Saudi Arabia claims they funded 20% of Hillary's campaign

Ready to take away all union and pac funding, ,too?

Thanks to Roberts and the SC we can only blame ourselves for supporting Citizens United. Elections have consequences.
So you blame Republicans for Hillary Clinton's corruption in taking bribes from a terrorist-sponsoring foreign government?

Nice, it seems with you Republicans can never win and Democrats can never lose.

If Bill Clinton was caught in public raping a 15-year-old girl, you would find some way to blame Trump for it I think.

Are you suggesting Citizen's United has nothing to do with the alarming money getting into our election process and it's origins?

Probably not a bad idea but the BIG problem will be the media. They have had a windfall with the new huge money mills and they will resist going backwards. An election cycle is the Super Bowl for big media incomes. They charge what they want and the candidates are forced to cough up fortunes if they want their message and exposure displayed.

Thanks to Roberts and the SC we can only blame ourselves for supporting Citizens United. Elections have consequences.
So you blame Republicans for Hillary Clinton's corruption in taking bribes from a terrorist-sponsoring foreign government?

Nice, it seems with you Republicans can never win and Democrats can never lose.

If Bill Clinton was caught in public raping a 15-year-old girl, you would find some way to blame Trump for it I think.

Are you suggesting Citizen's United has nothing to do with the alarming money getting into our election process and it's origins?
It has absolutely nothing to do with taking campaign contributions from Saudi Arabia. Your transparent attempt to derail the topic is noted.

Nobody is trying to derail your stupid thread. You seem to have "control" issues. Topics grow as people post. That's just the way it works. You cannot constantly "edit" a thread you may have started or dictate how others respond.

Thanks to Roberts and the SC we can only blame ourselves for supporting Citizens United. Elections have consequences.
So you blame Republicans for Hillary Clinton's corruption in taking bribes from a terrorist-sponsoring foreign government?

Nice, it seems with you Republicans can never win and Democrats can never lose.

If Bill Clinton was caught in public raping a 15-year-old girl, you would find some way to blame Trump for it I think.

You are nothing if not a moron. Show me ONE instance where I have supported Hillary Clinton.. Just ONE! You really are one stupid son of a bitch.
HUGGY!!!! Your mouth will be washed with soap, you naughty kid!

I'm 67. My "kid" days are way back in the rear view mirror.
Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

"The Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign."

The amusing part of this is that if she was in Saudi he would have her in a burka chained to a stove instead of buying her like some political whore.


Cryptic Filing Reveals $18 Million In Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation While She Was Secretary...
EXCLUSIVE: Cryptic NY Filing Revealed Clinton Foundation Foreign Donations

"Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure New York state charity board filing to disclose that the non-profit received nearly $18 million in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The specific foreign governments were not identified in the document, entitled “Exhibit A.”

“There is no doubt that the foundation purposely refused to make public certain things as a way of protecting the Secretary of State during her tenure,” DiGenova charged. “The entire process to hide information from the public is completely inconsistent with a public charity.”

DiGenova predicted that “the new revelations will up the ante for the FBI. This will just add fodder to the ongoing investigation.”


Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'...
Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump called Tuesday for rival Hillary Clinton to give back millions of dollars she accepted from countries that oppress women.

"Here's a woman that takes all of this money from these countries and then she says she loves women," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"How can she bethey wanna kill, they throw them off buildings. They actually throw gays off buildings and she's taking money and I'm calling for her to give back all of the money she's taken form these countries," Trump said."

"They bought her off, she's paid off," Trump said. "I'm much better for women than she is. I'm much better for gays than she is."


The thing that will most infuriate - PI$$ OFF - the libs who read this, get them gnashing their teeth and coming back with denial and personal attacks, is that what Turmp said - IT'S TRUE!
Last edited:
Well this explains:


Votes and funding are much more important to her than America... or anything else for that matter.
Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

"The Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign."

