Saudi Arabia's Minister of State: It's Biden's Fault US Gas Prices Are High, Because President Hasn't Increased Domestic Oil Production

What happens to demand when the entire country shuts down moron?

NO ONE was driving

Christ what an idiot
Yes you are an idiot Lush. No one was driving? Bullshit. Unlike you, a lot of us worked through all of this Dem shutdown bullshit so lazy people like you could raid the stores for whatever you wanted to hoard in a particular week. So you have been shown to be lying again.

Where the fuck were you going. Everything was closed down
Not everything was closed down you flaming idiot. A LOT of businesses remained open to keep supplies up for lazy do-nothings like you. What an idiot you are.
You claim to live in NYC

NY was closed down idiot. If you were one of the few people who were still working outside their homes… you know that the streets were empty.

That means no demand
All of New York was certainly NOT closed down. There’s more to New York State than New York City. My company never closed for a single day. Streets were never empty and there was certainly demand.
Spoken like a true man with common sense. The Saudi's and Opec+ have given the Usurper the finger on the international stage. The Minister is basically saying if Biden had left Trump's domestic Oil and Gas policies in place instead of knee jerk reversing them by executive order on inauguration day, we'd be enjoying cheap gas by the gallon today and our strategic oil reserves would have not had to have been opened. Again, common sense!

actually, that is a lie, the guy said we haven't added to our refining ability for decades and that's why.
The Saudis are under no obligation to help Xiden out of a mess HE created. Neither is any other country.
I’m trying to think back to 2019 and 2020 to see if there would be a reason oil production should have been cut back. You know some kind of world wide event or something like that. Surada, if you think of anything let us know.

I have already addressed that several times.
Of course the US government doesn't build refineries. But they sure as hell can keep them from being built.

Am I right, sweetmeat? Of course I'm right. Now come sit on daddy's lap.
So why didn't the Bush or trump administrations do something about the refining ability. It's not biden's fault it's a total lie you people are scumbags just like your propagandists...
no. Your lies make me feel superior to you
No, you’re the liar here LUSH. New York State was NEVER totally shut down liar. Or how did you get any groceries, supplies, whatever you wanted to hoard? I worked every day through the Fauci Flu scare.
The link says the guy said we don't add refining abilities and haven't for decades, so it's not biden's fault and you people are full of crap as always just like your media....
STFU you non-functional brain dead moron. Your boy went begging for aid to solve HIS screwup and got told to pound sand and got the middle finger given to him. You’re full of shit as usual.
So why didn't the Bush or trump administrations do something about the refining ability. It's not biden's fault it's a total lie you people are scumbags just like your propagandists...

Oil production was at a critical low during Bush's presidency. The ppb was too low for oil companies to invest in anything.
Cry harder faggot. You’re an uneducated asshole in serious need of psychiatric help for your homosexual projection and TDS. Fact remains your boy Xiden screwed everything up and went begging the Saudis and OPEC for oil and got rejected. Now show where I backed the Saudis crybaby.
Explain how Biden forced the Saudi's to cut oil exports, Lerch. Think it's just a coincidence that they did it right before the mid terms? Guess what? Your pals & Trump's over in S.A. want Republicans in the majority because they own half the fucking party including your orange asswipe, who's crime family just recieved a $2 billion payoff from them.

I have not heard one Republican level critisism against S.A. for this stunt. Gee, wonder why?
Not everything was closed down you flaming idiot. A LOT of businesses remained open to keep supplies up for lazy do-nothings like you. What an idiot you are.
Way out in the country you betcha. But we lost like 10 million jobs because of the crap pandemic response from trump telling people about all the problems with vaccinations and the conspiracy nuts going on about vex conspiracies and God knows what causing chaos. Great job!
Explain how Biden forced the Saudi's to cut oil exports, Lerch. Think it's just a coincidence that they did it right before the mid terms? Guess what? Your pals & Trump's over in S.A. want Republicans in the majority because they own half the fucking party including your orange asswipe, who's crime family just recieved a $2 billion payoff from them.

I have not heard one Republican level critisism against S.A. for this stunt. Gee, wonder why?
Just shut the fuck up homo. Hey asswipe, the Saudis told your butt buddy they can’t increase production. Nor are they obligated to save Xiden from HIS own screwup. Now desperately trying to swing the conversations to Trump because you’re getting beaten down AGAIN. By the way dumbfuck, Trump’s family are private citizens. And that money went straight to the company. Nothing to Trump’s son. Unlike your idol Crackhead Hunter.
Way out in the country you betcha. But we lost like 10 million jobs because of the crap pandemic response from trump telling people about all the problems with vaccinations and the conspiracy nuts going on about vex conspiracies and God knows what causing chaos. Great job!
No not just out in the country you idiot. New York has (until November) a Democrat Governor who tried to shut everything down and failed. Cuomo only killed thousands of elderly people. Trump had nothing to do with New York’s issues. All Cuomo and Hochul. Requiring people to get the experimental injection or be fired (ruled illegal, wait for the lawsuits on that) was a bigger issue.
Explain how Biden forced the Saudi's to cut oil exports, Lerch. Think it's just a coincidence that they did it right before the mid terms? Guess what? Your pals & Trump's over in S.A. want Republicans in the majority because they own half the fucking party including your orange asswipe, who's crime family just recieved a $2 billion payoff from them.

I have not heard one Republican level critisism against S.A. for this stunt. Gee, wonder why?

That's not what's going on. Voters are mainly concerned with inflation and Biden is trying to shift blame to the Saudis.

The oil crunch isn't Biden's fault, but this is the hand he's been dealt. Trump is stirring the pot.

The Saudis told us three years ago that they couldn't continue to be our swing producer.

Don't get caught up in the propaganda BS.

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