Save the G.O.P

How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through the same kind of soul searching that the UK Labour went through during the Thatcher years. Labour had become boring and outdated, too tied to trade unions and still relying on ridiculous soviet cliches.

Under Tony Blair the party changed it's name to New Labour, and became pro-business, and all about Cool Britania and building a new, fair, capitalist society.

I think the Republicans need to go through the same kind of angst and introversion that Labour went through, starting off by realising that they face parliamentary oblivion.

Here is what I would to build a strong, real conservative party:

1) Restructure taxes. Implement a 15% VAT in exchange for substantial cuts in both business and personal taxes. This is the conservative solution for taxation, and will bring in millions of revenue from the shadow economy.

2) Accept climate change. Conservative parties around the world, even oil companies accept climate change, and there is now no mileage in pretending it doesn't exist. Promote private sector solutions while opposing cap & trade and development aid. Support nuclear & gas - abandon coal & biofuel.

3) Trade not aid. Slash overseas development aid, while committing to real fair trade. Remove import tariffs on cotton and sugar. Farming is a business.

4) Sensible gun control. Like climate change, denial makes no sense. Instead work for a fair, sensible set of laws that protect the 2nd Amendment while protecting innocent lives. Start with a massive crackdown and gun seizures on gangs.

5) Legalise and tax prostitution.

6) Stay out of the Middle East and avoid wars. Back Israel, but also indicate that Palestine is inevitable and that Israel needs to work towards a sustainable solution.

7) Accept immigration and perhaps an amnesty, but implement deportations for immigrants committing felony offences prior to achieving citizenship.

8) Brand America as being the home of innovation, modernity and creativity - and back the policies to support it. Invest heavily in education and training.

Saigon, I think you're viewing this through a European prism. Much of what you are suggesting are losing propositions for any American political party let alone the Republicans, or are not relevant.

Also, the Republicans control the majority of state governorships and legislatures, as well as the House, so I'm assuming you are referring to Presidential elections.

1. "Conservative" in a European context does not necessarily mean "conservative" in an American context. I doubt there will be a national sales tax anytime soon. There is absolutely zero demand for this in the US. The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada was wiped out in part because of its implementation of a national sales tax. It's hard to see it being a vote winner in the US if it was an enormous loser in Canada. (And Canada is essentially an American nation, i.e. North American, not European.)

2. Again, you're thinking like a European. Climate change is a loser, not a winner in America. Americans love their SUVs. Kyoto was voted down in the Senate 96-doughnut.

3. The Republican party is generally the party of free trade in America, and Americans generally support free trade. But trade isn't important to the American electorate.

4. Law enforcement is a local issue, not a national issue, so the national GOP can't crack down on gangs. For most moderates, gun control is a low priority but it is a high priority for gun-rights advocates. Understand that to a significant portion of Americans, the right to own firearms is very much a defining characteristic of what it means to be an American, i.e. the individual is sovereign. Opposition to gun control is being stymied by Democrats like Harry Reid, so its hard to think that its a winner for Republicans.

5. It's archaic that prostitution is illegal in the 21st century but it is not an election winner.

6. Most Americans don't want war in the ME but they support Israel. There aren't many votes for a Palestinian states but there are a whole lot of votes lost.

7. The Republicans are going to have to win votes from minorities or they will become the permanent minority party, at least for the Presidency. That doesn't mean they have to accept an amnesty but they do have to find some way to not appear hostile to minorities. Perhaps a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants but with a criminal record that can be wiped away after 5 years.

8. Again, education is not a national issue. The national government can influence education to some extent but most of the influence is at the state and local level. America is already the nation of innovation and creativity. Republican ideas of lower taxation and less regulation facilitate this innovation and creativity. I think the US could do more on the cost side for education, and some creative Republican might find an answer to lower education costs.
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How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through the same kind of soul searching that the UK Labour went through during the Thatcher years. Labour had become boring and outdated, too tied to trade unions and still relying on ridiculous soviet cliches.

Under Tony Blair the party changed it's name to New Labour, and became pro-business, and all about Cool Britania and building a new, fair, capitalist society.

I think the Republicans need to go through the same kind of angst and introversion that Labour went through, starting off by realising that they face parliamentary oblivion.

