SAT Turns Racist...Black to Have an “Adversity Score”

Well the racist anti-white PC March continues at the collegiate level. SAT to give an “adversity score” based on how much crime and poverty is in your zip code. This is the outgrowth of the absolute unadulterated bullshit known as “white privilege.” Democrats will embrace it because they don’t think people should overcome adversity and instead everyone should get a participation trophy.
SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Based on Social and Economic Background

The continued dumbing down of America.

Some decades back the SAT scores were "recentered". What that meant was that the scores were adjusted up in both the English and Math portions of the test. Frankly, I was shocked by my scores when I took the test, I had not expected to score so high.
Well the racist anti-white PC March continues at the collegiate level. SAT to give an “adversity score” based on how much crime and poverty is in your zip code. This is the outgrowth of the absolute unadulterated bullshit known as “white privilege.” Democrats will embrace it because they don’t think people should overcome adversity and instead everyone should get a participation trophy.
SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Based on Social and Economic Background
So...only black students will get the adversity score? Only blacks have adverse social and economic backgrounds? Interesting that you believe that.........looks like YOU are the one making some pretty damning assumptions.

Low income Whites do better on the SAT scores than High Income Blacks do.
Well the racist anti-white PC March continues at the collegiate level. SAT to give an “adversity score” based on how much crime and poverty is in your zip code. This is the outgrowth of the absolute unadulterated bullshit known as “white privilege.” Democrats will embrace it because they don’t think people should overcome adversity and instead everyone should get a participation trophy.
SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Based on Social and Economic Background

Another grand opportunity for corruption.
So, this latest schooling scam means it's more important to make people "feel good", than to produce capable graduates?

This nations is so screwed....unless hiring companies see through it and ignore SAT results.
Although this could mean the smartest Americans are not given the opportunities for college.

So incredibly damaging. The Chinese must be spitting noodles they're laughing so hard.
Are you forgetting that students applying for colleges are usually expecting to take either an SAT or an ACT test for qualification.

But it's sure a sad thing when certain individuals are quite willing to throw the dependent children of our military under the bus if there's any possible way that a minority student could get some extra points added to their SAT.

The sad part is the stupid idea more points on the SAT will help them pass college.
Let me guess, you have a Humanities Degree?
No one has ever claimed that adding adversity points to an SAT score guarantees getting thru college. Absolutely no one.

Exactly right. It puts students into schools where they are guaranteed to fail and drop out. How does that help anyone?
Lol, blacks aren't even embarrassed to be patronized.

That's because the vast majority of black leaders have worked hard for many decades to convince blacks that they are victims and are not capable of taking care of themselves. They have been beaten down by their own so as to believe what they have been taught. Tragic and criminal!
Exactly right. It puts students into schools where they are guaranteed to fail and drop out. How does that help anyone?

Sometimes you really have to wonder if the plan is not to make the society at large as dumb as humanly possible?
Sure seems that way.
You going to show me where P.O. Boxes are accepted in this program? And that there isn't farther proof required for those that use PO Boxes?... Most government programs when people use a PO Box require a second piece of information to prove residence, like a utility bill with their name and address on it.

But hey, you just keep on with this conspiracy theory.

A PO Box probably won't work but I have had people buy a vacant lot or piece of land in our county, as opposed to their own, put a mailbox on it, got a street address and sent their kids to our schools instead of their own counties.
You going to show me where P.O. Boxes are accepted in this program? And that there isn't farther proof required for those that use PO Boxes?... Most government programs when people use a PO Box require a second piece of information to prove residence, like a utility bill with their name and address on it.

But hey, you just keep on with this conspiracy theory.

A PO Box probably won't work but I have had people buy a vacant lot or piece of land in our county, as opposed to their own, put a mailbox on it, got a street address and sent their kids to our schools instead of their own counties.

Yes. What the other poster does not realize, or hasn't even read the proposed program is, the address is part of an overlapping program that includes what school they go to. So if they buy a PO Box in some horrible neighborhood that won't matter if they go to a lavish private school.
Well the racist anti-white PC March continues at the collegiate level. SAT to give an “adversity score” based on how much crime and poverty is in your zip code. This is the outgrowth of the absolute unadulterated bullshit known as “white privilege.” Democrats will embrace it because they don’t think people should overcome adversity and instead everyone should get a participation trophy.
SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Based on Social and Economic Background
Adversity score doesn't care what race you are. People who are white who has faced hardship but still getting good grades will benefit from this as well as minorities. In fact it equalizes us so we will be considered more on Merit with consideration of adversity without regard to race.
Not according to the's all about the blacks.
Well the OP is wrong.
In theory, but then again in theory anti-discrimination laws are also supposed to protect whites from discrimination, but they certainly do not.

Why should any white person who is growing u p in a high crime area expect this 'adversity score' to be given to them?

Do you have anything that specifically states that whites will get it too?
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Lol, blacks aren't even embarrassed to be patronized.

That's because the vast majority of black leaders have worked hard for many decades to convince blacks that they are victims and are not capable of taking care of themselves. They have been beaten down by their own so as to believe what they have been taught. Tragic and criminal!
Yes, the grievance INDUSTRY has been a very lucrative business for many race profiteers for many decades.

"There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose."

Booker T Washington 1911

Make no mistake. The grievance INDUSTRY is never concerned about solving grievances. They are only concerned about perpetuating and expanding that industry.

The fundraising business is quite lucrative and very rewarding. you believe that only black students are in adverse social and economic situations. Why do you think that is?
Gads, you're a dunce.
Why don't you simply show some guts and admit the truth.

Because Bodecea is not honest and has no integrity. Truth is irrelevant next to ideology and affirming it no matter what.
Who is most likely to need this type help? And why?
I don't think that disproportionate impact is a concern here. If it helps more blacks than whites so be it IF IT IS ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING TO HELP DISADVANTAGED STUDENTs.

But does it?

Does simply giving kids trying to get into college a higher SAT score THAT THEY DID NOT EARN is that helpful?

The SAT is supposed to help you find the RIGHT FIT as a student at university education. It is not merely a reward for doing better in academics.

To give extra points based on background does not help in the pursuit of getting a better match for the student with the university.

IF a disadvantaged student gets a bunch of points added to their SAT, it is not reflective of their academic skill, it is a lie and will not be helpful for its intended purpose whatsoefver.

This HARMS DISAVANTAGED STUDENTS. IT does NOT help them at all.
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Nope...but they cry about it more than any other group. They are taught from birth that they are victims and the government owes them something.
What are taught from birth, that you are superior to anyone who isn't white and that whites are the supreme race.
Asians are penalized in this racist scheme far more than whites, dumbass.

Do you try to look stupid or does it just come naturally to you?
Low income Whites do better on the SAT scores than High Income Blacks do.

I used to lecture at a HBU.

I've hired black students. I still have them on my staff.

And they make more money than you do.

That has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

STFU Markle

You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You KNOW the school.

His comment was bullshit.

Stop being a racist apologist.

Yes, the racism implied is a deterrent to having a rational discussion on BOTH sides.

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