Saudi Arabia Is A Cancer On The World...

Obama should be ashamed of himself for promising to veto the 9/11 bill. He's sold his soul to the Saudi Devil.
You can stop with the intervention ideology. The U.S. being the world police will never succeed. It didn't work in Korea, it didn't work in Vietnam, it didn't work in Iran, or Afghanistan, or Iraq. It only makes things worse. The only thing you are going to get by starting shit with Saudi Arabia is $40.00 a gallon gas, and another crashed economy.

Well, we owe more to 9/11 families. Saudi Arabia was somewhat complicit in the 9/11 attacks. It should be held acountable. Iran and other nations have been sued by American terrorism victims. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive any special treatment.

I'm appalled that this President immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.
Who was it that classified those 28 pages in the first place? Hmmmmm?
This is hilarious. You retards are acting as if our multi-decades long mutually back scratching alliance with Saudi Arabia is a recent development created by Obama.

I haven't said that. Past Presidents have kissed the Saudi Royal Ring as well. That being said, i think it's appalling that Obama's been stalling for years in releasing important 9/11 documents. And he's also promising to veto the 9/11 bill. It is truly shameful. Saudi Arabia may very well be the most evil nation on earth. I don't want my Government considering it a 'Good Friend' anymore.
Better they are our friend than Russia's friend.

Do you care about the 9/11 victims and their families? If you do, urge Congress and the President to pass the 9/11 bill.

You guys are acting like 9/11 happened in 2015. All this time you guys ignored Saudi Arabia when Bush was bowing to them right after they sent that band of wackos

Most are still ignoring it. Only a few are standing up for 9/11 victims at this point. Most have forgotten about them. Our Government is choosing the Saudi Royal Family over its own People. It's beyond sad. It's appalling.
Brutal groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS couldn't have risen to such prominence without Saudi support.
Actually, groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS couldn't have risen to such prominence without American and Israeli backing and financial support. ..... :cool:

Won't disagree with ya there. The U.S. props up the Saudi Royal Family with massive military support. And there is clear evidence that Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain and others in the region did fund & arm ISIS in Syria. So yes, it leads back to the U.S. in the end.
The House Judiciary Committee of the 107th Congress which classified the 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission report had 20 Republicans and 17 Democrats.

The Senate Judiciary Committee of the 107th Congress which classified the 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission report had 10 Democrats and 9 Republicans.

The President at the time was George W. Bush, whose family, friends, and advisors had close business relationships with Saudi Arabia. Dubya's personal wealth was also amassed with the help of the Saudis.

So let's stop pretending it was Obama. Nobody even heard of Obama back then.
Well, we owe more to 9/11 families. Saudi Arabia was somewhat complicit in the 9/11 attacks. It should be held acountable. Iran and other nations have been sued by American terrorism victims. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive any special treatment.

I'm appalled that this President immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.

No he isn't, he's choosing the status quo over rocking the boat. He's looking after ALL of the US people and not just the families of those who died in 9/11.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I have no opinion over the issue in any way other than when Michael Moore pointed out this could happen you all called him names.
It is a back scratching alliance that has been continued for the last 7 1/2 years.


Yes, many past Presidents have kissed the Saudi Royal Ring as well. But that doesn't excuse this President's appalling behavior

Thank you for affirming my point.
If the 9/11 Commission report shows some Saudis had links to 9/11, and Dubya has business links to those Saudis, Obama could fuck the entire Bush family in the ass by declassifying those pages.

That fact Obama is resisting making those documents public shows he has quite a lot of class.
Well, we owe more to 9/11 families. Saudi Arabia was somewhat complicit in the 9/11 attacks. It should be held acountable. Iran and other nations have been sued by American terrorism victims. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive any special treatment.

I'm appalled that this President immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.

No he isn't, he's choosing the status quo over rocking the boat. He's looking after ALL of the US people and not just the families of those who died in 9/11.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I have no opinion over the issue in any way other than when Michael Moore pointed out this could happen you all called him names.

No, he's selling his soul to the Devil. He should do the right thing and release the documents and support the 9/11 bill. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive special treatment. We owe that to our People.
Obama should be ashamed of himself for promising to veto the 9/11 bill. He's sold his soul to the Saudi Devil.
You can stop with the intervention ideology. The U.S. being the world police will never succeed. It didn't work in Korea, it didn't work in Vietnam, it didn't work in Iran, or Afghanistan, or Iraq. It only makes things worse. The only thing you are going to get by starting shit with Saudi Arabia is $40.00 a gallon gas, and another crashed economy.

Well, we owe more to 9/11 families. Saudi Arabia was somewhat complicit in the 9/11 attacks. It should be held acountable. Iran and other nations have been sued by American terrorism victims. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive any special treatment.