Here is what I would to build a strong, real conservative party:

1) Restructure taxes. Implement a 15% VAT in exchange for substantial cuts in both business and personal taxes. This is the conservative solution for taxation, and will bring in millions of revenue from the shadow economy.

2) Accept climate change. Conservative parties around the world, even oil companies accept climate change, and there is now no mileage in pretending it doesn't exist. Promote private sector solutions while opposing cap & trade and development aid. Support nuclear & gas - abandon coal & biofuel.

3) Trade not aid. Slash overseas development aid, while committing to real fair trade. Remove import tariffs on cotton and sugar. Farming is a business.

4) Sensible gun control. Like climate change, denial makes no sense. Instead work for a fair, sensible set of laws that protect the 2nd Amendment while protecting innocent lives. Start with a massive crackdown and gun seizures on gangs.

5) Legalise and tax prostitution.

6) Stay out of the Middle East and avoid wars. Back Israel, but also indicate that Palestine is inevitable and that Israel needs to work towards a sustainable solution.

7) Accept immigration and perhaps an amnesty, but implement deportations for immigrants committing felony offences prior to achieving citizenship.

8) Brand America as being the home of innovation, modernity and creativity - and back the policies to support it. Invest heavily in education and training.

Saigon, I think you're viewing this through a European prism. Much of what you are suggesting are losing propositions for any American political party let alone the Republicans, or are not relevant.

Also, the Republicans control the majority of state governorships and legislatures, as well as the House, so I'm assuming you are referring to Presidential elections.

1. "Conservative" in a European context does not necessarily mean "conservative" in an American context. I doubt there will be a national sales tax anytime soon. There is absolutely zero demand for this in the US. The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada was wiped out in part because of its implementation of a national sales tax. It's hard to see it being a vote winner in the US if it was an enormous loser in Canada. (And Canada is essentially an American nation, i.e. North American, not European.)

2. Again, you're thinking like a European. Climate change is a loser, not a winner in America. Americans love their SUVs. Kyoto was voted down in the Senate 96-doughnut.

3. The Republican party is generally the party of free trade in America, and Americans generally support free trade. But trade isn't important to the American electorate.

4. Law enforcement is a local issue, not a national issue, so the national GOP can't crack down on gangs. For most moderates, gun control is a low priority but it is a high priority for gun-rights advocates. Understand that to a significant portion of Americans, the right to own firearms is very much a defining characteristic of what it means to be an American, i.e. the individual is sovereign. Opposition to gun control is being stymied by Democrats like Harry Reid, so its hard to think that its a winner for Republicans.

5. It's archaic that prostitution is illegal in the 21st century but it is not an election winner.

6. Most Americans don't want war in the ME but they support Israel. There aren't many votes for a Palestinian states but there are a whole lot of votes lost.

7. The Republicans are going to have to win votes from minorities or they will become the permanent minority party, at least for the Presidency. That doesn't mean they have to accept an amnesty but they do have to find some way to not appear hostile to minorities. Perhaps a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants but with a criminal record that can be wiped away after 5 years.

8. Again, education is not a national issue. The national government can influence education to some extent but most of the influence is at the state and local level. America is already the nation of innovation and creativity. Republican ideas of lower taxation and less regulation facilitate this innovation and creativity. I think the US could do more on the cost side for education, and some creative Republican might find an answer to lower education costs.

good post Toro
Worry not, libs. the GOP will be just fine and will kick your libtarded asses in 14 and 16.

We have a fine crop of young energetic charasmatic conservatives coming up in the party.

Rubio, Paul, Ryan, Cantor, Jindal, Walker, Thune, and more whose names are not yet in everyday conversation

the american people are already tired of obama's version of marxism, high taxes, high unemployment, no cogent foreign policy, and stupid fiscal policy.

There are some strong candidates in there, I agree, but if the American people were tired of Obama, they probably wouldn't have just re-elected him now, would they?

I don't think its that simple. First, it was a very close election. Second, Romney was denigrated by the media from day one. Third, the dems are very good at the politics of personal destruction. Fourth, Romney made a tactical error in the 2nd and 3rd debates by not continuing to attack obama's failed record.

