Saudi Arabia to USA:'We shall destroy your economy'

The Saudis have Trump's nuts in a vice.
They know the truth about Trump/Kushner business dealings in the Middle East.
The Saudis have Trump's nuts in a vice.
They know the truth about Trump/Kushner business dealings in the Middle East.

Damn! You got him now.

Start the impeachment proceedings. :laughing0301:
I just started to pay attention to this story, this guy was a sucker .. why the heck would anyone go to the Saudi embassy after trashing them in newspapers?

It was in Istanbul Turkey.

I know that's why they call them an embassy

Just researching it now, so Forbes dropped all the billionares off the list from Saudi after that crack down last year. It appears the government confiscated all the money /assets .

Missing billionaires: Saudis disappear from Forbes list
The Saudis were ok for the time being but if they won't get with the program, screw them. We don't need their oil and they sure as hell can't eat it.

Besides, they still haven't apologized for all those Saudis knocking down two of our most awesome buildings and killing over 3,000 Americans.

So screw them. We'll find other allies in the Middle East.
They pretty much control OPEC and the policy OPEC has of insisting that all purchases be funded in US dollars is 90% of the reason the USD has any value at all.

We should not abandon our allies simply because they do dirty deeds; we do too though we hide it better.
The Saudi's hole card has been the almost obvious bribery through which they've managed to keep our nation at their service. The Bush dynasty was a glaring example of this.



Trump has no need for this bribery. He has no need for Saudi money. He has his own money, therefore no need for Saudi patronage. And if the Saudi Royal Family wishes to issue economic threats they are doing that with the wrong guy in Office.

Kushner seems to think differently as he has deep financial ties with the Saudis. What was the first country Crooked Donnie ran off to? Saudi Arabia
Perhaps secretly Trump envy's the Saudi's handling of the journalist?
Kushner seems to think differently as he has deep financial ties with the Saudis. What was the first country Crooked Donnie ran off to? Saudi Arabia

Kushner is Jewish... the enemy of my enemy is really my friend. This is incredibly awkward and twisted... you have Sunni vs Shiites (Muslims), a bit like Catholics vs Protestants (Christians). To have cooperation between Jewish entities and Muslim Sunnis (Saudi Arabia) against Shiites (Iran... and now Iraq) illustrates complex dynamics that I'm convinced Donald Trump (Mr. Protectionist) is totally clueless about. I'll assume Kushner is fully briefed on the subject and fully understands his fundamental and critical role inside the Trump administration. Jared Kushner has been given the keys to the most explosive geopolitical region on the planet. In essence, Israel is in proxy control of the region via Jared Kushner.

Saudis threaten global economic repercussions if punished for 'murdered' journalist

Israel–Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not have any official diplomatic relations. However, news reports have surfaced indicating extensive behind-the-scenes diplomatic and intelligence cooperation between the countries, in pursuit of mutual goals against regional enemy Iran.[1][2][3]At the same time, the Saudi relationship with the Palestinian National Authority and Mahmoud Abbas is deteriorating.[4]
Last edited: if it all comes from Quora then it's all true....
That's interesting. The bar has been set pretty low for factual information.

True.. that's a lazy ass effort on my part and I should have added more corroborative links lol. But this story is all over the news so I figured the point was already made by now ;) if it all comes from Quora then it's all true....
That's interesting. The bar has been set pretty low for factual information.

True.. that's a lazy ass effort on my part and I should have added more corroborative links lol. But this story is all over the news so I figured the point was already made by now ;)

There were multiple threads on it before your post. So, I was puzzled about why you would showcase Quora or even start another thread on it.
After 9/11, Saudi Arabia is damned lucky they weren't turned into glass. I still don't understand what the hell kept us back...And I will never understand why we invaded Iraq, instead. Iraq had as much to do with 9/11 as Santa Claus at a bris.
After 9/11, Saudi Arabia is damned lucky they weren't turned into glass. I still don't understand what the hell kept us back...And I will never understand why we invaded Iraq, instead. Iraq had as much to do with 9/11 as Santa Claus at a bris.
GW had his head in their rectums.
We need to suck their oil dry, the sooner the better. Once they have no oil they will collapse into nothingness just like most Islamic shitholes, and then they will kill each other.

They import 80% of their food and they will eventually run out of oil. Their threats are weak and temporary.

After 9/11, Saudi Arabia is damned lucky they weren't turned into glass. I still don't understand what the hell kept us back...And I will never understand why we invaded Iraq, instead. Iraq had as much to do with 9/11 as Santa Claus at a bris.
GW had his head in their rectums.
GW (the Bush baby) was more concerned with NOT annoying the givers of the divine petrol, not so much about terrorism and the evil that springs from Saudis. And Iraq? A segway, a ruse. Too bad Americans had to die for a diversion. Why didn't Bush confront the Saudis THEN? And the fact the Saudi Arabia created, and is the birth place of Jihadi madmen and quietly funds them, that has to be accounted for.
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After 9/11, Saudi Arabia is damned lucky they weren't turned into glass. I still don't understand what the hell kept us back...And I will never understand why we invaded Iraq, instead. Iraq had as much to do with 9/11 as Santa Claus at a bris.
GW had his head in their rectums.
GW (the Bush baby) was more concerned with NOT annoying the givers of the divine petrol, not so much about terrorism and the evil that springs from UAE. And Iraq? A segway, a ruse. Too bad Americans had to die for a diversion. Why didn't Bush confront the Saudis THEN?
GW is an oil man and God knows how much of his assets are locked up with SA.
After 9/11, Saudi Arabia is damned lucky they weren't turned into glass. I still don't understand what the hell kept us back...And I will never understand why we invaded Iraq, instead. Iraq had as much to do with 9/11 as Santa Claus at a bris.
GW had his head in their rectums.
GW (the Bush baby) was more concerned with NOT annoying the givers of the divine petrol, not so much about terrorism and the evil that springs from UAE. And Iraq? A segway, a ruse. Too bad Americans had to die for a diversion. Why didn't Bush confront the Saudis THEN?
GW is an oil man and God knows how much of his assets are locked up with SA.
Yes, indeed. But then he wasted our time invading Iraq , wasting lives and time and treasure, too. Perhaps he is a war criminal on a level most of us don't want to contemplate...

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