Saudi Arabia to USA:'We shall destroy your economy'

Big election coming up in three weeks .....all the evidence of murder and torture should be out by then

Will our President show how tough Republicans are or will he cower to the Saudis
Is this the October Surprise..................

Do you want another War .......derp.........

And do you want to give more of an advantage to the Shiites in the region..............

This is still a civil War is Yemen..........I'd add.........Iran is on the brink of economic collapse as well.

I'd also surmise that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are pissed because the U.S. mission is no longer to kill Assad.....our last President wanted him removed..............who would that be................and do you want Assad taken out so we can continue being Vacuum Cleaner Salesmen..............
I want our President to show some balls and hold the Saudis accountable

So will voters
He will place sanctions on them if it is confirmed that they ordered a hit...........Right he's missing......where the hell is he.........and what evidence does he have...........

You are politically motivated................for once get off your one liners and state PLAINLY what do you want.............I think you said something earlier........have to go back and look..............

What do you want done plain...............
I want our President to show some balls

Freeze the Saudi military contract
Call all of his dear friends in Europe and get them to support sanctions
I looked were rooting for Iran to take them out.............that still hold.....

Whatever........Stop the weapons......and get Europe to stop the weapons as they fight in Yemen.............against Iranian paramilitary.......

Is that correct.......................
Big election coming up in three weeks .....all the evidence of murder and torture should be out by then

Will our President show how tough Republicans are or will he cower to the Saudis
Is this the October Surprise..................

Do you want another War .......derp.........

And do you want to give more of an advantage to the Shiites in the region..............

This is still a civil War is Yemen..........I'd add.........Iran is on the brink of economic collapse as well.

I'd also surmise that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are pissed because the U.S. mission is no longer to kill Assad.....our last President wanted him removed..............who would that be................and do you want Assad taken out so we can continue being Vacuum Cleaner Salesmen..............
I want our President to show some balls and hold the Saudis accountable

So will voters
The Chinese er, the North Koreans used to label Americans as "paper tigers". So we were, and so we still are.
After 1950, we just sort of picked on the weaklings and skirted the real bad guys. Russia and China. Well, Saudi Arabia has us figured out. We wont do anything to them, they skirt the line. We won't lift a finger to hurt them. We are oil whipped. And who calls the shots? Who is your daddy? The people that sponsor terrorism around the world. Those that can't be named.
If the Deep State wants to create issues with Saudi Arabia.....

We've got news for you Deep Swamp....

It won't work.

Pathetic losers.
If the Deep State wants to create issues with Saudi Arabia.....

We've got news for you Deep Swamp....

It won't work.

Pathetic losers.

I don’t think the mythical deep state has any thing to do with the possible murder of a journalist.

Do you support attacks on journalists? Should we do nothing?
If the Deep State wants to create issues with Saudi Arabia.....

We've got news for you Deep Swamp....

It won't work.

Pathetic losers.

I don’t think the mythical deep state has any thing to do with the possible murder of a journalist.

Do you support attacks on journalists? Should we do nothing?

I don't think he walked into the Embassy.....all cameras filming him......and like he disappears?


that never happened....and the President knows that.

we'll have to see ....right?
Big election coming up in three weeks .....all the evidence of murder and torture should be out by then

Will our President show how tough Republicans are or will he cower to the Saudis
Is this the October Surprise..................

Do you want another War .......derp.........

And do you want to give more of an advantage to the Shiites in the region..............

This is still a civil War is Yemen..........I'd add.........Iran is on the brink of economic collapse as well.

I'd also surmise that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are pissed because the U.S. mission is no longer to kill Assad.....our last President wanted him removed..............who would that be................and do you want Assad taken out so we can continue being Vacuum Cleaner Salesmen..............
I want our President to show some balls and hold the Saudis accountable

So will voters
He will place sanctions on them if it is confirmed that they ordered a hit...........Right he's missing......where the hell is he.........and what evidence does he have...........

You are politically motivated................for once get off your one liners and state PLAINLY what do you want.............I think you said something earlier........have to go back and look..............

What do you want done plain...............
I want our President to show some balls

Freeze the Saudi military contract
Call all of his dear friends in Europe and get them to support sanctions
I looked were rooting for Iran to take them out.............that still hold.....

Whatever........Stop the weapons......and get Europe to stop the weapons as they fight in Yemen.............against Iranian paramilitary.......

Is that correct.......................
If the Deep State wants to create issues with Saudi Arabia.....

We've got news for you Deep Swamp....

It won't work.

Pathetic losers.

I don’t think the mythical deep state has any thing to do with the possible murder of a journalist.

Do you support attacks on journalists? Should we do nothing?

I don't think he walked into the Embassy.....all cameras filming him......and like he disappears?


that never happened....and the President knows that.

we'll have to see ....right?
Once upon a stair, I met a man that wasn't there. Focus people. Saudi Arabia, as in the people that attacked us on 9/11?

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