Saudi Arabia to USA:'We shall destroy your economy'

Trump is a pussy at heart

His half hearted threats of serious retaliation against the Saudis are openly mocked
How quickly the dice turn...............

1. Confirmation requested that the evidence is real..........
2. If he was killed was it authorized by the Saudi Gov't......
3. If they did authorize it then there will be economic consequences........aka sanctions.
4. Senators have pressed for using the sanctions if it is confirmed already......bipartisan.
5. Saudi Arabia needs us more than we need them.........they are in a War and need the weapons.
6. Are they bluffing or will they reduce production when they need us as an ally.
7. Too many are quick to talk War already over this......Not even confirmed yet.
8. America has never really gave a damn when countries threaten us. Saudi Arabia will be no different.
9. If confirmed sanctions will be put in place.
10. Saudi Arabia will back down. This is lip will not work.
Trump wants this thing to go

He will offer up a token scolding to the Saudis and then return to business as usual
Trump is a pussy at heart

His half hearted threats of serious retaliation against the Saudis are openly mocked
Trump is like Bush, he is in the Saudi's pocket. Actually, nothing liberals have said up till now has had more affect on me than this realization Trump is a stooge. Bush was a stooge. Obama, well he was sort of like a deer in the headlights president. We have to confront the Saudis sooner or later.
How many Wars do you people want in that cursed place...........All of it. Our people have been fighting there for a very long time.

ISIS is nearly gone.......Afghanistan who the hell breeds War and has forever.............

Have our troops done enough yet.........They are fighting across that region and our advisers are dying in Africa against the spread of Radical Groups........

When do we say enough and let them come home.................

We wait to see if this is real or made up..........Turkey seems ticked over the American Pastor released...........this could be a set up for pay back......

I'll wait to see what goes down before leaping to judgement. Guarantee you one thing........Wall street is gonna speculate oil now........we'll be paying more for gas just because people are talking about it.
Trump is a pussy at heart

His half hearted threats of serious retaliation against the Saudis are openly mocked
Trump is like Bush, he is in the Saudi's pocket. Actually, nothing liberals have said up till now has had more affect on me than this realization Trump is a stooge. Bush was a stooge. Obama, well he was sort of like a deer in the headlights president. We have to confront the Saudis sooner or later.
Won’t be while Crooked Donnie is President
Big election coming up in three weeks .....all the evidence of murder and torture should be out by then

Will our President show how tough Republicans are or will he cower to the Saudis
Saudi Arabia crashed planes into Manhattan. They sponsor world wide anti western terrorism
Trump is a pussy at heart

His half hearted threats of serious retaliation against the Saudis are openly mocked
Trump is like Bush, he is in the Saudi's pocket. Actually, nothing liberals have said up till now has had more affect on me than this realization Trump is a stooge. Bush was a stooge. Obama, well he was sort of like a deer in the headlights president. We have to confront the Saudis sooner or later.
Won’t be while Crooked Donnie is President
Truly. If not now, when? It's inevitable the throw down between the West and the East. The Free world and Muslim extremists cloaked in oil money. Push will come to shove... Bush WAS and Trump IS prolonging the inevitable. Hear that? the low rumble of future confrontation off in the distance, like a tornado approaching.
Big election coming up in three weeks .....all the evidence of murder and torture should be out by then

Will our President show how tough Republicans are or will he cower to the Saudis
Is this the October Surprise..................

Do you want another War .......derp.........

And do you want to give more of an advantage to the Shiites in the region..............

This is still a civil War is Yemen..........I'd add.........Iran is on the brink of economic collapse as well.

I'd also surmise that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are pissed because the U.S. mission is no longer to kill Assad.....our last President wanted him removed..............who would that be................and do you want Assad taken out so we can continue being Vacuum Cleaner Salesmen..............
Saudi Arabia crashed planes into Manhattan. They sponsor world wide anti western terrorism
Trump is a pussy at heart

His half hearted threats of serious retaliation against the Saudis are openly mocked
Trump is like Bush, he is in the Saudi's pocket. Actually, nothing liberals have said up till now has had more affect on me than this realization Trump is a stooge. Bush was a stooge. Obama, well he was sort of like a deer in the headlights president. We have to confront the Saudis sooner or later.
Won’t be while Crooked Donnie is President
Truly. If not now, when? It's inevitable the throw down between the West and the East. The Free world and Muslim extremists cloaked in oil money. Push will come to shove... Bush WAS and Trump IS prolonging the inevitable. Hear that? the low rumble confrontation off in the distance, like a tornado approaching.
Disavowed Saudis did so...........they did so because they declared Jihad against us for liberating Kuwait at the Saudi's request and that of the UN in the first Gulf War............The Saudis didn't agree with Osama then or later..............