The amusing part of this is that if she was in Saudi he would have her in a burka chained to a stove instead of buying her like some political whore.


Cryptic Filing Reveals $18 Million In Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation While She Was Secretary...
EXCLUSIVE: Cryptic NY Filing Revealed Clinton Foundation Foreign Donations

"Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure New York state charity board filing to disclose that the non-profit received nearly $18 million in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The specific foreign governments were not identified in the document, entitled “Exhibit A.”

“There is no doubt that the foundation purposely refused to make public certain things as a way of protecting the Secretary of State during her tenure,” DiGenova charged. “The entire process to hide information from the public is completely inconsistent with a public charity.”

DiGenova predicted that “the new revelations will up the ante for the FBI. This will just add fodder to the ongoing investigation.”


Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'...
Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump called Tuesday for rival Hillary Clinton to give back millions of dollars she accepted from countries that oppress women.

"Here's a woman that takes all of this money from these countries and then she says she loves women," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"How can she bethey wanna kill, they throw them off buildings. They actually throw gays off buildings and she's taking money and I'm calling for her to give back all of the money she's taken form these countries," Trump said."

"They bought her off, she's paid off," Trump said. "I'm much better for women than she is. I'm much better for gays than she is."


The thing that will most infuriate - PI$$ OFF - the libs who read this, get them gnashing their teeth and coming back with denial and personal attacks, is that what Turmp said - IT'S TRUE!

uhm-----ok we got a problem----those fat oil guys in the white rags-----spend lots of money in casinos and whore houses
Well this explains:


Votes and funding are much more important to her than America... or anything else for that matter.

Let us examine the religion of peace and Mrs. Tuzla. She said that when Bill was elected the country was getting two for the price of one. So what happened in Bill's term was supported by Mrs. Tuzla. She supported NAFTA and now lies about that support.

So the ATF wants to arrest people at Waco so they send in a para-military force which is met with resistance. Did those at Waco do anything to threaten anyone? The answer is no. The police even stopped by to go shooting with the Branch Davidians.

Yet those who adhere to Islam, whether twisting the religion or not, take it to the people and Mrs. Tuzla defends the religion.

In the case of white "Christians," the Clinton's are more than willing to kill many children. But in the case of Islam, they are willing to look the other way.
Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

"The Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign."

The amusing part of this is that if she was in Saudi he would have her in a burka chained to a stove instead of buying her like some political whore.


Cryptic Filing Reveals $18 Million In Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation While She Was Secretary...
EXCLUSIVE: Cryptic NY Filing Revealed Clinton Foundation Foreign Donations

"Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure New York state charity board filing to disclose that the non-profit received nearly $18 million in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The specific foreign governments were not identified in the document, entitled “Exhibit A.”

“There is no doubt that the foundation purposely refused to make public certain things as a way of protecting the Secretary of State during her tenure,” DiGenova charged. “The entire process to hide information from the public is completely inconsistent with a public charity.”

DiGenova predicted that “the new revelations will up the ante for the FBI. This will just add fodder to the ongoing investigation.”


Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'...
Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump called Tuesday for rival Hillary Clinton to give back millions of dollars she accepted from countries that oppress women.

"Here's a woman that takes all of this money from these countries and then she says she loves women," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"How can she bethey wanna kill, they throw them off buildings. They actually throw gays off buildings and she's taking money and I'm calling for her to give back all of the money she's taken form these countries," Trump said."

"They bought her off, she's paid off," Trump said. "I'm much better for women than she is. I'm much better for gays than she is."


The thing that will most infuriate - PI$$ OFF - the libs who read this, get them gnashing their teeth and coming back with denial and personal attacks, is that what Turmp said - IT'S TRUE!

uhm-----ok we got a problem----those fat oil guys in the white rags-----spend lots of money in casinos and whore houses

Those fat oil guys in white rags - who oppress women, murder them for being raped, engage in genital mutilation, murder gays, and who just threatened the United States about releasing 28 pages of sealed documents regarding potential Saudi involvement in 9/11/01 - owning 20% of Hillary as she runs for the WH is not a problem to you?

