Saudi Arabia Is A Cancer On The World...

Well, we owe more to 9/11 families. Saudi Arabia was somewhat complicit in the 9/11 attacks. It should be held acountable. Iran and other nations have been sued by American terrorism victims. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive any special treatment.

I'm appalled that this President immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.

No he isn't, he's choosing the status quo over rocking the boat. He's looking after ALL of the US people and not just the families of those who died in 9/11.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I have no opinion over the issue in any way other than when Michael Moore pointed out this could happen you all called him names.

No, he's selling his soul to the Devil. He should do the right thing and release the documents and support the 9/11 bill. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive special treatment. We owe that to our People.

And what of the hundreds of thousands that lose their jobs if the Saudis decide to pull their money out of America? What of the stretch on the tax payer for all of those people on welfare? What of the their kids who have to go hungry?

And all for for a few hundred families who have been without loved one for over 15 years now, who if they haven't found closure by now never will.

You are arguing from an overly emotive standpoint on an idealistic point that has no practical basis in the real world. 9/11 happened, Bin Laden is dead and its toxic legacy has been a ruined middle east, a graveyard full of dead soldiers, civilian deaths dwarfing the number on 9/11 to near nothing and rampant Islamophobia and paranoia across the US for generations.

Can't people like you stop banging on about it and let the history books close on this absolute greek tragedy once and for all?

What about Justice?

If you believe there is such a thing in the world then you're very naive.

I still believe in Justice. We should side with our 9/11 families. If that's 'naive', than so be it.
This is hilarious. You retards are acting as if our multi-decades long mutually back scratching alliance with Saudi Arabia is a recent development created by Obama.

The minute someone tries to fix it Obama stops it. I thought Obama was going to be the canidate of 'change' but I see he is the same old same old asshole as everyone else.
The passage of the so called 9/11 Bill is a terrible idea.

It would lead to a legal mess of reverse lawsuits flooding the US court system from dozens of foreign nations over America's military interventions and covert operations around the world. ..... :cool:

I tend to think that if Americans just honored the laws in other countries they wouldn't have such a problem in the first place. This is not allowing every country in the world to sue us but rather we can sue SA for a specific thing which is 911. I have no problem with that because I think Bush was wrong for covering for them.
No he isn't, he's choosing the status quo over rocking the boat. He's looking after ALL of the US people and not just the families of those who died in 9/11.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I have no opinion over the issue in any way other than when Michael Moore pointed out this could happen you all called him names.

No, he's selling his soul to the Devil. He should do the right thing and release the documents and support the 9/11 bill. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive special treatment. We owe that to our People.

And what of the hundreds of thousands that lose their jobs if the Saudis decide to pull their money out of America? What of the stretch on the tax payer for all of those people on welfare? What of the their kids who have to go hungry?

And all for for a few hundred families who have been without loved one for over 15 years now, who if they haven't found closure by now never will.

You are arguing from an overly emotive standpoint on an idealistic point that has no practical basis in the real world. 9/11 happened, Bin Laden is dead and its toxic legacy has been a ruined middle east, a graveyard full of dead soldiers, civilian deaths dwarfing the number on 9/11 to near nothing and rampant Islamophobia and paranoia across the US for generations.

Can't people like you stop banging on about it and let the history books close on this absolute greek tragedy once and for all?

What about Justice?

If you believe there is such a thing in the world then you're very naive.

I still believe in Justice. We should side with our 9/11 families. If that's 'naive', than so be it.

The fall out could ruin more lives than already has been done. That's the reality of democracy. Take your pick.
This is hilarious. You retards are acting as if our multi-decades long mutually back scratching alliance with Saudi Arabia is a recent development created by Obama.

I haven't said that. Past Presidents have kissed the Saudi Royal Ring as well. That being said, i think it's appalling that Obama's been stalling for years in releasing important 9/11 documents. And he's also promising to veto the 9/11 bill. It is truly shameful. Saudi Arabia may very well be the most evil nation on earth. I don't want my Government considering it a 'Good Friend' anymore.
Better they are our friend than Russia's friend.