To make it clear...........People from every dang country over there have people with the terrorist and funding them..........some worse than others.........

The entire dang place is cursed..........the sooner we become energy independent the sooner they can't hold us over a barrel of oil........We need to take them out of the equation with energy production here..............not there.
Truly. If not now, when? It's inevitable the throw down between the West and the East. The Free world and Muslim extremists cloaked in oil money. Push will come to shove... Bush WAS and Trump IS prolonging the inevitable. Hear that? the low rumble confrontation off in the distance, like a tornado approaching.
I have been saying that since we went there during the Iran and Iraq War...........We've been there 17 Freaking years..........enough.........

Pull the hell out and let them go back to killing themselves..........
Truly. If not now, when? It's inevitable the throw down between the West and the East. The Free world and Muslim extremists cloaked in oil money. Push will come to shove... Bush WAS and Trump IS prolonging the inevitable. Hear that? the low rumble confrontation off in the distance, like a tornado approaching.
I have been saying that since we went there during the Iran and Iraq War...........We've been there 17 Freaking years..........enough.........

Pull the hell out and let them go back to killing themselves..........
We never needed to be in Iraq. All the people that died, all the money it took...In the mean while he (Bush) let bin Laden vanish, then called off the search. Really? This is heartbreaking. It's maddening! It is absolutely unforgivable. Bush killed our kids. He used them to divert attention from the real perpetrators of 9/11. Hell, he defended the SOBs. Our beloved president did this. It leaves me feeling so much contempt for politicians. All of them. They say the government you get is the one you deserve. So it seems.
Truly. If not now, when? It's inevitable the throw down between the West and the East. The Free world and Muslim extremists cloaked in oil money. Push will come to shove... Bush WAS and Trump IS prolonging the inevitable. Hear that? the low rumble confrontation off in the distance, like a tornado approaching.
I have been saying that since we went there during the Iran and Iraq War...........We've been there 17 Freaking years..........enough.........

Pull the hell out and let them go back to killing themselves..........
We never needed to be in Iraq. All the people that died, all the money it took...In the mean while he (Bush) let bin Laden vanish, then called off the search. Really? This is heartbreaking. It's maddening! It is absolutely unforgivable. Bush killed our kids. He used them to divert attention from the real perpetrators of 9/11. Hell, he defended the a SOBs. Our beloved president did this. It leaves me feeling so much contempt for politicians. All of them
Before the War I said if we have to go to War there........blow the place to hell and leave it in dust..........I told my brother that before my nephew went to War and later was hit an disabled by an IED. I told him that if we go in there we will get stuck and not be able to get away from it.

In regards to the WMD's........I was extremely shocked we didn't find them.......because he used them before..and Marines told me who went into Kuwait that their CBR monitors were all going off on many Humvees..........We were destroying their ammo depots...........I believe we destroyed a whole lot more in that 1st Short War than we thought........

Anyway.........we are fighting on their terms..........not ours when we try nation building in a region that bases everything on Theology..........aka Religion.......and why this was never going to work..............

If we have to fight a War there .......anymore or needs to be TOTAL WAR.........just as it was fought in's the only way to ever end it...........but no one is yet ready to do it would now be seen as Genocide......... more............let's get out and let them have that dang cursed place.
Big election coming up in three weeks .....all the evidence of murder and torture should be out by then

Will our President show how tough Republicans are or will he cower to the Saudis
Is this the October Surprise..................

Do you want another War .......derp.........

And do you want to give more of an advantage to the Shiites in the region..............

This is still a civil War is Yemen..........I'd add.........Iran is on the brink of economic collapse as well.

I'd also surmise that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are pissed because the U.S. mission is no longer to kill Assad.....our last President wanted him removed..............who would that be................and do you want Assad taken out so we can continue being Vacuum Cleaner Salesmen..............
I want our President to show some balls and hold the Saudis accountable

So will voters
Big election coming up in three weeks .....all the evidence of murder and torture should be out by then

Will our President show how tough Republicans are or will he cower to the Saudis
Is this the October Surprise..................

Do you want another War .......derp.........

And do you want to give more of an advantage to the Shiites in the region..............

This is still a civil War is Yemen..........I'd add.........Iran is on the brink of economic collapse as well.

I'd also surmise that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are pissed because the U.S. mission is no longer to kill Assad.....our last President wanted him removed..............who would that be................and do you want Assad taken out so we can continue being Vacuum Cleaner Salesmen..............
I want our President to show some balls and hold the Saudis accountable

So will voters
He will place sanctions on them if it is confirmed that they ordered a hit...........Right he's missing......where the hell is he.........and what evidence does he have...........