Republicans have lost four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the last Presidential popular votes. Whining about the media and voters' intelligence is not a winning strategy. Instead, take personal responsibility and find a way to win instead of a reason to whine.
Republicans have lost four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the last Presidential popular votes. Whining about the media and voters' intelligence is not a winning strategy. Instead, take personal responsibility and find a way to win instead of a reason to whine.

so you're saying that Republicans should find a way to appeal to stupid people who only care about getting free stuff from the government?
How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through the same kind of soul searching that the UK Labour went through during the Thatcher years. Labour had become boring and outdated, too tied to trade unions and still relying on ridiculous soviet cliches.
Irrelevant you're a fucking foreigner

Under Tony Blair the party changed it's name to New Labour, and became pro-business, and all about Cool Britania and building a new, fair, capitalist society.

I think the Republicans need to go through the same kind of angst and introversion that Labour went through, starting off by realising that they face parliamentary oblivion.

Here is what I would to build a strong, real conservative party:

1) Restructure taxes. Implement a 15% VAT in exchange for substantial cuts in both business and personal taxes. This is the conservative solution for taxation, and will bring in millions of revenue from the shadow economy.

2) Accept climate change. Conservative parties around the world, even oil companies accept climate change, and there is now no mileage in pretending it doesn't exist. Promote private sector solutions while opposing cap & trade and development aid. Support nuclear & gas - abandon coal & biofuel.

3) Trade not aid. Slash overseas development aid, while committing to real fair trade. Remove import tariffs on cotton and sugar. Farming is a business.

4) Sensible gun control. Like climate change, denial makes no sense. Instead work for a fair, sensible set of laws that protect the 2nd Amendment while protecting innocent lives. Start with a massive crackdown and gun seizures on gangs.

5) Legalise and tax prostitution.

6) Stay out of the Middle East and avoid wars. Back Israel, but also indicate that Palestine is inevitable and that Israel needs to work towards a sustainable solution.

7) Accept immigration and perhaps an amnesty, but implement deportations for immigrants committing felony offences prior to achieving citizenship.

8) Brand America as being the home of innovation, modernity and creativity - and back the policies to support it. Invest heavily in education and training.

In red
The first time wasn't spamming But I guess with a repeat it is spamming, so do you understand Saigon your opinion on how America is run or governed is about as useful as tits on a bull.
Republicans have lost four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the last Presidential popular votes. Whining about the media and voters' intelligence is not a winning strategy. Instead, take personal responsibility and find a way to win instead of a reason to whine.

so you're saying that Republicans should find a way to appeal to stupid people who only care about getting free stuff from the government?

I'm saying Republicans have to get smarter about winning elections.

Your premise isn't an example of that.
How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through the same kind of soul searching that the UK Labour went through during the Thatcher years. Labour had become boring and outdated, too tied to trade unions and still relying on ridiculous soviet cliches.
Irrelevant you're a fucking foreigner

Under Tony Blair the party changed it's name to New Labour, and became pro-business, and all about Cool Britania and building a new, fair, capitalist society.

I think the Republicans need to go through the same kind of angst and introversion that Labour went through, starting off by realising that they face parliamentary oblivion.

Here is what I would to build a strong, real conservative party:

1) Restructure taxes. Implement a 15% VAT in exchange for substantial cuts in both business and personal taxes. This is the conservative solution for taxation, and will bring in millions of revenue from the shadow economy.

2) Accept climate change. Conservative parties around the world, even oil companies accept climate change, and there is now no mileage in pretending it doesn't exist. Promote private sector solutions while opposing cap & trade and development aid. Support nuclear & gas - abandon coal & biofuel.

3) Trade not aid. Slash overseas development aid, while committing to real fair trade. Remove import tariffs on cotton and sugar. Farming is a business.

4) Sensible gun control. Like climate change, denial makes no sense. Instead work for a fair, sensible set of laws that protect the 2nd Amendment while protecting innocent lives. Start with a massive crackdown and gun seizures on gangs.

5) Legalise and tax prostitution.

6) Stay out of the Middle East and avoid wars. Back Israel, but also indicate that Palestine is inevitable and that Israel needs to work towards a sustainable solution.

7) Accept immigration and perhaps an amnesty, but implement deportations for immigrants committing felony offences prior to achieving citizenship.

8) Brand America as being the home of innovation, modernity and creativity - and back the policies to support it. Invest heavily in education and training.

In red
The first time wasn't spamming But I guess with a repeat it is spamming, so do you understand Saigon your opinion on how America is run or governed is about as useful as tits on a bull.

