Saturday Night Live claims President Trump will be assinated in two years

Saturday Night Live Michael Che states that President Trump will be assinated in two years and the shit eating Left and The New Yorker doesn't even blink. Imagine this being said about Obama in 2009.

“Saturday Night Live” and the Limits of Trump Mockery

SNL said nothing about Trump being assassinated in the next two years...only that they would be his last

I have posted many times that Trump will die choking on a ham sandwich

But it will be a Yuuuuge ham sandwich. Very classy.

It only appears to be Yuuuuge in his tiny hands
Saturday Night Live Michael Che states that President Trump will be assinated in two years and the shit eating Left and The New Yorker doesn't even blink. Imagine this being said about Obama in 2009.

“Saturday Night Live” and the Limits of Trump Mockery

Is this the quote that you figured out with your secret decoder ring that says SNL is calling for the assassination of Trump?

Instead, the weariness coming from the show seems to be more emotional and civic-minded—an expression of shared uncertainty, a common lament about the absurd pace of the new Administration’s outrages and follies. Michael Che, during a “Weekend Update” segment that again savaged Trump, said, “I’m starting to feel bad for Donald Trump . . . I hope he quits. Donald, is this really how you want to spend the last two years of your life?” (The segment also obliquely referred to the show’s own guilt in this relationship of co-dependency, and its original sin of having Trump host, in 2015.)

Just because he asked if this is how Trump wants to spend the last 2 years of his life? Got news for you, Trump is one of the oldest presidents we've had, and they could have been referring to that fact (average lifespan of an American male is about 78).

Or, he could have been talking about the possibility of his getting impeached, because that has been talked about quite a bit over the past couple of weeks.

But no, they didn't call for the assassination of Trump like the OP says.
Bah. Somebody made a movie about assassinating GW Bush, nobody cared. A rodeo clown wore an Obama mask and a bunch of people almost died due to excessive foaming at the mouth. Trump is called orange and insane and evil and on and on.

I say, keep your sense of humor, even if SNL lost their's when John Belushi left.
Can you tell us where that movie was made? Can you tell us whether that movie made the assassination of Bush appear a good thing or a bad thing?
Clearly, you still watch SNL.

I can't believe after all the SNL's, Daily Shows, Colbert and every other late night talk show host mocked the idea of a Trump presidency, America still elected him.

Even when you consider the help Trump got from Comey, Russia, and that glitch in the electoral college that allows a president to be elected with 3 million less votes, it's still hard to believe he won.
It's going to be so easy catching Trump in a lie. Especially when wikileaks turn on him.

Washington State Attorney General Promises To Uncover 'What Truly Motivated' Trump's Travel Ban | The Huffington Post
Bah. Somebody made a movie about assassinating GW Bush, nobody cared. A rodeo clown wore an Obama mask and a bunch of people almost died due to excessive foaming at the mouth. Trump is called orange and insane and evil and on and on.

I say, keep your sense of humor, even if SNL lost their's when John Belushi left.
Can you tell us where that movie was made? Can you tell us whether that movie made the assassination of Bush appear a good thing or a bad thing?
Clearly, you still watch SNL.

I can't believe after all the SNL's, Daily Shows, Colbert and every other late night talk show host mocked the idea of a Trump presidency, America still elected him.

Even when you consider the help Trump got from Comey, Russia, and that glitch in the electoral college that allows a president to be elected with 3 million less votes, it's still hard to believe he won.
It's going to be so easy catching Trump in a lie. Especially when wikileaks turn on him.

Washington State Attorney General Promises To Uncover 'What Truly Motivated' Trump's Travel Ban | The Huffington Post

That isn't exactly a secret. Rump made sure it was put out there naked and orange, in no uncertain terms:

Rump later, in fluent Doublethink mode:

>> Donald Trump said his latest proposal to stop immigration "from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism" is an "expansion" of his blanket ban on Muslims, in an interview aired Sunday.
"I actually don't think it's a rollback. In fact, you could say it's an expansion," Trump told NBC's Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press." "I'm looking now at territory. People were so upset when I used the word Muslim. Oh, you can't use the word Muslim. Remember this. And I'm OK with that, because I'm talking territory instead of Muslim."

From the article, this gem of further Doublethink. Direct quote:

>> "It is about terrorism and not about religion. It is about Muslims from countries that support terrorism," Trump's finance chairman Steve Mnuchin told reporters the same day, <<

Get that? It's "not about religion", and in the next sentence, leading off the next sentence without a breath, "It is about Muslims".

Can't make it up without the pen name "George Orwell".
NEW "SNL" to debut on cable TV March 6!

Snotty Nosed Liberals!

Comedy with lot of violence.

Can't lose!

Or can it?

Producers say sex scenes will be limited to masturbation.
It would spark a Civil War, and not in the good way either

I agree. I for one already despise the Left. They have proven themselves worthy of it.

Say that's pretty heavy coming from n asshat who made up "assination" where none exists and got caught at it.

Heady stuff. I'm overwhelmed with the profound level of credibility.
It would spark a Civil War, and not in the good way either

I agree. I for one already despise the Left. They have proven themselves worthy of it.

I'm sure the left has mutual feelings for RWNJs like you too.

I'm sure but I'm not calling for murder, liar.

People Call For Joy Villa To Be KILLED After She Wears Make America Great Again Dress To Grammys

Neither are the posts in that link DUMBASS.

Exactly how stupid do you have to be to trot this out after it was already shot down yesterday, then linked to here and shot down again??

C'mon big hill, tell us all about how Weekend Update "called for assination". Fuggin' moron.

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