Saudi Arabia's Minister of State: It's Biden's Fault US Gas Prices Are High, Because President Hasn't Increased Domestic Oil Production

Like this? Trump cut 9 million bpd in production.

April 2020?

1 month into the COVID lockdowns??!!

No one was driving…the demand plumetted

Of course production of FF needed to be reduced.

You are either being disingenous, or you are very dumb. Which one are you going with?

If you said Trump asked for production decrease in 2019, you could have a case.

You do not.
The Usurper? You call the legally elected President of the United States, the man who garnered more votes than any President in US history the 'Usurper". I guess you must call Trump the Manchurian Destroyer, because that's what he was.

The Saudi's are openly and deliberately trying to influence the mid-Terms by using lies, progaganda, and the worldwide price of oil to help bring down the government.

Why are YOU trying to help them MAGA LYING MAN?????

Nope. Nasser Amin is not impressed with Trump. This is about what's best for Saudi Arabia.
April 2020?

1 month into the COVID lockdowns??!!

No one was driving…the demand plumetted

Of course production of FF needed to be reduced.

You are either being disingenous, or you are very dumb. Which one are you going with?

If you said Trump asked for production decrease in 2019, you could have a case.

You do not.

April 2020, but the claim by Trump is because of the Sept 2019 attacks on Abqaiq and Kuraish.
The market is global and the more or less we add to that factor the more impact it has on price. It’s really that simple. Two consecutive democrat admins have intentionally stifled our contribution.
If we make a million more barrels a day and Saudi makes a million less barrels a day what happens to the price? Nothing. Why can't you grasp what they are doing here? They will absolutely operate at a loss in the short term to protect their market share in the long run. State run monopolies can do that. Our oil has to be profitable 100% of the time.
April 2020?

1 month into the COVID lockdowns??!!

No one was driving…the demand plumetted

Of course production of FF needed to be reduced.

You are either being disingenous, or you are very dumb. Which one are you going with?

If you said Trump asked for production decrease in 2019, you could have a case.

You do not.

In December of 2020, Trump signed an Agreement with the Saudi's NOT to increase production, as vaccines came online and the world was about to open up again, so that when people got vaccinated and started driving again, worldwide production was insufficient and the price skyrocketed.

"The agreement announced on Sunday will taper into a 7.7-million-barrel-a-day cut from July to December and then to 5.8 million barrels a day from January 2021 to April 2022.

That's ALL on Trump. Despite the lies Trump tells, Trump cut production, and Biden has been increasing it.

Jan`FebMarAprMayJuneJulyAug Sept OctNov Dec

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April 2020, but the claim by Trump is because of the Sept 2019 attacks on Abqaiq and Kuraish.

Do you think there was less global demand for fossil fuels in April 2020 than in April 2019?

Why was that?

There is plenty to bash Trump about, dont lie and imply he wanted $6/galllon gasoline.

It should settle in at a $3 nation average at worst, really it should be $2.
Cry harder homo. Your ass buddy Xiden screwed up the U.S. oil productions and went begging the Saudis and OPEC for more and got told to hit the bricks. Now crawl back underneath your rock asshole.
If we make a million more barrels a day and Saudi makes a million less barrels a day what happens to the price? Nothing. Why can't you grasp what they are doing here? They will absolutely operate at a loss in the short term to protect their market share in the long run. State run monopolies can do that. Our oil has to be profitable 100% of the time.

The Saudis don't have to operate at a loss. Their production costs are much lower. This isn't a competition. Nasser Amin is doing what's best for KSA. They plan long term.
Do you think there was less global demand for fossil fuels in April 2020 than in April 2019?

Why was that?

There is plenty to bash Trump about, dont lie and imply he wanted $6/galllon gasoline.

It should settle in at a $3 nation average at worst, really it should be $2.

US production costs are too high for $2 a gallon. They would have to stop exploration and drilling.
The Saudis don't have to operate at a loss. Their production costs are much lower. This isn't a competition. Nasser Amin is doing what's best for KSA. They plan long term.
Doing what's best for Saudi often means fucking over the west for some reason.
Doing what's best for Saudi often means fucking over the west for some reason.

Yes, especially given that they gave Jared $2 billion, and Mulvaney $1 million. Not to mention they've never been particularly close with Russia before, and joining with their avowed enemy, the Iranians, is very surprising.

Saudi Arabia's Minister of State: It's Biden's Fault US Gas Prices Are High, Because President Hasn't Increased Domestic Oil Production​

A strong leader would shut down all military cooperation with the kingdom for a few days and see if that gets king rag head’s attention.
Not happening under the old dotard’s administration.
OPEC is cutting production because the production is not needed. The answer to that is not even more production. The idea that the solution is to create an oil glut is a terrible one.

These back and forth extreme's are always going to end poorly.
Ok. Then why is Five Bucks A Gallon *Joe flying to oil producing countries begging them to produce more oil?
No he didn't. Not even close. He just said shit like that and you bought it. You need to quit thinking that America can have oil production independent from the open market. Most oil in the world is traded on the NYMEX. This means US oil and gasoline ends up all over the world. Breaking with this arrangement where oil has to be traded in US dollars would not go well for us at all.
This link covers Energy Independence which should clear up some misconceptions around here on it's meaning. Interesting to read what Obama did that was positive for the country.
Go stuff your face up Saudi ass, jerkoff. They're screwing us but you back them up. You'll never get the stink of Saudi ass off your breath, mouth breather.

You're a Trump & Saudi ass licker.
Cry harder faggot. You’re an uneducated asshole in serious need of psychiatric help for your homosexual projection and TDS. Fact remains your boy Xiden screwed everything up and went begging the Saudis and OPEC for oil and got rejected. Now show where I backed the Saudis crybaby.
Production was reduced by 9 million bpd in 2020. .. before Biden was elected.
I’m trying to think back to 2019 and 2020 to see if there would be a reason oil production should have been cut back. You know some kind of world wide event or something like that. Surada, if you think of anything let us know.

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