I guess to a liberal that is perfectly fine....while they can't shut up about 'he who shall not be named' and his family's involvement with the House of Saud.
Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

"The Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign."

The amusing part of this is that if she was in Saudi he would have her in a burka chained to a stove instead of buying her like some political whore.


Cryptic Filing Reveals $18 Million In Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation While She Was Secretary...
EXCLUSIVE: Cryptic NY Filing Revealed Clinton Foundation Foreign Donations

"Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure New York state charity board filing to disclose that the non-profit received nearly $18 million in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The specific foreign governments were not identified in the document, entitled “Exhibit A.”

“There is no doubt that the foundation purposely refused to make public certain things as a way of protecting the Secretary of State during her tenure,” DiGenova charged. “The entire process to hide information from the public is completely inconsistent with a public charity.”

DiGenova predicted that “the new revelations will up the ante for the FBI. This will just add fodder to the ongoing investigation.”


Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'...
Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump called Tuesday for rival Hillary Clinton to give back millions of dollars she accepted from countries that oppress women.

"Here's a woman that takes all of this money from these countries and then she says she loves women," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"How can she bethey wanna kill, they throw them off buildings. They actually throw gays off buildings and she's taking money and I'm calling for her to give back all of the money she's taken form these countries," Trump said."

"They bought her off, she's paid off," Trump said. "I'm much better for women than she is. I'm much better for gays than she is."


The thing that will most infuriate - PI$$ OFF - the libs who read this, get them gnashing their teeth and coming back with denial and personal attacks, is that what Turmp said - IT'S TRUE!

uhm-----ok we got a problem----those fat oil guys in the white rags-----spend lots of money in casinos and whore houses

Those fat oil guys in white rags - who oppress women, murder them for being raped, engage in genital mutilation, murder gays, and who just threatened the United States about releasing 28 pages of sealed documents regarding potential Saudi involvement in 9/11/01 - owning 20% of Hillary as she runs for the WH is not a problem to you?

I guess to a liberal that is perfectly fine....while they can't shut up about 'he who shall not be named' and his family's involvement with the House of Saud.

GOSSIP----the puritans used to DUNK----ladies who gossiped over the white picket fence
Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

"The Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign."

The amusing part of this is that if she was in Saudi he would have her in a burka chained to a stove instead of buying her like some political whore.


Cryptic Filing Reveals $18 Million In Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation While She Was Secretary...
EXCLUSIVE: Cryptic NY Filing Revealed Clinton Foundation Foreign Donations

"Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure New York state charity board filing to disclose that the non-profit received nearly $18 million in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The specific foreign governments were not identified in the document, entitled “Exhibit A.”

“There is no doubt that the foundation purposely refused to make public certain things as a way of protecting the Secretary of State during her tenure,” DiGenova charged. “The entire process to hide information from the public is completely inconsistent with a public charity.”

DiGenova predicted that “the new revelations will up the ante for the FBI. This will just add fodder to the ongoing investigation.”


Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'...
Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump called Tuesday for rival Hillary Clinton to give back millions of dollars she accepted from countries that oppress women.

"Here's a woman that takes all of this money from these countries and then she says she loves women," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"How can she bethey wanna kill, they throw them off buildings. They actually throw gays off buildings and she's taking money and I'm calling for her to give back all of the money she's taken form these countries," Trump said."

"They bought her off, she's paid off," Trump said. "I'm much better for women than she is. I'm much better for gays than she is."


The thing that will most infuriate - PI$$ OFF - the libs who read this, get them gnashing their teeth and coming back with denial and personal attacks, is that what Turmp said - IT'S TRUE!

uhm-----ok we got a problem----those fat oil guys in the white rags-----spend lots of money in casinos and whore houses

Those fat oil guys in white rags - who oppress women, murder them for being raped, engage in genital mutilation, murder gays, and who just threatened the United States about releasing 28 pages of sealed documents regarding potential Saudi involvement in 9/11/01 - owning 20% of Hillary as she runs for the WH is not a problem to you?