Your own rightwingnut-based opinion is worth about as much as balls on a towel rack, but that doesn't stop you.
The first time wasn't spamming But I guess with a repeat it is spamming, so do you understand Saigon your opinion on how America is run or governed is about as useful as tits on a bull.

Your own rightwingnut-based opinion is worth about as much as balls on a towel rack, but that doesn't stop you.

WOW idiot this thread is about the GOP my opinion on what should be done carry's more weight about the subject then your's being you're a faggot ass liberal and much more than a god damn foreigner.
How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through ....

For you? For you? Just who the fuck are you, pisshead? Go dig up some rotten fish for dinner and shut the fuck up about your betters.
at least he put something forward :eusa_eh:
The last thing the GOP needs is 'advice' from a bunch of lefties. Thanks but no thanks.

yeah. keep going w/ "The Party of "No" branding :thup:

How would you save the GOP?

For me, the GOP needs to go through ....

For you? For you? Just who the fuck are you, pisshead? Go dig up some rotten fish for dinner and shut the fuck up about your betters.
at least he put something forward :eusa_eh:
The last thing the GOP needs is 'advice' from a bunch of lefties. Thanks but no thanks.

yeah. keep going w/ "The Party of "No" branding :thup:


if your child asks you if he/she can play in the traffic what would you tell them?
Republicans have lost four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the last Presidential popular votes. Whining about the media and voters' intelligence is not a winning strategy. Instead, take personal responsibility and find a way to win instead of a reason to whine.

so you're saying that Republicans should find a way to appeal to stupid people who only care about getting free stuff from the government?

I'm saying Republicans have to get smarter about winning elections.

Your premise isn't an example of that.

The people whose votes they have to get are stupid and they are only interested in getting free stuff.

So what's your plan?
yeah. keep going w/ "The Party of "No" branding

I'm sure the left-wing lapdog media will try to keep that lie going as long as they can. We'll see how many people still swallow the lie in 2014.
so you're saying that Republicans should find a way to appeal to stupid people who only care about getting free stuff from the government?

I'm saying Republicans have to get smarter about winning elections.

Your premise isn't an example of that.

The people whose votes they have to get are stupid and they are only interested in getting free stuff.

So what's your plan?

1. Assume that people aren't voting for Democrats because they're getting "free stuff." That's condescending and arrogant. You've lost already if that's the way you think. (Read The Art of War.)

2. Be inclusive. Expand the tent, don't limit it.

3. Have a "Sister Souljah" moment.

4. Find new ways to appeal to Americans' belief in freedom. Have fresh ideas. Republicans have been saying the same thing for 30 years.
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yeah. keep going w/ "The Party of "No" branding

I'm sure the left-wing lapdog media will try to keep that lie going as long as they can. We'll see how many people still swallow the lie in 2014.

ummm..... we just had a referendum on the GOP a little over 3 months ago. :clap2:

No, we did not. We had a marketing campaign and a popularity contest between two guys. For something closer to a broad referendum you need to go back two more years (and, as it turns out, ahead two more).
The first time wasn't spamming But I guess with a repeat it is spamming, so do you understand Saigon your opinion on how America is run or governed is about as useful as tits on a bull.

Your own rightwingnut-based opinion is worth about as much as balls on a towel rack, but that doesn't stop you.

WOW idiot this thread is about the GOP my opinion on what should be done carry's more weight about the subject then your's being you're a faggot ass liberal and much more than a god damn foreigner.

Thanx for sharing more of that great bitterness.

Republicans have lost four of the past six Presidential elections and five of the last Presidential popular votes. Whining about the media and voters' intelligence is not a winning strategy. Instead, take personal responsibility and find a way to win instead of a reason to whine.

so you're saying that Republicans should find a way to appeal to stupid people who only care about getting free stuff from the government?

I'm saying Republicans have to get smarter about winning elections.

Your premise isn't an example of that.

Exactly that!

Bripat is one of those who still don't accept that the GOP lost the election, let alone come to terms with why they lost it.

Like any sports coach, you need to learn from defeat, or other teams will exploit the same weakness that cost you the first game - not just sit and whine about the referee or the rules.
Good luck and have fun being liberals. More than twice as many Americans identify as conservative and we'll be ok without your 'helpful' advice.

Yea, about that...... Not sure if you've noticed, but the more wacky the right gets, the more the country is moving to the center and even the left a bit.

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