Do you care about the 9/11 victims and their families? If you do, urge Congress and the President to pass the 9/11 bill.

You guys are acting like 9/11 happened in 2015. All this time you guys ignored Saudi Arabia when Bush was bowing to them right after they sent that band of wackos

I don't remember the left ever lifting a finger to do something about 911 and that is a fact.
This is hilarious. You retards are acting as if our multi-decades long mutually back scratching alliance with Saudi Arabia is a recent development created by Obama.

I haven't said that. Past Presidents have kissed the Saudi Royal Ring as well. That being said, i think it's appalling that Obama's been stalling for years in releasing important 9/11 documents. And he's also promising to veto the 9/11 bill. It is truly shameful. Saudi Arabia may very well be the most evil nation on earth. I don't want my Government considering it a 'Good Friend' anymore.
Better they are our friend than Russia's friend.

Do you care about the 9/11 victims and their families? If you do, urge Congress and the President to pass the 9/11 bill.

You guys are acting like 9/11 happened in 2015. All this time you guys ignored Saudi Arabia when Bush was bowing to them right after they sent that band of wackos

I don't remember the left ever lifting a finger to do something about 911 and that is a fact.

Apart from Obama getting bin Laden.
Better they are our friend than Russia's friend.

Do you care about the 9/11 victims and their families? If you do, urge Congress and the President to pass the 9/11 bill.

You guys are acting like 9/11 happened in 2015. All this time you guys ignored Saudi Arabia when Bush was bowing to them right after they sent that band of wackos

Most are still ignoring it. Only a few are standing up for 9/11 victims at this point. Most have forgotten about them. Our Government is choosing the Saudi Royal Family over its own People. It's beyond sad. It's appalling.

Its been that way for 16 years. Remember they had the Bin Ladens in the white house and that wasnt objected to more than the person who told everyone it happened. All of the terrorist were Saudi. And what do we do? Invade Iraq:confused:

Yes, we started a horrific war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. And currently, we're spoiling for war with others like Iran and Syria. Despite those nations have nothing to do with Al Qaeda/ISIS or 9/11.

We continue to conveniently ignore the real problem. And that real problem is Saudi Arabia. It's by far the biggest financier of Global Terrorism. But it's all about the money. Our President and Government have made they very clear. They've sold their souls to the Saudi Devil. It's unforgivable.

My question is when did you awaken from your coma? Everyone who ever tried to say anything objecting to the war on terror were labeled and NOW....Today! People suddenly are just hearing about it?

Naww....They supported it until they the same bunch of easily led fools are out to label their previous support and Defense of Saudi Arabia as beyond the pale.

Not in 2001....or 2002...or 4, 5,6,7,8,9 or 2010.....Nope...2016o_O
No, he's selling his soul to the Devil. He should do the right thing and release the documents and support the 9/11 bill. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive special treatment. We owe that to our People.

And what of the hundreds of thousands that lose their jobs if the Saudis decide to pull their money out of America? What of the stretch on the tax payer for all of those people on welfare? What of the their kids who have to go hungry?

And all for for a few hundred families who have been without loved one for over 15 years now, who if they haven't found closure by now never will.

You are arguing from an overly emotive standpoint on an idealistic point that has no practical basis in the real world. 9/11 happened, Bin Laden is dead and its toxic legacy has been a ruined middle east, a graveyard full of dead soldiers, civilian deaths dwarfing the number on 9/11 to near nothing and rampant Islamophobia and paranoia across the US for generations.

Can't people like you stop banging on about it and let the history books close on this absolute greek tragedy once and for all?

What about Justice?

If you believe there is such a thing in the world then you're very naive.

I still believe in Justice. We should side with our 9/11 families. If that's 'naive', than so be it.

The fall out could ruin more lives than already has been done. That's the reality of democracy. Take your pick.

So no Justice? Sorry, i can't accept that.
Do you care about the 9/11 victims and their families? If you do, urge Congress and the President to pass the 9/11 bill.