I guess to a liberal that is perfectly fine....while they can't shut up about 'he who shall not be named' and his family's involvement with the House of Saud.

for the record---Carter is in bed with the Saudis too-----remember him? he has become WISE MENTOR TO THE WORLD
Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

"The Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign."

The amusing part of this is that if she was in Saudi he would have her in a burka chained to a stove instead of buying her like some political whore.


Cryptic Filing Reveals $18 Million In Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation While She Was Secretary...
EXCLUSIVE: Cryptic NY Filing Revealed Clinton Foundation Foreign Donations

"Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure New York state charity board filing to disclose that the non-profit received nearly $18 million in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The specific foreign governments were not identified in the document, entitled “Exhibit A.”

“There is no doubt that the foundation purposely refused to make public certain things as a way of protecting the Secretary of State during her tenure,” DiGenova charged. “The entire process to hide information from the public is completely inconsistent with a public charity.”

DiGenova predicted that “the new revelations will up the ante for the FBI. This will just add fodder to the ongoing investigation.”


Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'...
Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump called Tuesday for rival Hillary Clinton to give back millions of dollars she accepted from countries that oppress women.

"Here's a woman that takes all of this money from these countries and then she says she loves women," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"How can she bethey wanna kill, they throw them off buildings. They actually throw gays off buildings and she's taking money and I'm calling for her to give back all of the money she's taken form these countries," Trump said."

"They bought her off, she's paid off," Trump said. "I'm much better for women than she is. I'm much better for gays than she is."


The thing that will most infuriate - PI$$ OFF - the libs who read this, get them gnashing their teeth and coming back with denial and personal attacks, is that what Turmp said - IT'S TRUE!

uhm-----ok we got a problem----those fat oil guys in the white rags-----spend lots of money in casinos and whore houses

Those fat oil guys in white rags - who oppress women, murder them for being raped, engage in genital mutilation, murder gays, and who just threatened the United States about releasing 28 pages of sealed documents regarding potential Saudi involvement in 9/11/01 - owning 20% of Hillary as she runs for the WH is not a problem to you?

I guess to a liberal that is perfectly fine....while they can't shut up about 'he who shall not be named' and his family's involvement with the House of Saud.

GOSSIP----the puritans used to DUNK----ladies who gossiped over the white picket fence
Thanks for the awesome demonstration of pure partisan denial. These are historically documented, yet Liberals WILLINGLY shut their eyes and continue goose-stepping behind their liberal leaders like Hillary and Obama. Amazing.
Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

"The Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign."

The amusing part of this is that if she was in Saudi he would have her in a burka chained to a stove instead of buying her like some political whore.


Cryptic Filing Reveals $18 Million In Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation While She Was Secretary...
EXCLUSIVE: Cryptic NY Filing Revealed Clinton Foundation Foreign Donations

"Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure New York state charity board filing to disclose that the non-profit received nearly $18 million in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The specific foreign governments were not identified in the document, entitled “Exhibit A.”

“There is no doubt that the foundation purposely refused to make public certain things as a way of protecting the Secretary of State during her tenure,” DiGenova charged. “The entire process to hide information from the public is completely inconsistent with a public charity.”

DiGenova predicted that “the new revelations will up the ante for the FBI. This will just add fodder to the ongoing investigation.”


Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'...
Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump called Tuesday for rival Hillary Clinton to give back millions of dollars she accepted from countries that oppress women.

"Here's a woman that takes all of this money from these countries and then she says she loves women," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"How can she bethey wanna kill, they throw them off buildings. They actually throw gays off buildings and she's taking money and I'm calling for her to give back all of the money she's taken form these countries," Trump said."

"They bought her off, she's paid off," Trump said. "I'm much better for women than she is. I'm much better for gays than she is."


