Saudi Arabia ditches US dollar and will NOT renew the 50 year 'petro-dollar' agreement with the United States.

Okay, because I lost all the bookmarks I had on this subject. :(

Hard drive dieded.

Doesn't matter; they never actually read the links, they just move on to the next idiot narratives they're here to parrot. They either make up some fake evidence of 'rebuttal' or just change the subject.
what makes you think you're in a position to demand anything here Dudley?


I wasn't you idiot, Harpy was. Try waiting to smoke your rocks after posting, not before. You might be able to follow threads better.
Yeah, you should try it sometime! :iyfyus.jpg:

It really is not. The world is tired of the US tying to control it.

Can anyone blame SA for being tired of our bull shit. During COVID we threaten them to force them cut oil production and then after COVID we try to force them to increase it again.

People are tired of us, with good reason.

Lol 🤣 Don't listen to gasbag Trump. KSA had cut production because of COVID-19.. The market contracted .

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