Saudi - Iran On The Verge Of War

It would be great for Putin's struggling third world economy if Iran and Saudi Arabia went to war. Putin needs the price of oil to get above $60.
Iran would kick their asses

Saudis are pussies unable to withstand hardship
Ramping up the image of Iran's threat to Saudi Arabia may be how Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is consolidating his power. Nothing unites like an outside threat, and nothing makes it easier to toss dissidents and political threats into jail in the name of "national security".
Saudi - Iran On The Verge Of War

What's been going on in Yemen for the past two or so years is war, albeit a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Frankly, I don't strongly care if SA and Iran go to direct conflict, though their not doing so is preferable, provided the U.S. doesn't also have to pick a side and, at our expense, send fighters or resources to it, for neither nation is critical to U.S. economic interests, particularly insofar as U.S. oil imports from SA show signs of returning to 1975 levels. True, the Saudis are ostensibly not our enemies;however, they are nonetheless fomenters and evangelists of Wahhabism, an extremist form of Islamism that incites jihadism among Muslims disaffected with less binary philosophies about governance, religion and human existence.

ok----you make valid points------but the actual danger to the USA right now is Iran-----There are a a lot more Shiites in the world -------fanatically involved with the MAHDI FANTASY---- the little guy in the well in QOM, Iran----then there are sunnis who have a ADVENT FANTASY related to Saudi Arabia right now. ----and IRAN IS SALIVATING FOR THE ADVENT--------sunnis seem not so into it. Also Iran is cahoots with IMPERIALIST RUSSIA. If they get their paws JOINTLY on the vital sea ports-------they will JOINTLY control
world trade

TY for acknowledging the validity of the points I made. I am particularly grateful because I know that I clicked "post reply" prematurely...I was on a call with a colleague when I did and I received notice of your reply to my post before I could refine it.

There are not more Shiites in the world.


Radical Shiites and Sunnis are both problematic; however, where their vitriol manifests itself varies. Nonetheless, there are millions and millions of reasonable Muslims belonging to each sect.
Good thing Trump is letting Iran get its nukes back
Saudi - Iran On The Verge Of War

What's been going on in Yemen for the past two or so years is war, albeit a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Frankly, I don't strongly care if SA and Iran go to direct conflict, though their not doing so is preferable, provided the U.S. doesn't also have to pick a side and, at our expense, send fighters or resources to it, for neither nation is critical to U.S. economic interests, particularly insofar as U.S. oil imports from SA show signs of returning to 1975 levels. True, the Saudis are ostensibly not our enemies;however, they are nonetheless fomenters and evangelists of Wahhabism, an extremist form of Islamism that incites jihadism among Muslims disaffected with less binary philosophies about governance, religion and human existence.

ok----you make valid points------but the actual danger to the USA right now is Iran-----There are a a lot more Shiites in the world -------fanatically involved with the MAHDI FANTASY---- the little guy in the well in QOM, Iran----then there are sunnis who have a ADVENT FANTASY related to Saudi Arabia right now. ----and IRAN IS SALIVATING FOR THE ADVENT--------sunnis seem not so into it. Also Iran is cahoots with IMPERIALIST RUSSIA. If they get their paws JOINTLY on the vital sea ports-------they will JOINTLY control
world trade

TY for acknowledging the validity of the points I made. I am particularly grateful because I know that I clicked "post reply" prematurely...I was on a call with a colleague when I did and I received notice of your reply to my post before I could refine it.

There are not more Shiites in the world.


Radical Shiites and Sunnis are both problematic; however, where their vitriol manifests itself varies. Nonetheless, there are millions and millions of reasonable Muslims belonging to each sect.

