Save the G.O.P

The financial and "quality of / access to care" repercussions of Obamacare on Joe Six Pack are yet to be felt.
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Save the G.O.P


that may be the whole deal.

the current inhabitants of the party have destroyed the name so badly by stupid failed policy embracing and cheating noin stop in elections that I dont know if the once proud party can ever shake the damage they did to it.

It may not stay alive.

Exactly. This is why Obama won by less than 4% to a shitty repub candidate.

yeah "the worst president in history" beat the best the GOP could put forward.
Worry not, libs. the GOP will be just fine and will kick your libtarded asses in 14 and 16.

We have a fine crop of young energetic charasmatic conservatives coming up in the party.

Rubio, Paul, Ryan, Cantor, Jindal, Walker, Thune, and more whose names are not yet in everyday conversation

the american people are already tired of obama's version of marxism, high taxes, high unemployment, no cogent foreign policy, and stupid fiscal policy.

he just won relection you brain washed fool
The financial and "quality of / access to care" repercussions of Obamacare on Joe Six Pack are yet to be felt.

dude the medical system was in big trouble before this passed.

what would the republican party done to fix it besides trying to stop anyone who tried to fix it?
Until the GOP cuts ties to the Wackadoodles, bigots, racists and stops voting for, supporting and taking seriously the Palin's, Akins' and token minorities, it will slowly fade into one of the other parties. Fiscal conservatives recognize the Tea Party (aka the Wackadoodles) are taking the county in the wrong direction by ignoring basic maintenance; social conservatives have alienated many women and neoconservatives almost everyone but those who profit from wars.

No argument from me there. In some ways I think Sarah Palin is the worst thing that has happened to the GOP for years. Although she was immensely popular, the sheer extent of her stupidty and extremism painted the party in a very bad light.

Could the Republicans really not find someone just a little bit brighter?
Worry not, libs. the GOP will be just fine and will kick your libtarded asses in 14 and 16.

We have a fine crop of young energetic charasmatic conservatives coming up in the party.

Rubio, Paul, Ryan, Cantor, Jindal, Walker, Thune, and more whose names are not yet in everyday conversation

the american people are already tired of obama's version of marxism, high taxes, high unemployment, no cogent foreign policy, and stupid fiscal policy.

There are some strong candidates in there, I agree, but if the American people were tired of Obama, they probably wouldn't have just re-elected him now, would they?
Worry not, libs. the GOP will be just fine and will kick your libtarded asses in 14 and 16.

We have a fine crop of young energetic charasmatic conservatives coming up in the party.

Rubio, Paul, Ryan, Cantor, Jindal, Walker, Thune, and more whose names are not yet in everyday conversation

the american people are already tired of obama's version of marxism, high taxes, high unemployment, no cogent foreign policy, and stupid fiscal policy.

he just won relection you brain washed fool

wrong, the biased media and ignorant voters put him back in power. the good thing is that he inherited the mess from himself. Its all on obozo now, no excuses!
Worry not, libs. the GOP will be just fine and will kick your libtarded asses in 14 and 16.

We have a fine crop of young energetic charasmatic conservatives coming up in the party.

Rubio, Paul, Ryan, Cantor, Jindal, Walker, Thune, and more whose names are not yet in everyday conversation

the american people are already tired of obama's version of marxism, high taxes, high unemployment, no cogent foreign policy, and stupid fiscal policy.

he just won relection you brain washed fool

wrong, the biased media and ignorant voters put him back in power. the good thing is that he inherited the mess from himself. Its all on obozo now, no excuses!

true, but they will just blame it on Republicans now instead of Bush and his dumb base will buy it
that is how play
Worry not, libs. the GOP will be just fine and will kick your libtarded asses in 14 and 16.

We have a fine crop of young energetic charasmatic conservatives coming up in the party.

Rubio, Paul, Ryan, Cantor, Jindal, Walker, Thune, and more whose names are not yet in everyday conversation

the american people are already tired of obama's version of marxism, high taxes, high unemployment, no cogent foreign policy, and stupid fiscal policy.

There are some strong candidates in there, I agree, but if the American people were tired of Obama, they probably wouldn't have just re-elected him now, would they?

I don't think its that simple. First, it was a very close election. Second, Romney was denigrated by the media from day one. Third, the dems are very good at the politics of personal destruction. Fourth, Romney made a tactical error in the 2nd and 3rd debates by not continuing to attack obama's failed record.
Redfish -

You may consider the American people to be ignorant, of course, but I can't agree with you.

In most cases, the strongest candidate wins. Not always, but usually. When we think back to FDR, Truman, Ike, Reagan, Clinton - they were the strongest candidates in those elections. Obama was a stronger candidate that Romney, who was shackled by the extremists in his own party.

capital raiding

a real creepy slant to his whole demeanor

complying to the tea party faction at all costs.

That is why robmoney lost
Redfish -

You may consider the American people to be ignorant, of course, but I can't agree with you.

