Saturday...a vibrant Chicago spring afternoon...only 13 shot.

Yep. And now that's 12 angry people....with 5 or 6 angry friends and family about 60 or 70 wanting revenge on 12 shooters....who also have 5 or 6 60 or 70 soon-to-be angry people wanting revenge....who will then shoot 12 others who have 5 or 6.....

Shit man that's a nasty and escalating cycle. How do we break that cycle? Oh we could have cops stopping and frisk....oh....wait....nevermind.
But no White cops doing the shooting, so who cares---certainly not Liberal Vote-Whores---like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or Money-Whore-Race Hustlers like Al Sharpton....or any other of the mass shit-heads in the Democratic Party.
1 dead, 12 wounded after South Side shootings

It's a beautiful spring day folks!!! Oh....and in Chicago....they only had 13 people shot in 1 afternoon.
Love a place where people have lots of guns. Yay! MURICA!

But you guys passed gun bans there soooo........

By the way.....guess where else has lots of guns??? Utah. Idaho. Montana. Gun stores. Military bases. Police stations. Some reason the murder rates in those places....aren't the same as gun saturated Chicago. And some (gun stores, police, military) have very controlled environments over weapons. Others...the states...have very lax control over guns. Yet....both have extremely low incidents of murder.


It's almost as if the presence of guns is is the level of control over the guns. But the behavior of people within these what determines violence.

Lay off the tuna. It's making you dumber

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