Saudi Arabia Is A Cancer On The World...

Do you want justice for our 9/11 families or not? That's the only question that matters at this point.


The question is do you want more knowledge for the 9/11 families at the very possible detriment to the WHOLE of America and the knock on effect of the whole world.

No, it is only about justice. Our 9/11 families deserve it. Let's support them. Let's not bow to the Saudi Devil.
Most are still ignoring it. Only a few are standing up for 9/11 victims at this point. Most have forgotten about them. Our Government is choosing the Saudi Royal Family over its own People. It's beyond sad. It's appalling.

Its been that way for 16 years. Remember they had the Bin Ladens in the white house and that wasnt objected to more than the person who told everyone it happened. All of the terrorist were Saudi. And what do we do? Invade Iraq:confused:

Yes, we started a horrific war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. And currently, we're spoiling for war with others like Iran and Syria. Despite those nations have nothing to do with Al Qaeda/ISIS or 9/11.

We continue to conveniently ignore the real problem. And that real problem is Saudi Arabia. It's by far the biggest financier of Global Terrorism. But it's all about the money. Our President and Government have made they very clear. They've sold their souls to the Saudi Devil. It's unforgivable.

My question is when did you awaken from your coma? Everyone who ever tried to say anything objecting to the war on terror were labeled and NOW....Today! People suddenly are just hearing about it?

Naww....They supported it until they the same bunch of easily led fools are out to label their previous support and Defense of Saudi Arabia as beyond the pale.

Not in 2001....or 2002...or 4, 5,6,7,8,9 or 2010.....Nope...2016o_O

Do you want justice for our 9/11 families or not? That's the only question that matters at this point.

Do you want justice for the victims of US drones and wars in Irak and Afghanistan?!

US drone strikes could be classed as war crimes, says Amnesty International

Yes. I've said numerous times that if the US/West didn't own the International Justice System, many of its leaders would have stood trial for crimes against humanity for their horrific war crimes, especially in Iraq. But they do own the system. Therefore they'll never be held accountable. It is very sad, but it is what it is.

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