In most cases, the strongest candidate wins. Not always, but usually. When we think back to FDR, Truman, Ike, Reagan, Clinton - they were the strongest candidates in those elections. Obama was a stronger candidate that Romney, who was shackled by the extremists in his own party.

oh dear gawd...the only thing Obama had to run on was fear mongering and hate..

nothing strong about any of that..But it's nice to know you are a Obamabot
How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through the same kind of soul searching that the UK Labour went through during the Thatcher years. Labour had become boring and outdated, too tied to trade unions and still relying on ridiculous soviet cliches.

Under Tony Blair the party changed it's name to New Labour, and became pro-business, and all about Cool Britania and building a new, fair, capitalist society.

I think the Republicans need to go through the same kind of angst and introversion that Labour went through, starting off by realising that they face parliamentary oblivion.

Here is what I would to build a strong, real conservative party:

1) Restructure taxes. Implement a 15% VAT in exchange for substantial cuts in both business and personal taxes. This is the conservative solution for taxation, and will bring in millions of revenue from the shadow economy.

2) Accept climate change. Conservative parties around the world, even oil companies accept climate change, and there is now no mileage in pretending it doesn't exist. Promote private sector solutions while opposing cap & trade and development aid. Support nuclear & gas - abandon coal & biofuel.

3) Trade not aid. Slash overseas development aid, while committing to real fair trade. Remove import tariffs on cotton and sugar. Farming is a business.

4) Sensible gun control. Like climate change, denial makes no sense. Instead work for a fair, sensible set of laws that protect the 2nd Amendment while protecting innocent lives. Start with a massive crackdown and gun seizures on gangs.

5) Legalise and tax prostitution.

6) Stay out of the Middle East and avoid wars. Back Israel, but also indicate that Palestine is inevitable and that Israel needs to work towards a sustainable solution.

7) Accept immigration and perhaps an amnesty, but implement deportations for immigrants committing felony offences prior to achieving citizenship.

8) Brand America as being the home of innovation, modernity and creativity - and back the policies to support it. Invest heavily in education and training.

Until the GOP cuts ties to the Wackadoodles, bigots, racists and stops voting for, supporting and taking seriously the Palin's, Akins' and token minorities, it will slowly fade into one of the other parties. Fiscal conservatives recognize the Tea Party (aka the Wackadoodles) are taking the county in the wrong direction by ignoring basic maintenance; social conservatives have alienated many women and neoconservatives almost everyone but those who profit from wars.

right, but the Democrat party can not only associate with wackadoodles, they can elect them
And no the Tea Party isn't taking this country anywhere
And for you lump Palin in your wackadoole list when she was a mayor and a Governor then a candidate for Vice President, shows you are the wackadoodle...AND you people elected a Inexperienced JUNIOR SENATOR to the office of President so just who is the real wackadoddles?

Now, now Stephanie when your panties get all bunched up, as they did in response to my post, everyone save the Wackadoodles (and your pals in the echo chamber) know that my post was a naked truth.

Another truth, you're not bright enough to understand you are part of the fringe, that small, loud, somewhat crazy and ignorant minority.
Until the GOP cuts ties to the Wackadoodles, bigots, racists and stops voting for, supporting and taking seriously the Palin's, Akins' and token minorities, it will slowly fade into one of the other parties. Fiscal conservatives recognize the Tea Party (aka the Wackadoodles) are taking the county in the wrong direction by ignoring basic maintenance; social conservatives have alienated many women and neoconservatives almost everyone but those who profit from wars.

right, but the Democrat party can not only associate with wackadoodles, they can elect them
And no the Tea Party isn't taking this country anywhere
And for you lump Palin in your wackadoole list when she was a mayor and a Governor then a candidate for Vice President, shows you are the wackadoodle...AND you people elected a Inexperienced JUNIOR SENATOR to the office of President so just who is the real wackadoddles?

Now, now Stephanie when your panties get all bunched up, as they did in response to my post, everyone save the Wackadoodles (and your pals in the echo chamber) know that my post was a naked truth.

Another truth, you're not bright enough to understand you are part of the fringe, that small, loud, somewhat crazy and ignorant minority.

oh right, you are the truth, the one, the superior being, we should bow to you..
you call people wackadoodle, but you are bright and not it...hummmhummmmmmmmm
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Redfish -

You may consider the American people to be ignorant, of course, but I can't agree with you.

In most cases, the strongest candidate wins. Not always, but usually. When we think back to FDR, Truman, Ike, Reagan, Clinton - they were the strongest candidates in those elections. Obama was a stronger candidate that Romney, who was shackled by the extremists in his own party.

being a better campaigner does not equal being the strongest (best) candidate.

I do not consider all americans to be ignorant, but when you consider the "man on the street" interviews done by all networks, ignorance is pretty prevalent.

capital raiding

a real creepy slant to his whole demeanor

complying to the tea party faction at all costs.

That is why robmoney lost

Romney lost for several reasons: a biased media, obama-love, not a real conservative, poor debate strategy, no real message.

the tea party did not support romney, I know that you wish that they did, but they did not.

capital raiding

a real creepy slant to his whole demeanor

complying to the tea party faction at all costs.

That is why robmoney lost

Romney lost for several reasons: a biased media, obama-love, not a real conservative, poor debate strategy, no real message.

the tea party did not support romney, I know that you wish that they did, but they did not.

We are talking about the party of personal responsibility here

The reason he lost was because of "free stuff"

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