You are politically motivated................for once get off your one liners and state PLAINLY what do you want.............I think you said something earlier........have to go back and look..............

What do you want done plain...............
Truly. If not now, when? It's inevitable the throw down between the West and the East. The Free world and Muslim extremists cloaked in oil money. Push will come to shove... Bush WAS and Trump IS prolonging the inevitable. Hear that? the low rumble confrontation off in the distance, like a tornado approaching.
I have been saying that since we went there during the Iran and Iraq War...........We've been there 17 Freaking years..........enough.........

Pull the hell out and let them go back to killing themselves..........
We never needed to be in Iraq. All the people that died, all the money it took...In the mean while he (Bush) let bin Laden vanish, then called off the search. Really? This is heartbreaking. It's maddening! It is absolutely unforgivable. Bush killed our kids. He used them to divert attention from the real perpetrators of 9/11. Hell, he defended the a SOBs. Our beloved president did this. It leaves me feeling so much contempt for politicians. All of them
Before the War I said if we have to go to War there........blow the place to hell and leave it in dust..........I told my brother that before my nephew went to War and later was hit an disabled by an IED. I told him that if we go in there we will get stuck and not be able to get away from it.

In regards to the WMD's........I was extremely shocked we didn't find them.......because he used them before..and Marines told me who went into Kuwait that their CBR monitors were all going off on many Humvees..........We were destroying their ammo depots...........I believe we destroyed a whole lot more in that 1st Short War than we thought........

Anyway.........we are fighting on their terms..........not ours when we try nation building in a region that bases everything on Theology..........aka Religion.......and why this was never going to work..............

If we have to fight a War there .......anymore or needs to be TOTAL WAR.........just as it was fought in's the only way to ever end it...........but no one is yet ready to do it would now be seen as Genocide......... more............let's get out and let them have that dang cursed place.
Wow, thanks for sharing that. I friend mine, her son served in Afghanistan and is working now for a private contractor. He lived through all the pain and hurt the daesh threw at him, he was more than willing to go back for his brothers. He's a complete idiot. Or a hero, I can't tell the difference. He escaped Bushes list of dead American kids fighting for nothing...
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Awesome sword dance.... I guess all that fracking for oil is paying off in the USA. A lot less dependent on Saudi oil.

I predict closer ties with Turkey, bin Salman sent to exile... Horrific audio (apple watch) and video (Turkish bugs) streams of the murder of Khashoggi are released. Relations between Turkey and SA are cut. ... and believe it or not arms deal with SA is preserved.
No. Saudi Arabia depends on USA for defense. If it tampers with oil prices, USA won’t bother because it can get by on its own oil. There is no place else for Saudis to invest for a good return and for protection.


Look at 'The Fornicator In Chief' up there having fun with his little Saudi terrorists guys; He looks so cute.
CLinton is not president.
^ literally retarded
^^^^ literally banned....
Big election coming up in three weeks .....all the evidence of murder and torture should be out by then

Will our President show how tough Republicans are or will he cower to the Saudis
Is this the October Surprise..................

Do you want another War .......derp.........

And do you want to give more of an advantage to the Shiites in the region..............

This is still a civil War is Yemen..........I'd add.........Iran is on the brink of economic collapse as well.

I'd also surmise that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are pissed because the U.S. mission is no longer to kill Assad.....our last President wanted him removed..............who would that be................and do you want Assad taken out so we can continue being Vacuum Cleaner Salesmen..............
I want our President to show some balls and hold the Saudis accountable

So will voters
He will place sanctions on them if it is confirmed that they ordered a hit...........Right he's missing......where the hell is he.........and what evidence does he have...........

You are politically motivated................for once get off your one liners and state PLAINLY what do you want.............I think you said something earlier........have to go back and look..............

What do you want done plain...............
I want our President to show some balls

Freeze the Saudi military contract
Call all of his dear friends in Europe and get them to support sanctions
So, why haven't we confronted the Saudis on 9/11 yet? They sponsored ,i.e.they are the engine that drove the nine eleven terrorists. The belief system (Islam, particularly Wahhabism) was born and bred in Saudi Arabia. rich Saudi Wahhabis funded the attack on America on 9/11. Now, when Japan did a similar thing, we nuked them four years later. 17 years later, we are chasing our tails still. Why? We KNOW where Saudi Arabia is. We know they perpetrated the attack on us. What are we waiting for? Hell to freeze over?

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