I'm appalled that this President immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.
You blamed Iraq and invaded that country. You blamed Afghanistan and invaded that country. You wasted $4 trillion on those invasions, and wasted over 5,000 American lives. Those countries got hundreds of billion$ in reparations for those invasions. The 9/11 families got squat. You just don't learn, do you.
The House Judiciary Committee of the 107th Congress which classified the 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission report had 20 Republicans and 17 Democrats.

The Senate Judiciary Committee of the 107th Congress which classified the 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission report had 10 Democrats and 9 Republicans.

The President at the time was George W. Bush, whose family, friends, and advisors had close business relationships with Saudi Arabia. Dubya's personal wealth was also amassed with the help of the Saudis.

So let's stop pretending it was Obama. Nobody even heard of Obama back then.

Yes, the Bush Clan has been very close to the Saudi Royal Family for many years. They're also very close to the Bin Laden Family. But that doesn't excuse this current President's appalling behavior. He should just do the right thing and release the documents and support the 9/11 bill. He shouldn't sell his soul to the Saudi Devil.
This is hilarious. You retards are acting as if our multi-decades long mutually back scratching alliance with Saudi Arabia is a recent development created by Obama.

I haven't said that. Past Presidents have kissed the Saudi Royal Ring as well. That being said, i think it's appalling that Obama's been stalling for years in releasing important 9/11 documents. And he's also promising to veto the 9/11 bill. It is truly shameful. Saudi Arabia may very well be the most evil nation on earth. I don't want my Government considering it a 'Good Friend' anymore.
Better they are our friend than Russia's friend.

Do you care about the 9/11 victims and their families? If you do, urge Congress and the President to pass the 9/11 bill.

You guys are acting like 9/11 happened in 2015. All this time you guys ignored Saudi Arabia when Bush was bowing to them right after they sent that band of wackos

Most are still ignoring it. Only a few are standing up for 9/11 victims at this point. Most have forgotten about them. Our Government is choosing the Saudi Royal Family over its own People. It's beyond sad. It's appalling.

Its been that way for 16 years. Remember they had the Bin Ladens in the white house and that wasnt objected to more than the person who told everyone it happened. All of the terrorist were Saudi. And what do we do? Invade Iraq:confused:
Obama should be ashamed of himself for promising to veto the 9/11 bill. He's sold his soul to the Saudi Devil.
You can stop with the intervention ideology. The U.S. being the world police will never succeed. It didn't work in Korea, it didn't work in Vietnam, it didn't work in Iran, or Afghanistan, or Iraq. It only makes things worse. The only thing you are going to get by starting shit with Saudi Arabia is $40.00 a gallon gas, and another crashed economy.

Well, we owe more to 9/11 families. Saudi Arabia was somewhat complicit in the 9/11 attacks. It should be held acountable. Iran and other nations have been sued by American terrorism victims. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive any special treatment.

I'm appalled that this President immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.
You blamed Iraq and invaded that country. You blamed Afghanistan and invaded that country. You wasted $4 trillion on those invasions, and wasted over 5,000 American lives. Those countries got hundreds of billion$ in reparations for those invasions. The 9/11 families got squat. You just don't learn, do you.

I hear ya, but this President shouldn't sell his soul to the Saudi Devil. They should be held acountable. We owe that to our 9/11 families.
I haven't said that. Past Presidents have kissed the Saudi Royal Ring as well. That being said, i think it's appalling that Obama's been stalling for years in releasing important 9/11 documents. And he's also promising to veto the 9/11 bill. It is truly shameful. Saudi Arabia may very well be the most evil nation on earth. I don't want my Government considering it a 'Good Friend' anymore.
Better they are our friend than Russia's friend.

Do you care about the 9/11 victims and their families? If you do, urge Congress and the President to pass the 9/11 bill.

You guys are acting like 9/11 happened in 2015. All this time you guys ignored Saudi Arabia when Bush was bowing to them right after they sent that band of wackos

Most are still ignoring it. Only a few are standing up for 9/11 victims at this point. Most have forgotten about them. Our Government is choosing the Saudi Royal Family over its own People. It's beyond sad. It's appalling.

Its been that way for 16 years. Remember they had the Bin Ladens in the white house and that wasnt objected to more than the person who told everyone it happened. All of the terrorist were Saudi. And what do we do? Invade Iraq:confused:

Yes, we started a horrific war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. And currently, we're spoiling for war with others like Iran and Syria. Despite those nations have nothing to do with Al Qaeda/ISIS or 9/11.

We continue to conveniently ignore the real problem. And that real problem is Saudi Arabia. It's by far the biggest financier of Global Terrorism. But it's all about the money. Our President and Government have made they very clear. They've sold their souls to the Saudi Devil. It's unforgivable.
Obama should be ashamed of himself for promising to veto the 9/11 bill. He's sold his soul to the Saudi Devil.
You can stop with the intervention ideology. The U.S. being the world police will never succeed. It didn't work in Korea, it didn't work in Vietnam, it didn't work in Iran, or Afghanistan, or Iraq. It only makes things worse. The only thing you are going to get by starting shit with Saudi Arabia is $40.00 a gallon gas, and another crashed economy.