You guys are acting like 9/11 happened in 2015. All this time you guys ignored Saudi Arabia when Bush was bowing to them right after they sent that band of wackos

Most are still ignoring it. Only a few are standing up for 9/11 victims at this point. Most have forgotten about them. Our Government is choosing the Saudi Royal Family over its own People. It's beyond sad. It's appalling.

Its been that way for 16 years. Remember they had the Bin Ladens in the white house and that wasnt objected to more than the person who told everyone it happened. All of the terrorist were Saudi. And what do we do? Invade Iraq:confused:

Yes, we started a horrific war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. And currently, we're spoiling for war with others like Iran and Syria. Despite those nations have nothing to do with Al Qaeda/ISIS or 9/11.

We continue to conveniently ignore the real problem. And that real problem is Saudi Arabia. It's by far the biggest financier of Global Terrorism. But it's all about the money. Our President and Government have made they very clear. They've sold their souls to the Saudi Devil. It's unforgivable.

My question is when did you awaken from your coma? Everyone who ever tried to say anything objecting to the war on terror were labeled and NOW....Today! People suddenly are just hearing about it?

Naww....They supported it until they the same bunch of easily led fools are out to label their previous support and Defense of Saudi Arabia as beyond the pale.

Not in 2001....or 2002...or 4, 5,6,7,8,9 or 2010.....Nope...2016o_O

Do you want justice for our 9/11 families or not? That's the only question that matters at this point.
You guys are acting like 9/11 happened in 2015. All this time you guys ignored Saudi Arabia when Bush was bowing to them right after they sent that band of wackos

Most are still ignoring it. Only a few are standing up for 9/11 victims at this point. Most have forgotten about them. Our Government is choosing the Saudi Royal Family over its own People. It's beyond sad. It's appalling.

Its been that way for 16 years. Remember they had the Bin Ladens in the white house and that wasnt objected to more than the person who told everyone it happened. All of the terrorist were Saudi. And what do we do? Invade Iraq:confused:

Yes, we started a horrific war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. And currently, we're spoiling for war with others like Iran and Syria. Despite those nations have nothing to do with Al Qaeda/ISIS or 9/11.

We continue to conveniently ignore the real problem. And that real problem is Saudi Arabia. It's by far the biggest financier of Global Terrorism. But it's all about the money. Our President and Government have made they very clear. They've sold their souls to the Saudi Devil. It's unforgivable.

My question is when did you awaken from your coma? Everyone who ever tried to say anything objecting to the war on terror were labeled and NOW....Today! People suddenly are just hearing about it?

Naww....They supported it until they the same bunch of easily led fools are out to label their previous support and Defense of Saudi Arabia as beyond the pale.

Not in 2001....or 2002...or 4, 5,6,7,8,9 or 2010.....Nope...2016o_O

Do you want justice for our 9/11 families or not? That's the only question that matters at this point.

No it isnt. Yiu don't get to steer the convo and I'm wondering when the right woke up to Saudias involvement.

What? They didn't think the redacted pages were weird? They didn't think that all of them being from SA was curious?

15 fucking years of defense and NOW.... Now you want to ask questions? And blame Obama for your jingoistic bullshit?
And what of the hundreds of thousands that lose their jobs if the Saudis decide to pull their money out of America? What of the stretch on the tax payer for all of those people on welfare? What of the their kids who have to go hungry?

And all for for a few hundred families who have been without loved one for over 15 years now, who if they haven't found closure by now never will.

You are arguing from an overly emotive standpoint on an idealistic point that has no practical basis in the real world. 9/11 happened, Bin Laden is dead and its toxic legacy has been a ruined middle east, a graveyard full of dead soldiers, civilian deaths dwarfing the number on 9/11 to near nothing and rampant Islamophobia and paranoia across the US for generations.

Can't people like you stop banging on about it and let the history books close on this absolute greek tragedy once and for all?

What about Justice?

If you believe there is such a thing in the world then you're very naive.

I still believe in Justice. We should side with our 9/11 families. If that's 'naive', than so be it.

The fall out could ruin more lives than already has been done. That's the reality of democracy. Take your pick.

So no Justice? Sorry, i can't accept that.

