Save the G.O.P

Save the GOP? From what, itself?

I only hope that BOTH 'major' parties go out of business, to be replaced by honesty, clarity and conscience.

Yes, from itself.

The Tea Party and bible thumpers have turned the GOP into a party that is afraid of its own moderate shadow. It's fixated on phony flag-waving patriotism, guns, paranoia and xenophobia, and compleltely obsessed with slashing taxes. It seems to think it lives in 1976.

As I said, almost all of the ideas above come from conservative parties around the world. some of them, like VAT, have been conservative playbook material for a generation - and for good reason.

Hey ignorant, busy-body pisshead, why don't you worry about your irrelevant little country? We'll be fine without your rotten fish and rotten 'advice.'
How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through ....

For you? For you? Just who the fuck are you, pisshead? Go dig up some rotten fish for dinner and shut the fuck up about your betters.

here you go OP.

this is who the republican party is now.

a bunch of these people lead by Fox news and the wealthy in this country.

it will take fox a couple of years to reprogram these dim wits into thinking it was all their idea to change policy.

You can lead these sheep anywhere you want to lead them it jsut takes them a few months to forget what they thought they thought a few months ago.

It will happen and these very type of posters will deny they were ever pro austerity and pro everything stupid in an attempt to destroy Obama.

they dont remember what they said or thought last year.

it will take a little time for Foix to fix their brains in a new place
Republicans need to ask themselves - if there is to be legisilation on gun control, would I rather a Dem or Rep Congress were the ones drafting it?

Assault Weapons Ban Lacks Democratic Votes to Pass Senate - Bloomberg

In the words of Bob Dylan - you don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Or something like that.

An assault weapon ban may not pass right now, but my feeling is that it's inevitable. The mass shootings aren't going to stop, and each one is suppurating wound in the fetid flanks of the rabid NRA.
An assault weapon ban may not pass right now, but my feeling is that it's inevitable. The mass shootings aren't going to stop, and each one is suppurating wound in the fetid flanks of the rabid NRA.

I know you're "feeling" it.
Save the G.O.P


that may be the whole deal.

the current inhabitants of the party have destroyed the name so badly by stupid failed policy embracing and cheating noin stop in elections that I dont know if the once proud party can ever shake the damage they did to it.

It may not stay alive.
Save the G.O.P


that may be the whole deal.

the current inhabitants of the party have destroyed the name so badly by stupid failed policy embracing and cheating noin stop in elections that I dont know if the once proud party can ever shake the damage they did to it.

It may not stay alive.

Exactly. This is why Obama won by less than 4% to a shitty repub candidate.
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Sadly, the GOP will be back. Strong as ever.

Anyone wanna bet me?

Obama won by bigger margins than Bush

President Obama’s popular vote margin is now bigger than both of the last two successful Republican presidential elections. In 2000, George W. Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore, 48.38%-47.87%. In 2004, George W. Bush defeated John Kerry in the popular vote, 50.73%-48.27%. Obama is currently posting the biggest margin of victory since Bill Clinton beat Bob Dole, 49.24%-40.71% in 1996.
How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through the same kind of soul searching that the UK Labour went through during the Thatcher years. Labour had become boring and outdated, too tied to trade unions and still relying on ridiculous soviet cliches.
Irrelevant you're a fucking foreigner

Under Tony Blair the party changed it's name to New Labour, and became pro-business, and all about Cool Britania and building a new, fair, capitalist society.

I think the Republicans need to go through the same kind of angst and introversion that Labour went through, starting off by realising that they face parliamentary oblivion.

Here is what I would to build a strong, real conservative party:

1) Restructure taxes. Implement a 15% VAT in exchange for substantial cuts in both business and personal taxes. This is the conservative solution for taxation, and will bring in millions of revenue from the shadow economy.

2) Accept climate change. Conservative parties around the world, even oil companies accept climate change, and there is now no mileage in pretending it doesn't exist. Promote private sector solutions while opposing cap & trade and development aid. Support nuclear & gas - abandon coal & biofuel.

3) Trade not aid. Slash overseas development aid, while committing to real fair trade. Remove import tariffs on cotton and sugar. Farming is a business.

4) Sensible gun control. Like climate change, denial makes no sense. Instead work for a fair, sensible set of laws that protect the 2nd Amendment while protecting innocent lives. Start with a massive crackdown and gun seizures on gangs.

5) Legalise and tax prostitution.

6) Stay out of the Middle East and avoid wars. Back Israel, but also indicate that Palestine is inevitable and that Israel needs to work towards a sustainable solution.

7) Accept immigration and perhaps an amnesty, but implement deportations for immigrants committing felony offences prior to achieving citizenship.

8) Brand America as being the home of innovation, modernity and creativity - and back the policies to support it. Invest heavily in education and training.

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