Saudi Arabia ditches US dollar and will NOT renew the 50 year 'petro-dollar' agreement with the United States.

Not many British in Arabia. ....very, very few. So how much time did you spend in the kingdom and where did you live?
Thats none of your business

This is the internet where liars can invent any personal history to support their argument and no one can prove otherwise

I wont go there and neither should you
You don't seem to understand. Other countries trading our dollar, especially exclusively, is what gives the dollar it's value and power. The less it's traded in the lower the value of our dollar becomes. Being in a mix lowers our value and power because we aren't exclusive anymore.

It also shows other countries our dollar is weakening which will lead to other countries deciding if they want to trade exclusively to or not.

It isn't a immediate right now concern, but it's going to be an issue in the long-term. Especially considering Saudi oil is a major contributor to the value of the dollar.

If trump begins domestic oil production then that can offset the damage done here.

Domestic oil production is at an all time high Trump has no control over US oil. Are you contemplating nationalizing US oil???
Thats none of your business

This is the internet where liars can invent any personal history to support their argument and no one can prove otherwise

I wont go there and neither should you

You've never been to KSA. There's no British presence.
Saudi Arabia isn't an enemy. Who claims they are?
Joe Biden.


Domestic oil production is at an all time high Trump has no control over US oil. Are you contemplating nationalizing US oil???
Just opening up anything oil without roadblocks and suing pipelines instead of trains. You guys are Soviet. They had production of food as an example as you endlessly spew. They did not have the rest of the infrastructure for the people. They had to make a deal with the United States for truck technology to transport that food and unlike ours their highway systems were not that great either. Politicians interfere and that cause prices to change.
Joe Biden.

View attachment 961784

Joe screwed up .. I hate that he did that, but it's done and over. I don't think he knows much about the Middle East.

Kashoggi was a bad one. He was friends with Osama bin Laden and he was Muslim Brotherhood. He also wanted to overthrow the SAG. I don't know what happened, but it's not like the Saudis to have him killed.
Joe screwed up
That should be the title of his autobiography.

It was a stupid thing to say...but almost everything Slow Joe says it's stupid.

And if you don't think this has an outsized roll in the Saudis decision to 86 the petrodollar, you're deluding yourself.
Just opening up anything oil without roadblocks and suing pipelines instead of trains. You guys are Soviet. They had production of food as an example as you endlessly spew. They did not have the rest of the infrastructure for the people. They had to make a deal with the United States for truck technology to transport that food and unlike ours their highway systems were not that great either. Politicians interfere and that cause prices to change.

What in heaven's name did you just say? Are you talking about Saudi Arabia?
Kashoggi was a bad one. He was friends with Osama bin Laden and he was Muslim Brotherhood. He also wanted to overthrow the SAG. I don't know what happened, but it's not like the Saudis to have him killed.
That could be...I honestly don't know. And I don't know how he died, or why.

Presumption of innocence is the order of the day until we do.

After Russian Collision Delusion, the Hunter Laptop, Edward Snowden's revelations and the Twitter Files...I put as much stock in the opinions of intelligence services as I do astrology and fortune cookies.
That should be the title of his autobiography.

It was a stupid thing to say...but almost everything Slow Joe says it's stupid.

And if you don't think this has an outsized roll in the Saudis decision to 86 the petrodollar, you're deluding yourself.

Don't be asinine. Lol 🤣 The Saudis are not that insecure and emotional. They sell most of their oil to China and India so the Petro dollar no longer makes much sense.

I know Salman and his Sudeiri brothers since the 1950s. Most of the brothers are gone now. They were teenagers when I was still in primary school . They are very pro American.
Chill out. Saudi Arabia doesn't sell much oil to the US. They do sell lots to China and India. This decision has nothing to do with Biden. You're an idiot.
Wait until a gallon of milk costs you $10.00 dollars. Then you will realize the importance of de-dollarization. It's already beginning. Slowly, but surely.
Don't be asinine. Lol 🤣 The Saudis are not that insecure and emotional. They sell most of their oil to China and India so the Petro dollar no longer makes much sense.

I know Salman and his Sudeiri brothers since the 1950s. Most of the brothers are gone now. They were teenagers when I was still in primary school . They are very pro American.

114 Bn to BRICS countries and 96 Bn to petrodollar countries. Not that big of a difference.

So external factors like calling Saudi Arabia a pariah...things like that do come into play in these sorts of decisions. No doubt about it.
It's idiocy. I love the Saudis. They are warm and hospitable.. Have you lived there or are you just spewing garbage?
Again. If you live them so much move to Saudi Arabia and spew your leftist nonsense there. Let’s see how warm and hospitable they really are.
Lol..This thread coming from Trumpists who constantly rant about a return to isolationism and that the US should withdraw from its treaty obligations. Nothing would please Trumpists more than to see the dollar dropped as the world’s reserve currency. It would be in line with their world view.
Why not? Let the Third World destroy itself. The USA is easily capable of supporting the current population. Defend OUR Borders. Kick out all Foreigners. We still have Nukes.
Lol..This thread coming from Trumpists who constantly rant about a return to isolationism and that the US should withdraw from its treaty obligations. Nothing would please Trumpists more than to see the dollar dropped as the world’s reserve currency. It would be in line with their world view.

Don't be stupid. Nobody wants this to happen, it will hurt us badly.
That's all they have now, the Leftists: we should be "ashamed" of ourselves. They can't argue facts, because they facts all say they suck. So they just name-call. But now even that is not working, because if we ever cared, we surely do not now.
True. There is not ONE Lefty in this country that has any love for the USA.

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