Get your head out the tv and films you watch. There is NO JUSTICE.
Do you want justice for our 9/11 families or not? That's the only question that matters at this point.


The question is do you want more knowledge for the 9/11 families at the very possible detriment to the WHOLE of America and the knock on effect of the whole world.
You guys are acting like 9/11 happened in 2015. All this time you guys ignored Saudi Arabia when Bush was bowing to them right after they sent that band of wackos

Most are still ignoring it. Only a few are standing up for 9/11 victims at this point. Most have forgotten about them. Our Government is choosing the Saudi Royal Family over its own People. It's beyond sad. It's appalling.

Its been that way for 16 years. Remember they had the Bin Ladens in the white house and that wasnt objected to more than the person who told everyone it happened. All of the terrorist were Saudi. And what do we do? Invade Iraq:confused:

Yes, we started a horrific war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. And currently, we're spoiling for war with others like Iran and Syria. Despite those nations have nothing to do with Al Qaeda/ISIS or 9/11.

We continue to conveniently ignore the real problem. And that real problem is Saudi Arabia. It's by far the biggest financier of Global Terrorism. But it's all about the money. Our President and Government have made they very clear. They've sold their souls to the Saudi Devil. It's unforgivable.

My question is when did you awaken from your coma? Everyone who ever tried to say anything objecting to the war on terror were labeled and NOW....Today! People suddenly are just hearing about it?

Naww....They supported it until they the same bunch of easily led fools are out to label their previous support and Defense of Saudi Arabia as beyond the pale.

Not in 2001....or 2002...or 4, 5,6,7,8,9 or 2010.....Nope...2016o_O

Do you want justice for our 9/11 families or not? That's the only question that matters at this point.

Do you want justice for the victims of US drones and wars in Irak and Afghanistan?!

US drone strikes could be classed as war crimes, says Amnesty International
Most are still ignoring it. Only a few are standing up for 9/11 victims at this point. Most have forgotten about them. Our Government is choosing the Saudi Royal Family over its own People. It's beyond sad. It's appalling.

Its been that way for 16 years. Remember they had the Bin Ladens in the white house and that wasnt objected to more than the person who told everyone it happened. All of the terrorist were Saudi. And what do we do? Invade Iraq:confused:

Yes, we started a horrific war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. And currently, we're spoiling for war with others like Iran and Syria. Despite those nations have nothing to do with Al Qaeda/ISIS or 9/11.

We continue to conveniently ignore the real problem. And that real problem is Saudi Arabia. It's by far the biggest financier of Global Terrorism. But it's all about the money. Our President and Government have made they very clear. They've sold their souls to the Saudi Devil. It's unforgivable.

My question is when did you awaken from your coma? Everyone who ever tried to say anything objecting to the war on terror were labeled and NOW....Today! People suddenly are just hearing about it?

Naww....They supported it until they the same bunch of easily led fools are out to label their previous support and Defense of Saudi Arabia as beyond the pale.

Not in 2001....or 2002...or 4, 5,6,7,8,9 or 2010.....Nope...2016o_O

Do you want justice for our 9/11 families or not? That's the only question that matters at this point.

No it isnt. Yiu don't get to steer the convo and I'm wondering when the right woke up to Saudias involvement.

What? They didn't think the redacted pages were weird? They didn't think that all of them being from SA was curious?

15 fucking years of defense and NOW.... Now you want to ask questions? And blame Obama for your jingoistic bullshit?

I've always asked questions about 9/11. But it's 9/11 families who fought to get the documents released. It's also 9/11 families who inspired and fully support the 9/11 bill. You wanna make it about a personal attack on me, that's fine. But it isn't really about me, or you. It's about justice for our 9/11 families.
What about Justice?

If you believe there is such a thing in the world then you're very naive.

I still believe in Justice. We should side with our 9/11 families. If that's 'naive', than so be it.

The fall out could ruin more lives than already has been done. That's the reality of democracy. Take your pick.

So no Justice? Sorry, i can't accept that.

Get your head out the tv and films you watch. There is NO JUSTICE.

Well, let's make an attempt anyway.

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