I did not mean to write "MORE SHIITES" as in more than sunnis-------there are FAR MORE SUNNIS-----but there are Shiites in the world OTHER than in Iran. -------Iran is optimistic that they are DEVOTED enough to fight tooth and nail for the SHIITE cause------they tend to be a bit less affluent-------wherever they are in MOST of the muslim countries.------the Shiites of India are weak compared to the sunnis of India. In Pakistan the Shiites are kinda a pathetically OPPRESSED minority-----They have REASON to be loyal to Iran and HOPE and FIGHT for an Iranian MASSIVE VICTORY. ----another interesting factoid is that
Shiites OUTSIDE of Iran tend to learn FARSI-----IRAN is kinda like their "holy land" Even in Iraq where Shiites are the majority-----it has almost always been the SUNNIS who rule
If this stuff is news to you----you have not been reading my
<glorious> posts over the past year-------IRAN IS BEHIND THE STUFF IN YEMEN-----IRAN WANTS TO GRAB THE BLACK TURD IN THE SAND OF MECCA and control daummah---------also the many ports of yemen and Arabia that control oil transport IN DA WORLD. Iran has decided that ALEXANDER was really a muslim
Iran has spread its dark tendrils throughout the ME for some time now. They have influence in many dangers in the region.

Look at Qatar, for example. They use to be close to Anti-Iranian nations, but Iran has gained more influence with them, reminding Qatar the US and allies will eventually go home, leaving Iran as the big power / threat in the region...and how it would be beneficial for them to see Iran and their surrogates as 'allies' as well.

Iran is the largest exporter of terrorism in that region...recently having been exposed as having had ties with UBL.

The shake-up in Saudi right now is 'interesting' to say the least. While it is being said to be the King keeping his promise to rid Saudi of corruption, some are calling it a 'power grab'. Iran is opportunistic and will use it if they can.

As for the US, the Saudis have remained friendly with the US because the US has protected the Royal Family's power and control of Saudi. If Saudi officially escalates this event into 'WAR' through retaliation to the Yemen attack, I wonder how it will effect the US...

Obama backed Iran with his recent deal with them.

Granted, Trump wants to tear it up.
'An Act Of War'

'Saudi Arabia Blames Iran for Missile Attack'
'Yemeni rebels’ missile intercepted near Riyadh was made
in Iran, Saudis say; Iran denies involvement'

"Yemeni rebels’ missile attack on the Saudi capital on Saturday could be considered an Iranian act of war, Saudi Arabia said, in a statement likely to intensify tensions between the archrivals.

Saudi Arabia intercepted the ballistic missile east of Riyadh’s main airport after it flew more than 500 miles from Yemen. It was fired by Houthi rebels, who are
seen by Saudi Arabia as proxies of Iran.

The Saudi-led military coalition that has been
at war with the Houthis in Yemen for more than 2½ years “considers this a blatant act of military aggression by the Iranian regime and could rise to be considered as an act of war against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” according to a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency.

Debris from the missile showed it was made in Iran, the statement said, adding that the coalition “reserves its right to respond to Iran in the appropriate time and manner, in accordance with international law and based on the right of self-defense.”

Saudi Arabia Blames Iran for Missile Attack

so SA is trying to pull us into a war with iran.

this is no surprise since they ordered Obama to murder yemenise goat herders.
the article does not say they're on the brink of war.
Saudi blames Iran, and the article states that 'they hold the right to retaliate'.
Iran is all about 'Tit-For-Tat'. You hit them, they will hit you. It could escalate.

the article does not say they're on the brink of war.
When one nation attacks another and the nation that is attacked vows that it will retaliate that, my dear, is being on the brink of War. It's not rocket science.
'An Act Of War'

'Saudi Arabia Blames Iran for Missile Attack'
'Yemeni rebels’ missile intercepted near Riyadh was made
in Iran, Saudis say; Iran denies involvement'

"Yemeni rebels’ missile attack on the Saudi capital on Saturday could be considered an Iranian act of war, Saudi Arabia said, in a statement likely to intensify tensions between the archrivals.

Saudi Arabia intercepted the ballistic missile east of Riyadh’s main airport after it flew more than 500 miles from Yemen. It was fired by Houthi rebels, who are
seen by Saudi Arabia as proxies of Iran.

The Saudi-led military coalition that has been
at war with the Houthis in Yemen for more than 2½ years “considers this a blatant act of military aggression by the Iranian regime and could rise to be considered as an act of war against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” according to a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency.

Debris from the missile showed it was made in Iran, the statement said, adding that the coalition “reserves its right to respond to Iran in the appropriate time and manner, in accordance with international law and based on the right of self-defense.”

