Saudi Arabia Is A Cancer On The World...

This is hilarious. You retards are acting as if our multi-decades long mutually back scratching alliance with Saudi Arabia is a recent development created by Obama.

It is a back scratching alliance that has been continued for the last 7 1/2 years.
As it should be. The alternative would have had a far worse outcome for the US.

If half of the money that Obama has pissed away on so-called clean energy had been spent making the US energy independent, we could tell Saudi Arabia to sell their oil to someone else.
You don't realize the contradiction of your post, do you.

The whole point of investing in alternative energy is to make us energy independent.

That is fine as long as everyone can afford to buy an expensive new electric car and pay the increase in the cost of energy. And a lot of people can't!
people said the same thing about gas powered cars too.
This is hilarious. You retards are acting as if our multi-decades long mutually back scratching alliance with Saudi Arabia is a recent development created by Obama.

I haven't said that. Past Presidents have kissed the Saudi Royal Ring as well. That being said, i think it's appalling that Obama's been stalling for years in releasing important 9/11 documents. And he's also promising to veto the 9/11 bill. It is truly shameful. Saudi Arabia may very well be the most evil nation on earth. I don't want my Government considering it a 'Good Friend' anymore.
not the Saudi Arabia did 911 conspiracy again!

If you truly care about 9/11 victims, please contact Congress and urge it to pass the 9/11 bill. You can do something.

Obama does not want to do it as it will open us up to terrorist attacks on other countries. Then again, SA is doing it Yemen and Israel is doing a number on the West Bank and Gaza, so there you have it. Also Obama probably knows the truth, it was Zionists.
Our corporate "gubermint" can't release those pages because they were just as involved if not more so than the alleged hijackers. Anyone that can't see (after all this time and the info that has been revealed) that there were not certain rogue elements in the "gubermint" that participated? You really need to wake up and smell the coffee. This was an inside job with help from the Mossad and Saudi Intel....mostly to fool the honest people within the inner workings of our security system. I was blinded for a long time...wouldn't even entertain the thought that it was an inside I can't believe that I ever fell for all of those lies.
The passage of the so called 9/11 Bill is a terrible idea.

It would lead to a legal mess of reverse lawsuits flooding the US court system from dozens of foreign nations over America's military interventions and covert operations around the world. ..... :cool:
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So why does Obama bow to Saudi royals like he's their house bitch every time he visits?

This is why

New York Times:

Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, delivered the kingdom’s message personally last month during a trip to Washington, telling lawmakers that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750 billion in treasury securities and other assets in the United States before they could be in danger of being frozen by American courts
So why does Obama bow to Saudi royals like he's their house bitch every time he visits?

This is why

New York Times:

Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, delivered the kingdom’s message personally last month during a trip to Washington, telling lawmakers that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750 billion in treasury securities and other assets in the United States before they could be in danger of being frozen by American courts

If only some documentary film maker could have highlighted this sort of thing earlier, that Saudi Arabia might be able to use the huge wealth it holds in America to hold the country to ransom. You'd think all the right wingers would hold him up as a hero for bringing to attention such a huge vulnerability wouldn't you.
So why does Obama bow to Saudi royals like he's their house bitch every time he visits?

This is why

New York Times:

Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, delivered the kingdom’s message personally last month during a trip to Washington, telling lawmakers that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750 billion in treasury securities and other assets in the United States before they could be in danger of being frozen by American courts

If only some documentary film maker could have highlighted this sort of thing earlier, that Saudi Arabia might be able to use the huge wealth it holds in America to hold the country to ransom. You'd think all the right wingers would hold him up as a hero for bringing to attention such a huge vulnerability wouldn't you.
"However, if the Saudis panic or intentionally dump their entire holdings on the market at once in a revenge move, the bond market could crash, sending interest rates skyrocketing.
According to JPMorgan, the amount of Treasuries that can now be sold in 2015 without affecting price is $80 million worth, down from $280 million in 2014. This may be due to China’s ongoing liquidation. Since the Chinese are no longer significant buyers, liquidity has dried up. The $80 million number is based on bond yield fluctuations on October 15, 2014, about four months after China became a net seller of Treasuries. On that one day, bond yields fluctuated 14% from highs to lows, something that had never happened before."
If only some documentary film maker could have highlighted this sort of thing earlier, that Saudi Arabia might be able to use the huge wealth it holds in America to hold the country to ransom. You'd think all the right wingers would hold him up as a hero for bringing to attention such a huge vulnerability wouldn't you.

Wait! Hold on!

