Saudi Arabia and Bahrain snubbing President Obama's Gulf Summit.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
What is that saying...try to please everyone and you end up pleasing no one...
Obama in his sophomoric attempt to make a deal with Iran, which everyone with an IQ over 75 knew would never work, Obama has made himself untrustworthy in the eyes of many leaders the world over.
Jimmy Carter anyone?
Of course the White House says the snub is not substantive, or any indication of relations with Obama.

Saudi Bahrain kings to miss summit of Gulf nations hosted by US Fox News
Kind of like Obama snubbing Netanyahu.

I would show up to watch Obama take out the trash

GCC leaders to meet with President Obama


Will he bow to them again? The article says they are going to urge the US not to cooperate with Iran. At least we can all agree on that!

Read more @ Gcc Leaders to Meet With President Obama Al Jazeera America

Saudi, Bahrain kings to miss summit of Gulf nations hosted by US @ Rulers of most Gulf nations to miss Camp David summit hosted by Obama Fox News
Are they still sending representatives even if the kings aren't coming?
Are they still sending representatives even if the kings aren't coming?

From the article cited:

“…those nations are still sending representatives to the summit being hosted by President Obama…Saudi Arabia cited the situation in Yemen for the change.

In a statement Sunday, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Thursday's summit coincides with a humanitarian cease-fire in Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition is fighting Shiite rebels known as Houthis. He said Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who is also interior minister, [will] lead the Saudi delegation and the king's son, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is defense minister, will also attend -- and the king would not.

The tiny island kingdom of Bahrain said separately Sunday that its delegation would be headed by the country's crown prince, Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa. Bahrain, whose leadership has close ties to the Saudis, is an important military ally of the U.S. It is the longstanding host to the Navy's 5th Fleet, which is responsible for operations around the Arabian Peninsula and northern Indian Ocean, and is Washington's main naval counterbalance to Iran.

The sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said, is also among those staying away. The sultanate will be represented instead by the deputy prime minister, Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoud Al Said, and other officials, the country's official news agency announced. The sultan's absence comes as little surprise. The long-serving monarch, whose country maintains cordial relations with Iranand has served as a go-between for Tehran and Washington, returned home in March after spending several months in Germany being treated for an undisclosed illness.

Health issues are also expected to keep the president of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, from attending. He suffered a stroke in January last year and has not been seen publicly since.

Crown Prince Sheik Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the president's half-brother, held talks with Obama at the White House last month and is expected to lead the Emirati delegation.”

The OP is misleading.

The Saudi king is staying close to home because of troubles in Yemen. The next in line, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, will lead the Saudi delegation.

Bahrain’s delegation will be headed by the country's crown prince, Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa. He is also next in line for the throne.

Oman is a country that has a ‘cordial’ relationship with Iran, so there is no reason for the king to skip the meeting because of the Iran nuclear deal. The king is an old man and ill. He will send the deputy prime minister.

The king of the UAE has had a stroke and is not seen in public. The crown prince, next in line, will be attending.

The OP has purposely intended to suggest something that is not happening. Obama and his summit are not being snubbed by the Gulf States because of the Iran nuclear deal. Holy mackerel. Are truth and fact a thing of the past for the RW?
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Obamma got dissed...
Big time.

I thought it was a golf summit :badgrin:


He did not get 'dissed' at all. Read the ENTIRE article the OP cited. Read my post above. One of the countries' kings just got out of the hospital; another had a stroke; one, who is an old man, is sending his son who is next in line to be king; and another is staying home to deal with problems in Yemen--and also sending the next in line to be king. One of these is an ally and on good terms with Iran: he helped Obama work out the nuclear deal.

Do you think if you keep repeating a lie it will become truth? How pathetic.
The White House press secretary is set to announce that it isn't a snub at all. It turns out two of those not coming have to stay home to wash their hair. The other two are planning on watching a Three Stooges marathon in order to better to understand the current US foreign policy.
The White House press secretary is set to announce that it isn't a snub at all. It turns out two of those not coming have to stay home to wash their hair. The other two are planning on watching a Three Stooges marathon in order to better to understand the current US foreign policy.
You think making snide remarks is going to change the reality and truth? You make fun of a man who has had a stroke and is not making public appearances? You make fun of another man who has been in the hospital in Germany for a month and just got out? He may be dealing with cancer, that's what it sounds like. You don't understand that these old, sick men sending the next in line to the throne is not a snub at all? You're an idiot.
Snide? Yup. But an idiot is someone who blindly follows a poor leader making endless excuses for his myriad mistakes while trying to denigrate any who disagree by name calling and the like.
Representatives from the Arab countries will be there but it's hard to spin away the fact the only two of the six monarchs invited are going to attend.

Call it what you will. CBS, usually willing to carry water for Obama, isn't even buying it.

"...lends less diplomatic heft..."

CBS: "Now Only Two Of The Six Monarchs Invited To Meet With Obama" Will Be Coming To Camp David

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The White House press secretary is set to announce that it isn't a snub at all. It turns out two of those not coming have to stay home to wash their hair. The other two are planning on watching a Three Stooges marathon in order to better to understand the current US foreign policy.
You think making snide remarks is going to change the reality and truth? You make fun of a man who has had a stroke and is not making public appearances? You make fun of another man who has been in the hospital in Germany for a month and just got out? He may be dealing with cancer, that's what it sounds like. You don't understand that these old, sick men sending the next in line to the throne is not a snub at all? You're an idiot.

A brain of an idiot person is obsolete and set. You cannot train idiots.
As a business owner this kind of situations does arise. If I'm not available I will send my son a president who is next in line will attend for me. That is NOT a snub. If I don't send anybody that is a snub.
These gulf leaders are sending their next in line to the throne. That is NOT a snub.
OP is post #7 and#10 for better understanding.
Representatives from the Arab countries will be there but it's hard to spin away the fact the only two of the six monarchs invited are going to attend.

Call it what you will. CBS, usually willing to carry water for Obama, isn't even buying it.

"...lends less diplomatic heft..."

CBS: "Now Only Two Of The Six Monarchs Invited To Meet With Obama" Will Be Coming To Camp David

Obama's number one and two mouthpieces MSNBC and CNN have also called it a snub.

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