

I've seen minority students who work very hard to get a degree despite the economic hardship they've grown up with. I've seen entitled white kids who pretty much treat college like a four year party and manage to stumble into a degree.

The biggest problem, is of course, is that we've set college up from being something that was fairly elite to something everyone has to have to have any chance at a good job.

When I got a bachelor's in 1985, it was kind of a big deal. I was the first in my family to do that.

Today, three of my nieces and nephews have master's degrees.

There will probably be a point where we all need Ph.D.s at this rate.
You know it isn't about either education or strengthening's about votes and power.

Yes, imagine that... people giving votes and power to people who give them access to the mainstream! That's just crazy talk.

They need to just sit down, shut up and vote for politicians who hate Mexicans and Gays, just like Jesus did!
We know the arguments - that race, environment and economics can play a significant role in the development of our young people. And yeah, anyone who pretends that isn't the case is being willfully ignorant (or something worse).

But the problem here is in the way it's being addressed.

This country has a recent history of looking at the underprivileged and making a terrible, short-term calculation: Which approach would be easier, faster and more politically expedient - (1) maintaining standards and expectations culturally to help these people raise themselves, or (2) dropping standards and expectations based on immutable characteristics, effectively punishing those who have chosen to maintain them?

We've clearly chosen the former for the most part. And what has it gotten us? How much has lowering standards and expectations helped us as a society and a culture? I'd argue the net result is a net loss. This country has lost its dynamic edge, and it's not difficult to see why.
So if a white parent pays their bills and rent and a black uses subsidized housing and Doesn’t have to worry about bills aren’t the whites fighting more adversity?

If whites live in a rural area with less police and has to learn to fight to survive, but a black lives in a city with cops everywhere aren’t the whites facing more adversity?
The biggest problem, is of course, is that we've set college up from being something that was fairly elite to something everyone has to have to have any chance at a good job.

When I got a bachelor's in 1985, it was kind of a big deal. I was the first in my family to do that.

Today, three of my nieces and nephews have master's degrees.

There will probably be a point where we all need Ph.D.s at this rate.

Grade inflation has dumbed us down to the point that, as you say, a bachelor's degree is not just meaningless as an accomplishment but meaningless as to the education received by the individual.

All four of my grandparents immigrated to our country around 1910. My mothers, father was from Denmark and had a fourth-grade education and spoke no English. He went to Chicago where there was a large population of Scandanavians. His first job was driving a horse-drawn milk wagon. He learned English, then drove streetcars and buses. Kept his job through the Great Depression. Never received a dime of government assistance. Never expected anything when he retired. During WW-II, he was too old to serve but was a citizen. During those years he purchased several small apartment buildings. With a 4th grade education, he bought those buildings, maintained them, successfully managed and paid them off providing them both with not only a comfortable living while he was working but also after he retired. His wife never worked outside the home.
Grade inflation has dumbed us down to the point that, as you say, a bachelor's degree is not just meaningless as an accomplishment but meaningless as to the education received by the individual.

All four of my grandparents immigrated to our country around 1910. My mothers, father was from Denmark and had a fourth-grade education and spoke no English. He went to Chicago where there was a large population of Scandanavians. His first job was driving a horse-drawn milk wagon. He learned English, then drove streetcars and buses. Kept his job through the Great Depression. Never received a dime of government assistance. Never expected anything when he retired. During WW-II, he was too old to serve but was a citizen. During those years he purchased several small apartment buildings. With a 4th grade education, he bought those buildings, maintained them, successfully managed and paid them off providing them both with not only a comfortable living while he was working but also after he retired. His wife never worked outside the home.

That's awesome, dude. Here's the problem with that. Back then, when you had unions inflating wages and automation hadn't replaced a lot of those jobs, you could make an okay living doing that.

Today, everyone has a full time job and drives an Uber.

The problem isn't that we are dumbed down.. the problem is that the rich have been doing backsies on the middle class.
So if a white parent pays their bills and rent and a black uses subsidized housing and Doesn’t have to worry about bills aren’t the whites fighting more adversity?

If whites live in a rural area with less police and has to learn to fight to survive, but a black lives in a city with cops everywhere aren’t the whites facing more adversity?