How much money do the Saudis have invested in America, roughly?
- I've heard figures as high as $860 billion.
- Eight hundred and sixty billion?
- Billion.
- That's a lot of money.
- A lot, yeah.
And what percentage of our economy does that represent?
It seems like a lot.
Well, in terms of investments on Wall Street in American equities...'s roughly 6 or 7 percent of America.
They own a fairly good slice of America.
Most of that money goes into the great blue-chip companies.
Citigroup, Citibank, the largest stockholder is a Saudi.
AOL-Time Warner has big Saudi investors.
So I read where, like, the Saudis have a trillion dollars... our banks of their money.
What would happen...
...if they pulled that trillion out?
A trillion dollars? That would be an enormous blow to the economy.

Turns out one did. As far back as 2003
It is a back scratching alliance that has been continued for the last 7 1/2 years.

The U.S. President has chosen the Saudi Devil over 9/11 families. Disgraceful and unforgivable.
It is a back scratching alliance that has been continued for the last 7 1/2 years.


Yes, many past Presidents have kissed the Saudi Royal Ring as well. But that doesn't excuse this President's appalling behavior. He's still stalling on a court-mandated release of important 9/11 documents. And he's already promised to veto the 9/11 bill. Who's side is he on?
The passage of the so called 9/11 Bill is a terrible idea.

It would lead to a legal mess of reverse lawsuits flooding the US court system from dozens of foreign nations over America's military interventions and covert operations around the world. ..... :cool:

Iran and other nations have been sued by American victims over Terrorism. Saudi Arabia should not receive any special protections. It's the biggest financier of Terrorism in the world for God's sake. Brutal groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS couldn't have risen to such prominence without Saudi support.
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So why does Obama bow to Saudi royals like he's their house bitch every time he visits?

This is why

New York Times:

Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, delivered the kingdom’s message personally last month during a trip to Washington, telling lawmakers that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750 billion in treasury securities and other assets in the United States before they could be in danger of being frozen by American courts

Looks like the threat has worked. The President and Congress are bowing. What a sad mess.
This is hilarious. You retards are acting as if our multi-decades long mutually back scratching alliance with Saudi Arabia is a recent development created by Obama.

It is a back scratching alliance that has been continued for the last 7 1/2 years.

The Royal Family was allowed by the Bush Administration to fly home immediately after 911, while hundreds of thousand American's sat ground for days. Let's not pretend Obama created something which has been on going for decades with tyrants and despots who dominated governance in the Middle East.

It's funny, SA is a conservative nation, there is nothing progressive about them. They liberally apply the death penalty, deny women equal rights and use religion to control the people. Now, which Party in America is so inclined?
This is hilarious. You retards are acting as if our multi-decades long mutually back scratching alliance with Saudi Arabia is a recent development created by Obama.

It is a back scratching alliance that has been continued for the last 7 1/2 years.

The Royal Family was allowed by the Bush Administration to fly home immediately after 911, while hundreds of thousand American's sat ground for days. Let's not pretend Obama created something which has been on going for decades with tyrants and despots who dominated governance in the Middle East.

It's funny, SA is a conservative nation, there is nothing progressive about them. They liberally apply the death penalty, deny women equal rights and use religion to control the people. Now, which Party in America is so inclined?

Yes, many past Presidents have kneeled at the feet of the Saudi Royal Family. But this President had a real chance to help 9/11 families. He's still stalling on a court-mandated release of 9/11 documents pertaining to Saudi involvement. And he immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. I find his behavior to be shameful. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.
Our beloved Pres Obama has chosen the correct course of action concerning the deplorable 9/11 Bill. ...... :thup:

Well, 9/11 families feel differently. Their President chose the Saudi Royal Family. It's a very sad disgrace.
Obama should be ashamed of himself for promising to veto the 9/11 bill. He's sold his soul to the Saudi Devil.
You can stop with the intervention ideology. The U.S. being the world police will never succeed. It didn't work in Korea, it didn't work in Vietnam, it didn't work in Iran, or Afghanistan, or Iraq. It only makes things worse. The only thing you are going to get by starting shit with Saudi Arabia is $40.00 a gallon gas, and another crashed economy.
This is hilarious. You retards are acting as if our multi-decades long mutually back scratching alliance with Saudi Arabia is a recent development created by Obama.

I haven't said that. Past Presidents have kissed the Saudi Royal Ring as well. That being said, i think it's appalling that Obama's been stalling for years in releasing important 9/11 documents. And he's also promising to veto the 9/11 bill. It is truly shameful. Saudi Arabia may very well be the most evil nation on earth. I don't want my Government considering it a 'Good Friend' anymore.
Better they are our friend than Russia's friend.

Do you care about the 9/11 victims and their families? If you do, urge Congress and the President to pass the 9/11 bill.

You guys are acting like 9/11 happened in 2015. All this time you guys ignored Saudi Arabia when Bush was bowing to them right after they sent that band of wackos

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