Saudi Arabia Blames Iran for Missile Attack

If this stuff is news to you----you have not been reading my
<glorious> posts over the past year-------IRAN IS BEHIND THE STUFF IN YEMEN-----IRAN WANTS TO GRAB THE
ummah---------also the many ports of yemen and Arabia that control oil transport IN DA WORLD. Iran has decided that
ALEXANDER was really a muslim

No SA started the war in Yemen.

I am fascinated------WHEN did Saudi Arabia start a war in Yemen-----and by what means? -----If you have any idea WHY---please let me know your theory
If this stuff is news to you----you have not been reading my
<glorious> posts over the past year-------IRAN IS BEHIND THE STUFF IN YEMEN-----IRAN WANTS TO GRAB THE BLACK TURD IN THE SAND OF MECCA and control daummah---------also the many ports of yemen and Arabia that control oil transport IN DA WORLD. Iran has decided that ALEXANDER was really a muslim
Iran has spread its dark tendrils throughout the ME for some time now. They have influence in many dangers in the region.

Look at Qatar, for example. They use to be close to Anti-Iranian nations, but Iran has gained more influence with them, reminding Qatar the US and allies will eventually go home, leaving Iran as the big power / threat in the region...and how it would be beneficial for them to see Iran and their surrogates as 'allies' as well.

Iran is the largest exporter of terrorism in that region...recently having been exposed as having had ties with UBL.

The shake-up in Saudi right now is 'interesting' to say the least. While it is being said to be the King keeping his promise to rid Saudi of corruption, some are calling it a 'power grab'. Iran is opportunistic and will use it if they can.

As for the US, the Saudis have remained friendly with the US because the US has protected the Royal Family's power and control of Saudi. If Saudi officially escalates this event into 'WAR' through retaliation to the Yemen attack, I wonder how it will effect the US...

Obama backed Iran with his recent deal with them.

Granted, Trump wants to tear it up.

Iranian nukes is a red herring. Iran does not need nukes to cause LOTS OF TROUBLE.
Ramping up the image of Iran's threat to Saudi Arabia may be how Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is consolidating his power. Nothing unites like an outside threat, and nothing makes it easier to toss dissidents and political threats into jail in the name of "national security".

so Saudi araba MISSILED ITSELF? ------and Saudi Arabia armed the Houthis in Yemen and asked them to murder the
sunnis of Sanaa and Aden?-------HOPING TO BLAME SAUDI ARABIA?
If this stuff is news to you----you have not been reading my
<glorious> posts over the past year-------IRAN IS BEHIND THE STUFF IN YEMEN-----IRAN WANTS TO GRAB THE BLACK TURD IN THE SAND OF MECCA and control daummah---------also the many ports of yemen and Arabia that control oil transport IN DA WORLD. Iran has decided that ALEXANDER was really a muslim
Iran has spread its dark tendrils throughout the ME for some time now. They have influence in many dangers in the region.

Look at Qatar, for example. They use to be close to Anti-Iranian nations, but Iran has gained more influence with them, reminding Qatar the US and allies will eventually go home, leaving Iran as the big power / threat in the region...and how it would be beneficial for them to see Iran and their surrogates as 'allies' as well.

Iran is the largest exporter of terrorism in that region...recently having been exposed as having had ties with UBL.

The shake-up in Saudi right now is 'interesting' to say the least. While it is being said to be the King keeping his promise to rid Saudi of corruption, some are calling it a 'power grab'. Iran is opportunistic and will use it if they can.

As for the US, the Saudis have remained friendly with the US because the US has protected the Royal Family's power and control of Saudi. If Saudi officially escalates this event into 'WAR' through retaliation to the Yemen attack, I wonder how it will effect the US...

Obama backed Iran with his recent deal with them.

Granted, Trump wants to tear it up.

Iranian nukes is a red herring. Iran does not need nukes to cause LOTS OF TROUBLE.
Neither did North Korea but that didn't stop Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Barry from giving them nuclear reactors and allowing them to eventually acquire nuclear weapons and the capability to reach the United States.

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