Well, we owe more to 9/11 families. Saudi Arabia was somewhat complicit in the 9/11 attacks. It should be held acountable. Iran and other nations have been sued by American terrorism victims. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive any special treatment.

I'm appalled that this President immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.
You blamed Iraq and invaded that country. You blamed Afghanistan and invaded that country. You wasted $4 trillion on those invasions, and wasted over 5,000 American lives. Those countries got hundreds of billion$ in reparations for those invasions. The 9/11 families got squat. You just don't learn, do you.

I hear ya, but this President shouldn't sell his soul to the Saudi Devil. They should be held acountable. We owe that to our 9/11 families.
America sold it's soul decades ago, by not getting free from the enslavement of oil. EXXON is the drug lord of America, keeping us all addicted.
Well, we owe more to 9/11 families. Saudi Arabia was somewhat complicit in the 9/11 attacks. It should be held acountable. Iran and other nations have been sued by American terrorism victims. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive any special treatment.

I'm appalled that this President immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.

No he isn't, he's choosing the status quo over rocking the boat. He's looking after ALL of the US people and not just the families of those who died in 9/11.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I have no opinion over the issue in any way other than when Michael Moore pointed out this could happen you all called him names.

No, he's selling his soul to the Devil. He should do the right thing and release the documents and support the 9/11 bill. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive special treatment. We owe that to our People.

And what of the hundreds of thousands that lose their jobs if the Saudis decide to pull their money out of America? What of the stretch on the tax payer for all of those people on welfare? What of the their kids who have to go hungry?

And all for for a few hundred families who have been without loved one for over 15 years now, who if they haven't found closure by now never will.

You are arguing from an overly emotive standpoint on an idealistic point that has no practical basis in the real world. 9/11 happened, Bin Laden is dead and its toxic legacy has been a ruined middle east, a graveyard full of dead soldiers, civilian deaths dwarfing the number on 9/11 to near nothing and rampant Islamophobia and paranoia across the US for generations.

Can't people like you stop banging on about it and let the history books close on this absolute greek tragedy once and for all?
Well, we owe more to 9/11 families. Saudi Arabia was somewhat complicit in the 9/11 attacks. It should be held acountable. Iran and other nations have been sued by American terrorism victims. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive any special treatment.

I'm appalled that this President immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.

No he isn't, he's choosing the status quo over rocking the boat. He's looking after ALL of the US people and not just the families of those who died in 9/11.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I have no opinion over the issue in any way other than when Michael Moore pointed out this could happen you all called him names.

No, he's selling his soul to the Devil. He should do the right thing and release the documents and support the 9/11 bill. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive special treatment. We owe that to our People.

And what of the hundreds of thousands that lose their jobs if the Saudis decide to pull their money out of America? What of the stretch on the tax payer for all of those people on welfare? What of the their kids who have to go hungry?

And all for for a few hundred families who have been without loved one for over 15 years now, who if they haven't found closure by now never will.

You are arguing from an overly emotive standpoint on an idealistic point that has no practical basis in the real world. 9/11 happened, Bin Laden is dead and its toxic legacy has been a ruined middle east, a graveyard full of dead soldiers, civilian deaths dwarfing the number on 9/11 to near nothing and rampant Islamophobia and paranoia across the US for generations.

Can't people like you stop banging on about it and let the history books close on this absolute greek tragedy once and for all?

What about Justice?
Well, we owe more to 9/11 families. Saudi Arabia was somewhat complicit in the 9/11 attacks. It should be held acountable. Iran and other nations have been sued by American terrorism victims. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive any special treatment.

I'm appalled that this President immediately announced he would veto the 9/11 bill. He chose the Saudi Royal Family over his own People. It's unforgivable.

No he isn't, he's choosing the status quo over rocking the boat. He's looking after ALL of the US people and not just the families of those who died in 9/11.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I have no opinion over the issue in any way other than when Michael Moore pointed out this could happen you all called him names.

No, he's selling his soul to the Devil. He should do the right thing and release the documents and support the 9/11 bill. Saudi Arabia shouldn't receive special treatment. We owe that to our People.

And what of the hundreds of thousands that lose their jobs if the Saudis decide to pull their money out of America? What of the stretch on the tax payer for all of those people on welfare? What of the their kids who have to go hungry?

And all for for a few hundred families who have been without loved one for over 15 years now, who if they haven't found closure by now never will.

You are arguing from an overly emotive standpoint on an idealistic point that has no practical basis in the real world. 9/11 happened, Bin Laden is dead and its toxic legacy has been a ruined middle east, a graveyard full of dead soldiers, civilian deaths dwarfing the number on 9/11 to near nothing and rampant Islamophobia and paranoia across the US for generations.

Can't people like you stop banging on about it and let the history books close on this absolute greek tragedy once and for all?

What about Justice?

If you believe there is such a thing in the world then you're very naive.

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