The thing that will most infuriate - PI$$ OFF - the libs who read this, get them gnashing their teeth and coming back with denial and personal attacks, is that what Turmp said - IT'S TRUE!

uhm-----ok we got a problem----those fat oil guys in the white rags-----spend lots of money in casinos and whore houses

Those fat oil guys in white rags - who oppress women, murder them for being raped, engage in genital mutilation, murder gays, and who just threatened the United States about releasing 28 pages of sealed documents regarding potential Saudi involvement in 9/11/01 - owning 20% of Hillary as she runs for the WH is not a problem to you?

I guess to a liberal that is perfectly fine....while they can't shut up about 'he who shall not be named' and his family's involvement with the House of Saud.

GOSSIP----the puritans used to DUNK----ladies who gossiped over the white picket fence
Thanks for the awesome demonstration of pure partisan denial. These are historically documented, yet Liberals WILLINGLY shut their eyes and continue goose-stepping behind their liberal leaders like Hillary and Obama. Amazing.

not ALL LIBERALS are that stupid---some are going to vote <gasp> ---repub. My right shoulder has started hurting already.
for the record---Carter is in bed with the Saudis too-----remember him? he has become WISE MENTOR TO THE WORLD
Carter, Bush 1 & 2, Clinton 1 and 2, and even Obama....

Why else would he threaten to veto any Congressional measure to release the 9/11 report that addresses Saudi?! Doing so would not cause any damage to anyone HERE - it would educate the American people about what's going on.
Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

"The Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign."

The amusing part of this is that if she was in Saudi he would have her in a burka chained to a stove instead of buying her like some political whore.


Cryptic Filing Reveals $18 Million In Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation While She Was Secretary...
EXCLUSIVE: Cryptic NY Filing Revealed Clinton Foundation Foreign Donations

"Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure New York state charity board filing to disclose that the non-profit received nearly $18 million in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The specific foreign governments were not identified in the document, entitled “Exhibit A.”

“There is no doubt that the foundation purposely refused to make public certain things as a way of protecting the Secretary of State during her tenure,” DiGenova charged. “The entire process to hide information from the public is completely inconsistent with a public charity.”

DiGenova predicted that “the new revelations will up the ante for the FBI. This will just add fodder to the ongoing investigation.”


Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'...
Trump: Clinton paid by countries that 'throw gays off buildings'

"Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump called Tuesday for rival Hillary Clinton to give back millions of dollars she accepted from countries that oppress women.

"Here's a woman that takes all of this money from these countries and then she says she loves women," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"How can she bethey wanna kill, they throw them off buildings. They actually throw gays off buildings and she's taking money and I'm calling for her to give back all of the money she's taken form these countries," Trump said."

"They bought her off, she's paid off," Trump said. "I'm much better for women than she is. I'm much better for gays than she is."


The thing that will most infuriate - PI$$ OFF - the libs who read this, get them gnashing their teeth and coming back with denial and personal attacks, is that what Turmp said - IT'S TRUE!

Please offer a source that is: 1) A credible news outlet, and 2) Doesn't say stupid shit.

Your article can't even seem to make up its damn mind what it wants to talk about. It's nothing but a bunch of vague claims that can't seem to understand the difference between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Presidential Campaign.
Please offer a source that is: 1) A credible news outlet, and 2) Doesn't say stupid shit.

Your article can't even seem to make up its damn mind what it wants to talk about. It's nothing but a bunch of vague claims that can't seem to understand the difference between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Presidential Campaign.

1) Not Possible. When anyone offers up an article / link that pu6ts liberals / Hillary / Obama in a negative light Liberals immediately declare the source - no matter what it may be - to be 'invalid'...because they say so. To try to argue with them or ever get them to accept any source you provide is impossible. If you want to play that game, you can play with yourself.

2) Why would I need to - you said enough for both of us.
The same countries that stone women and hang gays from bridges. Yeah, those countries that the hil is accepting money from.

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