Did someone steal your helmet and you bumped your head a bunch of times.

Right now, I'm hanging in a starbucks waiting to meet a customer. You know what I see. A bunch of white kids with tutors helping them with their homework. This is just one of a thousand advantages middle class kids have on the path to college.
So if a white parent pays their bills and rent and a black uses subsidized housing and Doesn’t have to worry about bills aren’t the whites fighting more adversity?

If whites live in a rural area with less police and has to learn to fight to survive, but a black lives in a city with cops everywhere aren’t the whites facing more adversity?

Did someone steal your helmet and you bumped your head a bunch of times.

Right now, I'm hanging in a starbucks waiting to meet a customer. You know what I see. A bunch of white kids with tutors helping them with their homework. This is just one of a thousand advantages middle class kids have on the path to college.

I'm at a KFC watching two 6'5" tall broz playing grand theft auto.
So if a white parent pays their bills and rent and a black uses subsidized housing and Doesn’t have to worry about bills aren’t the whites fighting more adversity?

If whites live in a rural area with less police and has to learn to fight to survive, but a black lives in a city with cops everywhere aren’t the whites facing more adversity?

Did someone steal your helmet and you bumped your head a bunch of times.

Right now, I'm hanging in a starbucks waiting to meet a customer. You know what I see. A bunch of white kids with tutors helping them with their homework. This is just one of a thousand advantages middle class kids have on the path to college.
Why because there parents did the right thing? Worked hard?
I used to be a dumb lib lie you until I woke up and treated people EQUAL! I grew up in the hood blacks struggle because people like you don’t treat them equal..
Well the racist anti-white PC March continues at the collegiate level. SAT to give an “adversity score” based on how much crime and poverty is in your zip code. This is the outgrowth of the absolute unadulterated bullshit known as “white privilege.” Democrats will embrace it because they don’t think people should overcome adversity and instead everyone should get a participation trophy.
SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Based on Social and Economic Background

Life isn't fair. I had to put my required time in the military while bush jr. and those other two sissies trump and bolton got off scot free.
That's awesome, dude. Here's the problem with that. Back then, when you had unions inflating wages and automation hadn't replaced a lot of those jobs, you could make an okay living doing that.

Today, everyone has a full time job and drives an Uber.

The problem isn't that we are dumbed down.. the problem is that the rich have been doing backsies on the middle class.

Of course, we're dumbed down. That's not debatable. The SAT test scores had to be "recentered" because the average scores, were so far below what the average scores had been in the past.


In addition to being a Realtor, I also taught pre and post-licensing requirements for the state of Florida.

Students had difficulty in grasping the fundamentals of question 4 in the math section, as for number 6, they were in deep doo doo.

We're in a pathetic mess.
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Well the racist anti-white PC March continues at the collegiate level. SAT to give an “adversity score” based on how much crime and poverty is in your zip code. This is the outgrowth of the absolute unadulterated bullshit known as “white privilege.” Democrats will embrace it because they don’t think people should overcome adversity and instead everyone should get a participation trophy.
SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Based on Social and Economic Background

Life isn't fair. I had to put my required time in the military while bush jr. and those other two sissies trump and bolton got off scot free.

Wow, strange. You left out Clinton and Obama, go figure.
Why because there parents did the right thing? Worked hard?
I used to be a dumb lib lie you until I woke up and treated people EQUAL! I grew up in the hood blacks struggle because people like you don’t treat them equal..

It's easy to do the "right thing" when you get all the privileges of living in a racist society. when the justice system treats your mistakes as youthful indiscretions instead of actual crimes.

Give me a fucking break.

Here's the thing, if you are smart enough to finish high school and get a good score on your SAT, but not quite as good a score as some privileged white punk who had tutors and wasn't sharing three to a textbook... maybe you deserve a little credit for that.
Of course, we're dumbed down. That's not debatable. The SAT test scores had to be "recentered" because the average scores, were so far below what the average scores had been in the past.

I'm not sure why you pull up this old test as proof of anything. The reality is, we've been using "Multiple Guess Tests" since the 1970's.. no one alive really remembers tests like this.

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