SAT Turns Racist...Black to Have an “Adversity Score”

Well the racist anti-white PC March continues at the collegiate level. SAT to give an “adversity score” based on how much crime and poverty is in your zip code. This is the outgrowth of the absolute unadulterated bullshit known as “white privilege.” Democrats will embrace it because they don’t think people should overcome adversity and instead everyone should get a participation trophy.
SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Based on Social and Economic Background
there is a yoog problem, there are more than twice as many disadvantaged white kids
It's not that complicated, and PO Boxes don't cost that much, especially for rich people.
Wel,, for now, lol, that will definitely change.

And the ACT which is a much more hard core test criteria will become more valuable every year.

"No, I don't care about your SAT, what did you score on your ACT?" You didn't take it? Well, good day old chap!"
White people pretending they know the black experience



So human beings cannot empathize with other human beings unless they have the exact same backgrounds?

You do realize that that is a basic axiom to every racist ideological system, right?
White people pretending they know the black experience



So human beings cannot empathize with other human beings unless they have the exact same backgrounds?

You do realize that that is a basic axiom to every racist ideological system, right?

Of course not.

But would you trade places with a similar black person?

Of course you wouldn't.

99.99% of all white people bitching about reverse racism wouldn't either.
Lol, blacks aren't even embarrassed to be patronized.
Oh, no, many of them are and know what is going on.

And they RESENT it, totally.
Not the 80% that robotically vote democrat and cry white privilege.

Those are also the ones that gleefully take handouts cause they believe they are "owed" it.

Those 80% think they were kidnapped from Africa.

You are referring to that 20%.
But would you trade places with a similar black person?
Of course you wouldn't.
99.99% of all white people bitching about reverse racism wouldn't either.

I know that many black people would not have traded places with me where I grew up after my parents divorce. My Mom tried to keep us in good schools but she couldn't always help it on waitresses wages.

This should not be about race, but economics. I have lived in some pretty shitty areas in my life, and that being said, I would not have spent so much time studying for the SAT like I did and taking it twice to get the best result if someone was going to just give me 250 points because I lived in an area with a high murder rate like the County line area in Grande Praire Texas.
So...only black students will get the adversity score? Only blacks have adverse social and economic backgrounds? Interesting that you believe that.........looks like YOU are the one making some pretty damning assumptions.
Yep. I’m not dumb enough to see behind this fucking bullshit ruse. you believe that only black students are in adverse social and economic situations. Why do you think that is?
Nope...but they cry about it more than any other group. They are taught from birth that they are victims and the government owes them something.

Then this policy will help them get out of the victimHOOD they are in.

The Environmental Context Dashboard shines a light on students who have demonstrated remarkable resourcefulness to overcome challenges and achieve more with less. It enables colleges to witness the strength of students in a huge swath of America who would otherwise be overlooked."

This is going to help lots of poor white kids. Why are Republicans complaining? This deals with privilege.

A dialogue about wealth and privilege in educational institutions exploded this year in wake of the college admissions scandal, in which 33 parents were charged with paying huge sums of money to have their children cheat on the SAT and be admitted into top colleges under the false pretenses of being student athletes.

You aren't rich so stop defending rich privilege.
It will help the group it targets. Inner city blacks. This is a fucking PC ruse and nothing more.
It should make you happy. All this policy does is help even the playing field.

It’s not the kids fault he was born into a dysfunctional family or high poverty neighborhood with bad public schools. He should get 5 points for each of those factors. So if your kid scores a 500 on the act and the poor kid scores 480, he should get into Harvard over your kid because he got 15 points for adversity. Your rich kid got negative adversity points.

This will help more poor whites than it will blacks. Don’t be a racist. Race has nothing to do with this.
Well the racist anti-white PC March continues at the collegiate level. SAT to give an “adversity score” based on how much crime and poverty is in your zip code. This is the outgrowth of the absolute unadulterated bullshit known as “white privilege.” Democrats will embrace it because they don’t think people should overcome adversity and instead everyone should get a participation trophy.
SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Based on Social and Economic Background
there is a yoog problem, there are more than twice as many disadvantaged white kids
If they would release the full details of the criteria and the formula we would see that it is leveraged toward inner city blacks.
Yep. I’m not dumb enough to see behind this fucking bullshit ruse. you believe that only black students are in adverse social and economic situations. Why do you think that is?
Nope...but they cry about it more than any other group. They are taught from birth that they are victims and the government owes them something.

Then this policy will help them get out of the victimHOOD they are in.

The Environmental Context Dashboard shines a light on students who have demonstrated remarkable resourcefulness to overcome challenges and achieve more with less. It enables colleges to witness the strength of students in a huge swath of America who would otherwise be overlooked."

This is going to help lots of poor white kids. Why are Republicans complaining? This deals with privilege.

A dialogue about wealth and privilege in educational institutions exploded this year in wake of the college admissions scandal, in which 33 parents were charged with paying huge sums of money to have their children cheat on the SAT and be admitted into top colleges under the false pretenses of being student athletes.

You aren't rich so stop defending rich privilege.
It will help the group it targets. Inner city blacks. This is a fucking PC ruse and nothing more.
It should make you happy. All this policy does is help even the playing field.

It’s not the kids fault he was born into a dysfunctional family or high poverty neighborhood with bad public schools. He should get 5 points for each of those factors. So if your kid scores a 500 on the act and the poor kid scores 480, he should get into Harvard over your kid because he got 15 points for adversity. Your rich kid got negative adversity points.

This will help more poor whites than it will blacks. Don’t be a racist. Race has nothing to do with this.
“Help level the playing field.” Your a used car salesmen’s dream. You would buy anything. This is 100% political and more PC crap that leads us into an egalitarian society that Marx advocated. The only “comrades” I ever had was in the Marines. Nothing on anyone’s birth certificate guaranteed them a free ride. Get tough or die. Hard work will lift you up...not the government putting a thumb on the scale because life ain’t fair. Life doesn’t give out participation trophies and European systems are state controlled and the same model that East Germany had. The more you ask the federal government to help you the less freedom you have.
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So, this latest schooling scam means it's more important to make people "feel good", than to produce capable graduates?

This nations is so screwed....unless hiring companies see through it and ignore SAT results.
Although this could mean the smartest Americans are not given the opportunities for college.

So incredibly damaging. The Chinese must be spitting noodles they're laughing so hard.
Nobody knows the full details or criteria for this program. It’s a ruse. Details would show it helps about 3% of white kids and about 99.9999% of inner city blacks.
White people pretending they know the black experience


This has been a VERY enlightening thread. VERY enlightening.
Of course I know the “black experience” in this nation. African tribes had slaves of enemy tribes and sold them to Europeans and Arabs. Flash forward to American Civil War where 600,000 white Americans died over the fight to preserve the Union. Flash 1930’s the communist poet Carl Sandburg writes biography of Abraham Lincoln that falsely claims that the war was about ending slavery. It NEVER was. Flash forward...the communist Michael King pushes for an end to segregation in the South (he was right on this). Liberals have viewed black people as downtrodden victims and blacks politicians have played it to the hilt. Flash forward 1990’s liberal college professors who are dissatisfied with their careers in academics begin to push “social justice “as an issue and start to put together a movement to stir up shit and kill police officers. Flash forward to 2019...Democrats still remind black voters That they are victims of “wealth inequality” and capitalism is to blame. Instead of promoting hard work and a moral lifestyle.

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