Save the G.O.P

Exactly that!

Bripat is one of those who still don't accept that the GOP lost the election, let alone come to terms with why they lost it.

I'm perfectly aware that the GOP lost the election. However, I see no reason to accept the theories about why from people who despise the GOP.

Like any sports coach, you need to learn from defeat, or other teams will exploit the same weakness that cost you the first game - not just sit and whine about the referee or the rules.

The main "weakness" of the GOP is the fact that voters are mostly morons who are easily swayed by getting free stuff.
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voters are mostly morons

And this is why the GOP does not win elections.

I see no reason to accept the theories of about why from people who despise the GOP.

I don't despite the GOP. I despise the people who have hi-jacked it, but the US needs a strong conservative party, and Americans should recognise the importance of genuine opposition.
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voters are mostly morons

And this is why the GOP does not win elections.

True. Idiots vote Democrat.

I see no reason to accept the theories about why from people who despise the GOP.

I don't despite the GOP. I despise the people who have hi-jacked it, but the US needs a strong conservative party, and Americans should recognise the importance of genuine opposition.

In other words, you despise the GOP. The U.S. does not need the democrat party. What purpose does a party that constantly advocates idiocy serve?
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BriPat -

The US needs both major parties - and ideally 3 or 4 major ones - in order to avoid becoming a one party state a la China.

To my mind one reason the GOP is struggling is the contempt too many "conservatives" have for the American people, and for different points of view.

Not only you, but a half dozen posters here demonstrate an arrogance and contempt for liberals which is hardly justified by the blistering mediocrity of your own intelligence and literacy.
Your own rightwingnut-based opinion is worth about as much as balls on a towel rack, but that doesn't stop you.

WOW idiot this thread is about the GOP my opinion on what should be done carry's more weight about the subject then your's being you're a faggot ass liberal and much more than a god damn foreigner.

Thanx for sharing more of that great bitterness.


Thanks for sharing your butt hurt feeling.

Now that there is clearly momentum within the GOP (Jindal, Jeb, Rubio, Cantor, etc.) to calm down, moderate a bit, and stop being loony, I very much wonder what the hardcore absolutists think about it.

I won't ask them, of course, because I know I wouldn't get an honest answer. But it's possible that at some point, the pragmatists in the party may actually be able to marginalize the Limbaugh/Levin/Hannity/Savage types, and watching that happen and how they react will be fascinating.

A couple of months ago, I was doubtful. But the non-crazies in the party appear to be moving pretty quickly.

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Mac -

I agree, and the signs are encouraging. But we can see from this thread that some of the ultra-extremists are going to absolutely hate any move that makes the GOP more moderate and thus more electable.

Come to think of it, mabe Dem voters should be backing them on this one!
Mac -

I agree, and the signs are encouraging. But we can see from this thread that some of the ultra-extremists are going to absolutely hate any move that makes the GOP more moderate and thus more electable.

Come to think of it, mabe Dem voters should be backing them on this one!

Authoritarian corporatists certainly should.

I'm curious if any modern Democrats remember when their party sought a society founded on tolerance and respect for the individual, rather than conformity and obedience? Prolly not.

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